Can I move her to live with us, while she is in Iddat?

If a young man honors an elderly on account of his age, Allah appoints someone to honor him in his old age." (At-Tirmidhi)
Assalamoalaikum.. After the death of my phupha (father's brother in law), Age: 68 years my phuphi (father's sister) age: 62 years, is all alone in her house.
She has no daughter or son. She is sick and dependent on others for daily activities. She is not medically fit. She consider me her son.
I am interested to shift her in a city where I'm working. Myself and my family members will take care of her. May I shift her in iddat to take care her health?
- walibhel
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Yes no problem, she is your aunt, you can move her in with you. She is your family and your mahrem. There is no problem with moving her.
Wael Editor