Tag Archive for ‘violent husband’

How should I deal with my abusive husband?
He made my nose bleed lots of time, I get bruises on my face and hands all the time. He hits me on my head very hard (I might get a brain stroke), slaps me hard, punches me, kicks me. He is unbearable.

How more patient should I be?!
He has punched me in the back of the head and strangled me. They always say the first few years of marriage is very rough, is this what people mean by rough?!

Abusive husband won’t leave
He justifies hitting me that its my fault cuz i get him mad or provoke him and plus he does me the great favor of hitting me in my legs where i can still “live” rather that hitting me places where vital organs are…unless hes more mad he will hit me every where..

Alcoholic and cheating husband
My husband loves his alcohol and loves trying out different girls… he has beaten me up a lot, tried killing me a few times, treats his kids badly…

Should a husband break a wife’s heart beacause of his respect?
He got mad one day, punched my face, slapped me so hard many times. I was crying so bad and dying from a headache.

Should I leave my husband?
I honestly don’t believe that I have provoked him to ‘deserve’ the beating and bruising. Nor does he seem to care about the emotional pain this has caused.

Imprisoned in my own marriage.
He is good in front of other people, gives dawah, teaches deen. But behind closed doors this is what I deal with…