Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘salah’

My prayer was invalid, but time ran out before I could redo it.

I have been worried about and missing my prayers due to a fear of impurity. It’s either urine incontinence, discharge, or waswas.

My parents practice Islam, but they don’t read the five daily salah – how can I pray in secret?

Should I read my salah in secret, as I’ve been trying to do? Or should I try and explain this to my parents… and, if so, how exactly would I go about doing this?

Suffering from very bad waswas

Why me? What has happened to me? Am I doomed?

Hajat prayers

Should I stop my recitation?

I am having mental illness, will Allah accept my prayers?

I am praying all the time but bad thoughts disturb my prayers. Will Allah accept my prayers because I never ever mean those things?

Can I be cursed… Or are my prayers accepted?

She said no matter how many prayers you pray, you’ll not find peace, you’ll go to hell…

How to get more pious?

I want to perform all the 5 t times prayer along with tahajjud every day. How do I get better?

Missing Namaz due to college😔😔😔

I miss zuhr and asar because of my college though I perform after coming from college.

What should I do?

I want to go to the gym but I can’t because I will miss prayers. I don’t know how to pray on my own…

Not Praying Salah – 14 Year Old

My mother couldn’t teach me… I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone because they will make fun of me.