Trying to conceive, need a dua’ to get pregnant
Posted by muntaha • May 7, 2012 •
I am married for 7 months and trying to conceive but not able to conceive.
Plz help me i am worried. i am very tensed.
plz give me some dua to recite. plzzz.
- muntaha
Tagged as: dua' for getting pregnant, dua' to get pregnant, how to get pregnant, trying to conceive, trying to get pregnant
Dear Sister Muntaha,
Insha'Allah you will conceive soon, first things first though - stop worrying!! ;O) Worrying will only cause you stress and anxiety and it definitely won't help you conceive. You have only been married seven months, so I don't think there is anything abnormal in that you have not conceived yet. But having said that I do not know your 'personal circumstances', i.e. how old you and your husband are, do you or your husband have any medical conditions, etc? Since you feel concerned, arrange an appointment for you and your husband to speak to a doctor. Insha'Allah they will advise you on things such as 'the best times to try', what to eat, how to stay healthy etc.
In the meantime, it is always good to make dua as any child that is due to come to earth will come by Allah's leave alone. Here are some duas for you:
1) Du'a of Zakariyya (Zakariah) (as), which he made in his old age while his wife was barren. Allah(swt) answered his call and gave him Yahyah (John)(as), in Al Qur'an, Surah Al-'Imran 3:38: "O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation."
2) Du’a of Ibrahim (as). Allah accepted his dua and granted Prophet Ibraheem two sons: Ismael and Ishaq (as), in Al Quran Surah Saaffaat: "My Lord, grant me from the righteous ones."
3) Du’a of Zakariyya(as). in Al Quran Suratul Anbiyaa: 89: "Oh Allah, please don't leave me alone (childless), for you are the best of those who give inheritors."
4) Du’a in Al Qur'an 25:74: "Our Lord! give us spouse and children who will be the joy( and the comfort ) of our eyes, and guide us to be models of righteous (Leader of God-concious people). "
5) Du’a in Al Quran - 46:15 Surah Al-Ahqaf: "...Oh Rabb, inspire me to give You thanks for the bounties you have granted to me and my parents, and to act righteously to please You. Lord, make my offspring virtuous. Lord I turn to you in repentance; I am a Muslim".
Best Wishes and may Allah grant you and your husband with the most pious, healthy, beautiful children and may they be a source of blessing for you in both this life and the next, aameen! :O)
SisterZ Editor
Excellent answer, thank you.
Wael Editor
Masha Allah! Thank you, lovely Piece
Salaam Sister Muntaha,
When my husband and I decided to get pregnant, we visited a doctor who told us that the average couple take around 1 year to get pregnant if they try three times a week - so I would not worry about conceiving just yet.
I agree with Sister Z: stress releases hormones and chemicals into the body that prohibit conception (my mother was told this just before she conceived me) - and so it is important that you relax and calm down about the whole issue and let your body do what it naturally does.
Don't forget to enjoy this time! This experience can be a very playful and enjoyable time between you and your husband and can bring you very close to each other. There are also many techniques you can try to help the process along, such as diets, ovulation kits, and so on- so read read read and don't forget to enjoy the process.
Editor, Islamic Answers
I agree. The process of trying to conceive should be enjoyable, not stressful. Let's appreciate the pleasures of life as they come and trust the future to Allah.
Wael Editor
Just to let you know sister it has been proven that when relations are relaxed and enjoyable the chances of conceiving are much higher than if you stress. So please relax. Do you know it takes the average couple 1 year to conceive! So do not stress. Use this time to get closer to your husband - spend lots of time together, be loving to one another and make your time together enjoyable. Of course it goes without saying - make love regularly and do use a fertility monitor/ovulation prediction kit if you can. But make sure the approach to intimacy is done properly none of this - "Im ovulating" stuff it apparently is a passion killer.
In all seriousness though enjoy your time with your husband - marriage changes after a baby.
It is also recommended that you have a health check before trying to conceive to rule out any deficiencies/ problems so do visit your doctor. And of course make dua.
Sara Editro
Asalaam aleykum
i have been trying to concive fo 10 month,but didn't concive. Plz make doa for me b plz send for me by text.
thank you
O Allah, help sayra to conceive, and let her have a beautiful, healthy child who will be the apple of her eye! Ameen.
Wael Editor
Hello, once I also was infertile for 3 years... so I had a Maldivian medication for 2 months... on the first try Insha Allah I got pregnant... but it also includes prayers and reciting Qur'an too... every day I read surat Maryam...
Al'hamdhu lillaahi
i m married about 13 years back but could not conceive. my age is 42. no medical issue. harmones normal, tubes open and normal ovulation. please let me know some dua and medicine
Need to relax and enjoy sex. Need to have sex several times a week, especially close to when ovulation is expected. Have you thought about IVF procedure where eggs can be fertalized in a dish and implanted in the uterus?
It is very unusual to have a first pregnancy at age 42, although not impossible. You have about a 5% chance, and most of your eggs will have abnormalities. If you tried IVF, then you can have the embryos tested for chromosomal abnormalities before implantation. All of this is very expensive, IVF costs about $30,000.
13 years is a long time to wait. I've been waiting 15 years. They say if you do Istighara and salat-ul-hajaat for something, then Allah SWT will make it easy for you to obtain that thing you want. Have you prayed both of these prayers? If so, and you're still not pregnant, then you have Allah's answer.....
