Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘sin and repentance’

Angry, depressed, confused, ashamed and suicidal. How can I get back to normal life?

What do I do? Why did she not leave me when I agreed to her statement that her family won’t agree. Why did she not stop when I asked her to :(? Why did I agree to that condition? Now look at me, my life is over and she does not even want to fix me.

My guilt is taking over my life and I can’t trust people.

I lost my faith in people, and mostly tend to believe that they will use me and they’re bad. I crave for some one with whom I can share my whole pain but, can not believe any one anymore.

Should I forget him after he used and took my virginity?

One day he told me that he is no longer be interested in dating again. I was confused, I asked GOD for forgiveness and I can’t do without thinking of him.

My parents are forcing my sister to get married because of my past mistakes.

I wish I could do something for my sister but I am just such a bad sister:(:(:(. The baddest anyone can get:(; my parents don’t want to listen at any cost. I am helpless :(:(:(:(. I don’t know what help to ask also :(:(.

Answers to some random questions

I have a few questions and google isn’t really helping :D. I know there are some knowledgeable people on here who know a thing or two, so I am hoping you can help me answer the questions I have.

I have cheated on my boyfriend, how can I get him back?

I was in a relationship with a guy for seven years when I was living back home; by that time we also committed zina. I met this new guy who was a very good person, always prayed Salaah and motivated me to do so. I tried to manage things and we were in a good place with our relationship and even decided to get married as I have also committed zina with him. I’m trying to repent to Allah but whenever I ask myself why did I cheat?

We committed adultery; Now, can I marry her after she is divorced?

Now, I get a feeling that I should marry her. So, can I marry her or not? Can I marry her if she has been divorced? or what should I do if she has not been divorced?

Is my friend still considered a virgin?

Does being touched sexually by another guy mean that she is not a virgin anymore even if she has not had sex with him?

How can I repent and forget about my past relationship?

Tell me how to do real tawbah? I am always thinking that am I doing wrong with my future husband? If he gets to know what is going to happen? I am getting weaker and weaker day by day.

How to remove hardheartedness?

I am never satisfied/content with what I have, I dread the future and can’t get out of the past. I can’t even apply for jobs, I wasn’t coping doing a job and keeping a home on my own that’s why I feel need but I don’t know what to do, I feel like dying.