Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘virginity’

Masturbation -I don’t know if I broke my hymen or not – CLOSED

I know I am a virgin but I keep on blaming myself for doing that. I hate to go out in public as I think like they know about all my dirty little secrets.

I want my boyfriend to pay for my hymen restoration

Regarding the hymen restoration, I spoke to a few practicing people and they said it’s best I do it because of my family background – if they found out it would cause havoc.

I wanted to marry a virgin, but I fear there won’t be any left

Even though I led a sinful life, somehow I didn’t like the idea of having sex with anyone except my future rightful wife. I got lots of opportunities but I always managed to avoid premarital sex (Alhamdulillah). I always thought that my wife would be a virgin, so I must be a virgin too.

I fear my family will not agree with our relationship

I’m worried about my family not accepting him because of his family affairs and education because my family is very educated.

She is interested in Islam and I wish to marry her, but…

I am jealous against this other guy as he lives in the same area as us and he is very powerful person and has even threatened her if he sees her with another man.

My boyfriend wants to have sex and lose his virginity on me

I have a great boyfriend who I’ve known for four years and is also a Muslim. It’s wonderful that he’s so accepting and I can be honest, but we were talking about having sex and I do not know if I should do it or not because he might feel like I don’t care about him as much as I cared about my ex boyfriend. Seeing him so upset would be really hard, as he wants to lose his virginity to me.

Am I still virgin and will Allah (swt) forgive me

If a virgin Muslim girl’s fingers and bleeds, does this mean that she is no longer a virgin? Will/Can Allah (swt) forgive her sins?

Virginity, sex and marriage; do’s and don’t?

The husband wants to have sexual intercourse; both love each other immensely but wife does not allow husband to have sexual intercourse. That’s why husband has to make a sacrifice of not having sexual intercourse because, he cannot afford losing his wife.

How to repent from losing my virginity in this way?

I was in my first ever relationship that lasted a few months, in the last month we both had oral sex and he broke my hymen.

How can I get over my upset that he is not a virgin?

I’ve been with this guy for almost 7 months now. We are very in love, I care about him immensely. And we are even planning marriage soon. To me he is perfect. There is nothing wrong with him the only problem I have with him is his past. When I first met him he did tell me that he was not a virgin, at that time it did not really bother me because it was a long time ago and he was studying his deen and practicing Islam now so I figured that’s just his past and he’s changed now.