Asalam Alaikum, sister I advice u to read surah mariam every day and fast 7 fasts and pray to Allah surely he is the answerer to all. In shaa Allah sister I hope u conceive and have a healthy baby, take it easy do not stress drink plenty of water.
Assalamalaikum please pray for me am trying to conceive my pregnancy from last one year.Inshallah may Allah listen to our dua Ameen
Please make a dua for me
May Allah grant you a healthy child who will be a comfort to your eyes and a source of barakah for you in the dunya and aakhirah.
Wael Editor
Hi. Which Maldivean medicine did you take? Please let me know
Hi, I am from Maldives. Same situation here. Could you please explain about the medication in detail. Thank you
please make dua for me as well sisters. I have been married for 2.5 yrs and tried to get pregnant for a year now. Had 3 miscarriage, doctors don't know why. Please make dua for me.
Salam Sister,
I have been doing alot of research as to why some people miscarry and what causes mid bleeds and the solution i could come up with and find is that the women who tend to have low progesterone (the hormone that helps your body with pregnancy and coneption as well as helping keep the baby wel in womb) are prone to miscarrying children as their body is not healthy enough to carry a child to full term and therfore, it gives up and you miscarry. Also, i have read about a lady who has had issues with her cervix and she has had to have that stiched in order to carry a baby to full term. I have also approached my Doctor with this but they have told me there is no way to know until you are pregnant. I suggest if you have not done so to go to your doctors and ask about this, I am not a Doctor but i do spend my free time looking these things up. Inshallah this helps you and may Allah SWT accept your dua's and grant you a healthy baby ameen.
May I also suggest that you keep pushing these Doctor's as they sometimes are lazy and don't work upto their Job roles. Also read namaaz and have faith in Allah as he knows best and he will grant you a child when he wishes to do so. Try not to stress and have full faith 🙂
I have got married 1yr before and had 2 missscourage plz pray for me.Iam very eager to conceive
May Allah grant you a healthy pregnancy and child who will be the light of your eyes.
Wael Editor
Hey Wael,
Pls pray for me too i m trying to conceive a baby and wish to have a healthy one very soon 🙂
Jazaak Allah
Please help I have been trying for a baby for many years I am very very depressed I have a wonderful hubby who I love more than anything I am so desperate to have a child I had pcos but I am also ovulating please everyone remember me in your dua.i hope you all have your dream come true ameen
May allaha bless you?
V NICE COMMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUBMITTED.SOME WHER IN SURA BUQRA,I ONCE READ,THE THING U LIKE MAY NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU&THE THING U DONT LIKE MAY HAVE SOME THING GOOD FOR U. This is just Allah,who has to decide what is best for us.We must trust in Allah,keep praying for every blessing that will be harmless&nice.Pl stay Blessed. Always try to be out of bed before sunrise&before sun set &Keep on begging for ur all desires from Allah,who give,give&forgets.
D o a Go
S Y E D.
Dear sister,
Salam Just to add on above comments that I have read a Dowa called Dowa Qada in which it is said that anyone reads the dowa 11 times cordially Allah Wa Subanatallah will present them with a beautiful son. Let me see if i can find it here will then forward the scan copy to you Inshahllah
But remember admitting Allah SWT satisification in all our actions is necessary, mean to say whatever is the Allah wish we are happy with it no matter if we personally does not want it or vice verse but because Allah knows more then anything thus accepting His order is our prosperty
We all preyar for you that Allah give you a dozen of beautiful and healthy kids Inshahllah
As Muslims we shouldn't believe in such stuff. Why is the dua for a boy and not just Any child? Anyway duas are not spells. You need to keep asking allah swt to grant you a pious child inshallah. May Allah fulfil the prayers of all those women who are desperate for a child but struggling to conceive. May he grant them all pious children ameen
I have been trying for 3 years, nd this is making me tensed , though I don't want to b. it's cauzing a lot of issues of personal disturbances. Plx giv some advice , nd if u have the dual in Arabic I wud really appreciate, jaxaakallah khair!
Dear sister, here as some that I recite also
Duaas to have CHILDREN
Dua to have a baby
My Lord! grant me from Thee good offspring;
surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer.
رَبِّ هَب لى مِن لَدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ إِنَّكَ سَميعُ الدُّعاءِ
rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan
innaka sameeAAudduAAa
Surah Al-Imran ,verse 38
This is the supplication of Prophet Zakariyya (Peace be upon him) .
"O my Lord! leave me not without offspring,
though thou art the best of inheritors."
رَبِّ لا تَذَرنى فَردًا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الوٰرِثينَ
rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheen
(Surah Al-Anbiya,verse 89)
This is the supplication of Prophet Zakariyyah (peace be upon him).
'' My Lord ! grant me (offspring) from the righteous ''
رَبِّ هَب لى مِنَ الصّٰلِحينَ
Rabbi hab lee minassaaliheen
(Surah As-Saffaat ,verse 100)
'' This is the dua of PROPHET IBRAHIM (Peace be upon him) ''
Assalam walking.
Please help for dua so I am pregnant.three years I am busy but not pregnant.deze dua how much time.which is best me.plz
Making dua isn't a magic spell. You can make dua whenever you like, as little or often as you like. Allah will answer your duas as He sees fit regardless.
