Am I divorced?
Asalamualaikom brothers & sisters,
I converted into a muslim over 8 years ago and I married a muslim man but last year he said he wanted to divorce me and said "I divorce thee" 3 times. But there was no witnesses. Does this still mean we are divorced?
Also dont we have to have a divorce certificate?
please help me as I am very confused.
many thanks
- mariom, aka janeg291180
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Wa alaykum as-salam dear sister,
A divorce certificate is not required, though it is good to have one made. But we cannot tell you if you are divorced or not as we do not know all the specifics of your situation, and we are not qualified to rule on this matter. Please go see your local Imam and get his opinion.
Please note that the practice of uttering three divorces in one siting, also known as triple talaq, is totally haram in Islam. However, that does not mean it is not valid. There are differences of opinion among the scholars on this. See here for more info:
Ruling on Triple Divorce
Wael Editor
until a divorce certificate is there.