Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘past’

He was obsessed with unearthing my past, but it turns out he was just as guilty

He forgave me every time but now I wonder if it was just because he was hiding much more.

I am raising money for my asylee friend’s family!

Hello, I am Himari, and I have a family friend whose name we call “Minnesota family.” They came to the USA as asylees, and their case is still pending. When they first arrived in 2019, the wait times were 180 days at max, but COVID happened and there were so many people filing for asylum […]

Can dua change my past?

If i was to make dua to Allah (swt) if anyone witnessed or heard about my past can somehow forget or maybe its like they never saw or heard, will it be possible?

I am in a fix about my sinful situation

This news and humiliation is spreading more and more and I am wondering what will become of my life…

Past issues are affecting my relationship with my fiance

Nothing seems to be working. He is insecure about my past and I don’t know how to make him stop.

Asking for advice and explanation to my situation

Does that make me “bnt saleha”? As they say the parents are responsible for their girls…


Is it inappropriate or sinful to dream about someone you love as your future husband?

Very confused about a guy…

He does seem happy now, but why do I keep thinking about him?

Sexual relationship with wife

We are newly married. Must we have sex?

Confused and in need of guidance

Why is my iman so weak…? I hate myself right now.