-Amy Editor
Jazak Allah. Anna 🙂
It's been 5 years for my marriage...I pray all these daus but didn't found any effect till now...may b Allah SWT is not happy with my prayers yet
We don't always get what we ask for in our prayers. Sometimes Allah gives us something different, or answers our dua' by protecting us from an evil that was going to befall us, or saves our reward for the aakhirah. Allah knows best.
Wael Editor
hello sister,
please recite tasbeeh of 'astagfaar' as much as you can and make dua for yourself and your wishes, inshallah Allah will place a beautiful baby in your lap inshallah. This worked for me.
Jaxaakallah khairan.
Jasakallahu hairin for the Dua alhamthulillah I'm pregnant. Inshallah make dialog for me
plz kindly send me em trying to conceive for 5 mnths but didnt conceive plz help me
sadaf, read the answers already given.
Wael Editor
assalamualaikum.....i got married in jan. 2012, soon after marriage ,i conceived, but had a miscarriage in 55days, after that i m unable to conceive, both i and my husbands reports are normal, and my cycle is also normal, plz. Help me , if there is any dua for concieving, or any wasifa to recite, i m v. Much stressed.... Plz help me...
zoya, read the answers already given.
Wael Editor
the exact same thing happened to me miscarriage 60 days after marriage and struggling to conceive. My period is now irregular as well and it seems the doctors has no hope for me. please nake duaa for me
Aslm shan I got married and after like three months fell pregnant but had a misscarriage I was so sad my life felt worthless and emty then at about 5 months later I became pregnant again but miscarried again was really painful for us cause I really wanted to start my own family I would cry so much and would feel so alone even my husband was there we would talked about it and make dua as Allah knows why it happened I just tried to be strong even It was very hurtful @times the time frames seeing children with their parents how old they would being etc I went to several docter's and hospitals to investigate what was happening hubby included but nothing wrong could be found we just left everything @that and started to pick up the pieces trying to move on and believe it'll happen when the time is right then alhamdullilah we wew pregnant very nerve wrecking after the two previous experiences but kept being positive and taking care of myself it also brought my family closer as I really needed them my baby girl was born in. Ramadhaan and I do still remember how relieved I was that she was healthy and what joy she brought in our lives looking back now I can see maybe the time was'nt right Allah knows everything and you will also have your own family never loose hope like our miracle yours will too.In shaa Allaah
Shama, see the answers already given you, and may Allah bless your family.
Wael Editor
I have been married from the last 5 years MashAllahThe worst mistake anybody could ever do was that i had conceived twice in the beginning years bt we were not ready for the child that time and had undergone abortion.
Now i guess its the punishment from Allah that we both are facing this difficult time of being childless.I seek for repentence everyday and feel deep guilt inside.We both regret our mistakes.
I m commenting so that people learn a lesson from my mistakes and dont ever challenge Allahs will,whatever comes your way should be accepted.I dont know whether Allah will forgive me ever or those were the only kids I had in my destiny?
Please make Dua for me!
i m married 4 last 3 years but no baby doctors saying no problem in both of us please every body pray for me,,,
Mashallah if nothing is wrong with you, in my post that comes after this one... i have post prayers, I have done a lot of wazifas too, which i can suggestion to you if your interested. May ALLAH bless us both with children soon, ameen. ANNA
Assalam O aliekum:
I have been married for 8 years and have no child as of yet.
Problem was with me 5 years ago, I was told that i CAN'T have children, due to tube blockage, and egg problems.
Anyways I didn't believe the doctors as they did make me do ivf and also suggested egg donor. I was told egg donor is haram, so I decided to stay on ALLAH's will.
I never gave up on ALLAH, but i did give up on the doctors.
By the grace of ALLAH my tubes are now open and eggs are normal, how do I know because in 2011 I got pregnant with first pregnancy and in 2012 I got pregnant with second pregnancy, and there where no signs of tube blockage. But unfortunately, both pregnancies where terminated because, my fetus heart beat would stop in the first 6-7 weeks.
I haven't given up still, but i HAVE given permission to my husband to re marry. In which i GET to choose the girl whom he will get married to.
But both of us have wish to have kids from both of us. Please also remember us in prayers to have healthy kids soon. Ameen.
Inshallah ALLAH will give to those who don't have kids ameen. ANNA
What a beautiful story! Insha'Allah you will get pregnant again and this time deliver a healthy baby. I've been praying for children for 20 years, but it never happened - in fact, I never came close to marriage so I could not even try to have a family of my own. I'm truly happy for those who do attain a family, however, and you are very very close, Insha'Allah. I have a friend who was told it was medically impossible to get pregnant for reasons similar to your's. When she was 39, she thought she was just gaining weight but learned she was 5 months' pregnant -- a little egg managed to make it out of her blocked fallopian tube, against all odds!
Some prayers Duaas to have CHILDREN
Dua to have a baby
My Lord! grant me from Thee good offspring;
surely Thou art the Hearer of prayer.
رَبِّ هَب لى مِن لَدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ إِنَّكَ سَميعُ الدُّعاءِ
rabbi hab lee min ladunka thurriyyatan tayyibatan
innaka sameeAAudduAAa
Surah Al-Imran ,verse 38
This is the supplication of Prophet Zakariyya (Peace be upon him) .
"O my Lord! leave me not without offspring,
though thou art the best of inheritors."
رَبِّ لا تَذَرنى فَردًا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الوٰرِثينَ
rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheen
(Surah Al-Anbiya,verse 89)
This is the supplication of Prophet Zakariyyah (peace be upon him).
'' My Lord ! grant me (offspring) from the righteous ''
رَبِّ هَب لى مِنَ الصّٰلِحينَ
Rabbi hab lee minassaaliheen
(Surah As-Saffaat ,verse 100)
'' This is the dua of PROPHET IBRAHIM (Peace be upon him) ''
Dear anna,
life in earth is as small as a wallnut...but you have a beautiful life in heaven for ur patience..Allah is great he will give rewards for all small pains you had .pray for all
How many times to recite
Sister Anna
I am sure that decision was not easy.
I will pray to Allah to accept ur duas as I think not many people as such a strong Iman as YOURS mashAllah
Please pray for me! My name is Fatoumata And I'm trying to get pregnant for almost 5 years now. So I'm asking all Muslim brothers and sister to pray for me in order to get a child. Thanks a lot and may God bless you all. Salam
Salaam,I have my baby boy after four year of marriage on 24_09_2016.He is healthy but after five days of birth he died.I cannot understand reason of his death.I am very worry please pray for me.
I have been married for almost 5 years and I have not been able to get pregnant. So I'm asking all Muslim brothers and sisters to pray for me in order to get a child. Thanks a lot and may God bless you all
Allah had blessed me with a child but he had taken her iam trying to conceive but not yet got pregnent...pls pray for me and let me know duas which help me..allah is great..
Salam Sisters....
I m 2.5 years old married have no child my husband have some prb plz help me out advice me any dua to get child
salaam sisters....
By reading through your responses my hopes of conceiving a baby has flourished....there is no medication above the blessing of Allah!
Me and my husband have been together for over a year. We have been married since 3 years. We have all the blessings of Allah and now the only one left if us having our own little baby. Please make dua for all the brothers and sisters in the world who are trying to conceive, thank you for adding these duas because at the end of it all only Allah has the power to change our kismat (destiny).
For over a year I didn't go to the doctor because I had faith Allah will bless me with a child, but I think Im going to have fight for this one! I truly hope that this is just a little test and we will come out of this with flying colors.
To every woman who is reading this, yes you, this is a tough time in our life but we will get through this! Because we have our faith in Allah. Please pray that Allah blesses each and every couple with a healthy and pious baby! No matter where in the world we can pray for one another, make dua for our Ummat.
Salaam aleykoem sisters,
I have problems to getting pregnant..i am trying now for about 2 years with medications(clomid)
because i dont have a normal ovulation. Every month i cry my eyes out when i found the medication doesnt work for me. I pray every day to allah and i do a lot of dua..but the waiting is exhausting. So now i want to try every naturel way with herbs and other ways because who knows maybe allah give's me a cure. And allah has send with every disease a medicine.
So my sisters i found a video on youtube but i am not arabic so i dont understand it. And i hope inshallah there is someone here who can translate it for me.
Please, please, please translate it for me.
as i said i am gonna try everything there is to get pregnant inshallah.
And i hope for all my sisters who trying to get pregnant allah wil bless you inshallah with a healthy baby.
Wa assalaam aleykoem.
Translation of youtube link
First check with doctor that's there is not problem .
In a cup : divided into 3 .
First rain water then put milk then put honey and mix it.
Then you and your husband drink it with intention of getting pregnant .
And keep doing that for a long time with istigfar till Allah taalah give you inshallah .
Last thing Duaa of zakariah a.s as mentioned previously.
Assalaamu Alaikum. I've been married for six years, and we have been trying to get pregnant for most of that time. Doctors say there is nothing wrong. Please make duaa for us. JazakAllahu khairun for posting the duaas and ayahs to read. InshaAllah astagfars will help me remember that all of this is only in Allah's power.
Barik Allahu feek.
I have been married for almost 8 years.we have no children.
We were told by the docs that we will never have children due to some severe infertility problems.initially I was shocked.but Allah gave me the strength to bear it.accept it.we were told we could have baby with donor..I know Allah forbids it so I decided not to have a baby by wrong means for the sake of my lord.
For two years I thought its ok..its my destiny..I suppressed my longing for a baby..but now I m craving for one..But if Allah has decided for me this way, I accept it for I believe he must be having a more pleasing reward for us.But if my lord decides that I conceive then I know it will happen against all the odds and diagnosis of doctors.Now I have entrusted my hope on Allah..because I have heard miracle babies happen!
Tonight is 21st Ramadan I am going to pray all my sister s and brothers who want to be parents insha'allah I am one of them . I been trying to conceive 5 years 11months . I have tried all can treatment none of them work for me . My doctor told me i have no eggs so my chance is So low , but i did not believe that . Allahdulilaah I believe this is test and I will pass insha'allah . Allah will give us babies . So my Muslims sisters and brothers I will pray insha'allah . Allah will except our dua .aamiin
Asalam-o-alaikum to all sisters and brothers
Sister, I removed the rest of your comment as you need to log in and write your question as a separate post so we can answer you in turn, Insha'Allah.
Wael Editor
Can you please copy paste it here, so I can do it appropriately.
I'm sorry, I already deleted it.
Wael Editor
As salaam u Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
I got married in Nov '11 and Allah SWT Blessed us with a beautiful little girl Fatima on Sep 24, 2012. She said with us for 38 days and Allah Willing she stopped breathing الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
We are thankful to Allah SWT to Bless us to understand what it feels like to be a mother and father.
Before conceiving we use to recite Astaghfar abundantly as it was advised by our beloved Prophet PBUH and it is a proven fact from the Glorious Qur'an as well; Allah SWT Says in Surah Nuh verses 10 to 12:
“I (Prophet Nuh A.S) said to them (People of his Ummah): ‘Ask Forgiveness from your Lord (Astaghfiru Rabbakum): Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; He Will (then) send rain to you in abundance, and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens, and bestow on you rivers”
And as mentioned in previous posts we use to recite verse 89 of Surah Anbiya after each prayer; Allah SWT says in the Glorious Qur'an:
رَبِّ لا تَذَرنى فَردًا وَأَنتَ خَيرُ الوٰرِثينَ
"O my Lord! leave me not without offspring, though thou art the best of inheritors."
I swear by Allah SWT that becoming a parent is truly thee most Precious Blessings and Favor; Allah SWT bestows upon us. We do miss her but we are Happy in Allah's SWT Will and Seek HIS Mercy to Bless us as well as the whole Muslim Ummah with Children in the future for He Is The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful...Ameen
IM in my 50's and desperate for a baby my period has stopped several years ago. I was pregnant once before but the fetus had a fatal congenital defect so i had to drop the baby. The following year i had a miscarriage since then i have not got pregnant.
Is God upset with me that's why i'm not getting pregnant? everyday when i pray i say astagfiruulla and cry for God's forgivenesss pl tell me what i can do or read please dont print this kindly reply to me on my email as i don't want anyone to no.thank you asallam a laicum.
As-salamu alaykum sister. We generally don't do private replies; I changed your name and personal details to hide your identity. As for what happened in the past, Allah knows best why your pregnancies did not come to term. That was your Qadar. One of the principles of our deen is to accept our Qadar, the good and the bad of it. It is not a punishment from Allah. Rather, such things should be seen as a test of faith. Everyone is blessed by Allah in some ways, and deprived in others. This is the nature of life.
You cannot get pregnant anymore because you have already gone through menopause. But, if you feel capable, perhaps you can adopt or foster a child. In this way you can experience the joy of raising a child, while also receiving barakah for caring for an orphan.
May Allah ease your heart and bless you.
Wael Editor
Everyone has such beautiful and heart warming words to say. I have been married for two years and have hormonal problems but I also have trust In Allah to bless me with a child and inshallah all of my Muslims sisters that pray night and day for a child will receive a great gift from Allah. Inshallah we all will be parents one day. Please pray for me my name is Haleema!
Salam brothers and sisters
All praise and thanks due to Allah (swt) Ar Rahman, Ar Rahim...May Allah forgive all our sins ones we have done intentionally and those we have done unintentionally...
Alhamdullilah hi rabbil alamin...Salaam and durood be upon our prohet (SAW)..
Astagfirullah innallaha gafoor ur raheem...
"O Allah bless all my sisters here who want to become a mother, please grant all our duas and give us pious offspring who will be the coolness of our eyes", Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim only to you we ask for everything, only to you we seek guidance, Ya mujibu please grant us all a healthy child" Ameen
Sisters please pray for me and my husband i too am trying to get pregnant, we have only recently started trying for a baby, it will be 1 years of my marriage please make dua that Allah makes me pregnant soon in sha allah
I have come across alot of duas and wazifa's you can recite, some mentioned below:
Read 21 times durood, 1x surah fatiha 3x Surah ikhlas then after 1100 times - "La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zwalimin" then recite durood 21 times and make dua(do this everyday for 11 days)
Read Surah Maryam as many times as you can, recite Ya baareeu 1000 times, Ya muqsit 700 times
In sha Allah Allah knows best and Allah does not burden as soul more than it can bear....May Allah grant us all with a pious healthy child..Ameen Ya rab Ameen
*** Comment removed by Editor ***
Cidd, these types of remedies have no basis in Quran or Sunnah. They are simply made-up formulas that do not work.
Wael Editor
Asalam walikum sister plz I m in my 40 I want to becime a pregnant plz pray for me plz .
i am balkis. I have been trying to conceive for 1year...
[Editor's note: If you require advice about your situation, please log in an submit your query as a new post for publication, that way it can be answered in turn inshaAllah. If you require medical advice, please contact your family doctor. Midnightmoon, editor.]
Dear Muslim Sisters / Brothers Assalam o Alaikum
I am married for about 5 months and i had a miscarriage in 3rd month of 12 weaks. Now i am trying to conceive again please pray for me as i am very much worried and please do let me know any dua. I need your dua alot.
Jannat Khan
salaam to all my sisters,
A herb named nabi booti is available in medina, also known as medina leaves. This herb has helped many sisters in conceiving a baby. Some have conceived even after 10-12 years. Check this url for details
Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
May Allah grant children to all my sisters.Ameen.
Asalaamalaikum, for all the sisters trying to conceive, I would like to share what helped me, it took me 3 months Alhumdulillah, of course praying to Allah is above all what I did, but there were few extra things that helped.
I took supplements of folic acid, one a day.
Changed my diet completely, as well as my husband's. He loves pomegranates, and that is well known for fertility boost.
I gave up caffeine (extremely difficult for me as a coffee lover), sugary foods and ate fried foods only once in a while. But these foods are meant to help women with fertility; Bananas, Asparagus, Shellfish, Eggs, Almonds, citrus fruits, Tofu, Salmon, Peas and Mackerel.
Husbands need only to eat healthy and cut down on caffeine too.
Also what would help is not thinking about making a baby, enjoy the experience, Allah bestows mercy upon a husband and wife who look at each other with love.
Husbands should wear loose underwear and keep cool down below.
Another I share is your sex position, after your husband climaxes, wives need to keep their hips up as long as possible (at least 20 mins max if you can), even if you have to do a handstand, it may seem silly but it works!
InshAllah, I pray this helps as it did for me. Good luck to all those trying. May Allah bless you and fulfill your desires of motherhood. Ameen.
Assalam o Alaikum
May Allah help all of our sisters. Please make dua for me as well.
Allah is the best listener.
Asalamualykum sis, please don't worry as Allah is aware of what you are going through
I am not aware of any specific dua but try to pray:
Surah Fatiha
4 Quls
Ayatul Kursi
Make as much as dua as you can
You can also try to pray 2 rakaats NAFL for Salatul Hajaat for your pregnancy
I will make dua for you and InSha'Allah your prayers will be accepted
Ws..alimah Sameena.
Assalm alaikm I am one year married now, i had a pregnant in october, bt later misscarried it in early january dis year. And since then we have bin trying again but nothing yet. Pls include me in your prayers as u pray, may Allah answer our prayers. Jazakallahu khairan
Asalam Alaikum Sisiters pray for me too.
Aoa my dear sisters,
Im 9monthes marriedwe r trying to have our baby as my husband have got job out of city so he comes home after a month for 10 days Allah swt blessed us with babybut in march I had miscarriage futues heart beat problem now im trying again but ev time I get tears eyes plz pray for us n the above sisyer comments have given me strength n made my trust more strong in Allah tht inshallah I will.have baby soon
inshaa Allah u wil have baby soon. inshaa Allah
Asalam alaikum. im trying to have my 2nd baby for long time. please Pray for me. jazakAllah khair.
hello guys i would like to tell you a story about myself you can all relate to.. I have been married alhumdulliah for 4 years, Allah blessed me with a child a few months after my marriage. We were both very happy, after the child was born 1 month later the child passed away, unkown was the cuase. we were heartbroken, After that we waited for 8 months after the tragedy to try to concive again, allah blessed me with another child after trying for 2 months, That pregnancy turned out to be a miscarriage after 7 weeks. I was once again heartbroken but my first words were Inna Lilahe Wa inna Ilahe Rajihoon... I left all my hope and trust in Allah. After the miscarriage I tried to concieve right away, 1 whole year passed and still no pregnancy,i had alot of patience till 1 year passed... I Was really worrried i had some problem so i went to see the doctor, after alot of tests the doc told me that i dont ovulate on my own my cycles are irregular and i cannot get pregnant without medication.... After that i cried everyday to Allah I woke up at night did tajhud and prayed for forgiveness for any sin i commited, i said Astagfar 5000 times a day, i left everything to Allah once again( i was scared to take medication)...I did 5 time prayer a day and read surah muzammil every day, every 7 days i would finish the reading of the quran. All i did was read the quran and ask for forgiveness, After 1 month by Allah's mercy i was blessed with another pregnancy after losing all hope...Now i am currently pregnant,,,,so please nobody lose hope, miracles of Allah are always true, Allah did not say no to you that his mercy will no be given. Allah Never sends any dua back of a person who asks and crys to Allah, so please ask for forgiveness and cry your true heart out to Allah and Allah loves those who are patient. so be patient and you will see Allah's mercy very soon...InshAllah.....Keep me in your Prayers , Salaam to all
I am married for 7 months and trying to conceive but not able to conceive.
Plz help me i am worried. i am very tensed.
i went to hospital there doctor have said me i have an problem of pocs has given 1or 2 years tym to get pregnent..
what i should do to remove this problm ...
plzzzz give me a suggest ....
You can take metformin, which is commonly prescribed for pcos. Many women with pcos do get pregnant, it just takes a big longer. Be patient. It will happen inshaAllah.
plz can u say me is this tablet work for my problem . at what tym i should take this tablet there any side effects.
my weight gain is increasing, body facial is increasing , menstruation days decreasing in a month .in one month im suffering from period 2 is getting all this problems im getting worried help me and explain about diet.
ok thanks for giving information for this ..pray for me and for all married womens to become mom..
You should consult a good doctor face to face.
Assalam walaikum,,,i hav been married for 4 yrs n 9 mnths...since then i couldnt even conceive n my husband rily want a child but unluckly i cudnt conceive.pliz do mention if there is any particular dua for conceiving.if u help me may Allah (SWT) giv u all da happiness in ur lyf.
Thnk u!!!!
rozina, please read the advice given in the responses on this post.
Wael Editor
kum hv been married for two yrs and try to conceive .my periods r regular Alhamdulillah had a little problem of ovulation but went thru some medication and now Alhamdulillah dont hv any problem as per the doc saying ..they say everything is normal but still I didnt get conceived very much tensed and worried recite all the dua mentioned abv ..plz sisters pray for me
Assalomalaikum! I have been married 3 years since then we couldn't conceive. We're praying with my husband every day I know one day I will be a MoM and I will hear that magic words from my baby InshaAllah! Doctors saying everything is good. I'm crying every single time when I see babies it's really hard to me and we are decided to IVF. I have a question does anyone knows that the IVF Is not prohibited by Islam? Thanks May Allah blessed all of us!
Dear Affaf.
IVF is not prohibited in Islam. I m sure about it. May Allah help you. Plz pray for me and all of the women for having children as well.
Thank you for your answer I will make sure anyway before doing it with Imam! I'm praying for all women in the world who are making dua for a little happy
Dear Everyone
I have been married for more than a year and have just started to try for a baby inshallah, and im really tensed ,anyways i found this few years back so im posting it here, it could be helpful for someone Inshallah.
Honey – Rich in minerals and amino acids, honey has been known to enhance fertility throughout history. Many consider it to be a fertility ―super-food which nourishes the reproductive system for both men and women.
Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a sweet-tasting spice that has recently been shown to have a beneficial effect on stabilizing blood insulin levels. It has fertility enhancing properties, especially when combined with honey. Take 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
mixed with 2 tablespoons honey.
In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.
I have been married for more than four years and still trying to conceive ... i have a great support of husband and
in laws but with the passage of time they becoming hopless...husband want to re-marry but I dont have such stamina to plz all of u pray for me alot...
I am married for 2 years and trying to conceive but not able to conceive.
Plz help me i am worried. i am very tensed.
plz give me some dua to recite. plzzz.
There are already many responses on this thread pertaining to this issue. Please refer to them.
-Amy Editor
Hello everyone,
I recite duas from this site .
I have posted the link below
(link to an unauthentic site deleted by the Editor)
Aslk, I got for 4 yr back n trying to conceive frm the first yr itself, m done with allkind of dr treement and there is no infertility problem with me n my husband plz cn u suggest any dua for me,
I hope everyone who is wishing to conceive turns to Allah only and asks Him for whatever they desire. The best dua apart from the ones already mentioned, is to do wadhu, pray two Ralston nafl, and pour your heart out to Allah afterwards.Only He can give you what you want and only He knows what is best for you. May Allah grant us all Afia (goodness) in this life and the next, Inshaallah. Ameen
Asalam alikum, I am a cancer patient. Doctor said that I am having a problem in future pregnancy. They are going to collect egg preservation.I need a baby in future so give me a dua please
O Allah, have mercy on our sister zeenath, and heal her, for You have the power and we have none, and You are the Most Merciful of those who have mercy. Cure her sickness and grant her a good child who will be a joy to her heart. Ameen.
Wael Editor
Ameen, yaa Allah.
Asalamu Waliakum wr wb,
I m married since 4 yrs trying to get pregnant.. pls pray for me.. I m making dua to allah swt continonusly ..reading many dua and offering salah too..plz pray for me...
I m married frm 3 years still not conceiving doctors said that my husband is suffering from azoospermia mature germ cells r not present I'm very tensed plz do dua for us also suggest me some solution I offer my prayers regularly plz help me if u can
Salam alaikom my dear sisters & brothers,
Just like the other 2years married and november 2014 just this month we are ready to become a parents we try to concieve this month but we failed.i am very upset & worry. Please help me to pray that Allah will grant our prayers to become a parents one day ya rab. I am also praying solenmly for our sisters who wants to be a mother like me. Please pray. Thank you very much.-razzz
Slam 2 all.I also try to conceive but i failed m veryyyyy tence.m so much try that not 2 worry but i cant its naturally so plzzzz i want to request to everyone to pray 4 me i realy need ur prayers.jazak allah.
Salaam sister, I haven't read any of the above responses so I'm sorry if im repeating things. Doctors tend not to worry if you haven't been able to concieve for the first year of trying, but can start basic investigations after this. Generally speaking you need to make sure you have a healthy diet, and are of a normal weight as being overweight can affect your chances of conceiving. Also make sure you are taking folic acid supplements in the lead up to becoming pregnant and inshaAllah for the first twelve weeks of pregnancy - this helps
Witht the babies development. Also there is a book called golden stories of accepted prayers by Abdul malik mujahid - in which there is mention of a Dua made by sayyidina zakariya after which he was blessed with sayyidina yahya. The prayer is: rabbi la tazarni far dun Wa unta khairul Wa reetheen. It's translates into "O my lord! Leave me not single (childless), though you are the best of inheritors". Sorry it's difficult to type Arabic into English but its surah Al-anbiya 21:89. Hope this helps.
Oh also to conceive General advice is to have intercourse 2-3 times per week.
Alhamduillah i get for first daughter easily then after 4years i get pregnant for my second baby now i am trying for third .please make Dua for me because i am trying last two years.please give me some Dua also to get pregnant again easily and Allah (swt)give me healthy and long life Ameen.
Salam... My husband and me are also trying to conceive for six years now..... I request dear sisters to pray for us as well...
Hello ,
I was trying for a baby too and doctors had diagnosed me with pcos which makes the woman take longer to concieve, I read these duas and made this taweez which consists of writing few verses of Quran from Surah Maryam with saffron and tying it on stomach, mashallah within a month I conceived. I am providing these duas for everyone. Hope everyone conceives soon, and there are a few duas to safeguard a woman from miscarriages too
DU-A'A 221 If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of Sura Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors.
DU-A'A 222 If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as many times as possible.
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
DU-A'A 224 Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
Glory be to Allah. (70 times)
I seek forgiveness from Allah. (10 times)
Glory be to Allah. (9 times)
after reciting the above , read the dua given below and pray for the child. Allah will soon gift you one Inshallah.
Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily He is ever most forgiving.
He will send you abundant rain from the heaven.
And will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens, and will make for you rivers.
WA YUMDIDKUM BI-AMWAALIW WA BANEENA WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM JANNATIW WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM ANHAARAA -- click on the link and you can make a taweez for yourself and wear it on stomach.
I did all the above things daily after namaz and I conceived within a month Mashallah, if you pray with sincerity Allah will surely gift you a baby Inshallah.
And below are the Verses from Quran which I have made a taweez for myself to protect myself from Miscarriage khudanakhaasta.
DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing.
DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother.
But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured.
Please be careful when you write Quranic verses on paper with saffron , make sure that you wrap the paper in plastic and then sew a cloth on it so that water never seeps into the paper as it will be a gunah and disregard to the Quranic verses. Also be careful never to put the taweez under water so that there is a possibility of water seeping into it. I always take it off when going for a bath.
If anyone wants to know more duas , do message me, I have a treasure of these verses from Allah.
And May Allah fulfill all your wishes inshallah.
I have a daughter n i want pregnsncy of a boy plz share sone dua
i am 28yrs i get married before 3months 25 september i am not concieving having pcos prblem and taking medicine for it.i need dua from all of u and if anybudy knows dua and nimaz for having childrens so plz tell me i am too much worried and if it any seperat nimaz or any thing else tell me
Hello ,
I was trying for a baby too and doctors had diagnosed me with pcos which makes the woman take longer to concieve, I read these duas and made this taweez which consists of writing few verses of Quran from Surah Maryam with saffron and tying it on stomach, mashallah within a month I conceived. I am providing these duas for everyone. Hope everyone conceives soon, and there are a few duas to safeguard a woman from miscarriages too
DU-A'A 221 If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of Sura Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors.
DU-A'A 222 If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as many times as possible.
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
DU-A'A 224 Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
Glory be to Allah. (70 times)
I seek forgiveness from Allah. (10 times)
Glory be to Allah. (9 times)
after reciting the above , read the dua given below and pray for the child. Allah will soon gift you one Inshallah.
Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily He is ever most forgiving.
He will send you abundant rain from the heaven.
And will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens, and will make for you rivers.
WA YUMDIDKUM BI-AMWAALIW WA BANEENA WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM JANNATIW WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM ANHAARAA -- click on the link and you can make a taweez for yourself and wear it on stomach.
I did all the above things daily after namaz and I conceived within a month Mashallah, if you pray with sincerity Allah will surely gift you a baby Inshallah.
And below are the Verses from Quran which I have made a taweez for myself to protect myself from Miscarriage khudanakhaasta.
DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing.
DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother.
But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured.
Please be careful when you write Quranic verses on paper with saffron , make sure that you wrap the paper in plastic and then sew a cloth on it so that water never seeps into the paper as it will be a gunah and disregard to the Quranic verses. Also be careful never to put the taweez under water so that there is a possibility of water seeping into it. I always take it off when going for a bath.
If anyone wants to know more duas , do message me, I have a treasure of these verses from Allah.
And May Allah fulfill all your wishes inshallah.
This taweez is shirk in Islam .I has no concern to get pregnant .in fact people who do is will be in sin.pls don't misguide people
Dear nnn
I am sure many people would think that its a sin, but its not a human like you who will decide what's shirk n whts allowed. I hope the one who is misguided here is able to please Allah inshallah. And this is my belief and the belief of the ones who are from the progeny of the Rasulallah a.s.. if you do not want to do that then its your choice, only Allah knows who has been misguided. Please stop interfering in others beliefs, but I thank you for trying to show me the path which you think is right. Again I would say Only Allah knows who is right, not a mere human.
Take care.
Age is 30.married for 3 month want to conceive soon.want to know dua.
See the answers given.
Hello ,
I was trying for a baby too and doctors had diagnosed me with pcos which makes the woman take longer to concieve, I read these duas and made this taweez which consists of writing few verses of Quran from Surah Maryam with saffron and tying it on stomach, mashallah within a month I conceived. I am providing these duas for everyone. Hope everyone conceives soon, and there are a few duas to safeguard a woman from miscarriages too
DU-A'A 221 If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of Sura Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors.
DU-A'A 222 If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as many times as possible.
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
DU-A'A 224 Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
Glory be to Allah. (70 times)
I seek forgiveness from Allah. (10 times)
Glory be to Allah. (9 times)
after reciting the above , read the dua given below and pray for the child. Allah will soon gift you one Inshallah.
Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily He is ever most forgiving.
He will send you abundant rain from the heaven.
And will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens, and will make for you rivers.
WA YUMDIDKUM BI-AMWAALIW WA BANEENA WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM JANNATIW WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM ANHAARAA -- click on the link and you can make a taweez for yourself and wear it on stomach.
I did all the above things daily after namaz and I conceived within a month Mashallah, if you pray with sincerity Allah will surely gift you a baby Inshallah.
And below are the Verses from Quran which I have made a taweez for myself to protect myself from Miscarriage khudanakhaasta.
DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing.
DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother.
But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured.
Please be careful when you write Quranic verses on paper with saffron , make sure that you wrap the paper in plastic and then sew a cloth on it so that water never seeps into the paper as it will be a gunah and disregard to the Quranic verses. Also be careful never to put the taweez under water so that there is a possibility of water seeping into it. I always take it off when going for a bath.
If anyone wants to know more duas , do message me, I have a treasure of these verses from Allah.
And May Allah fulfill all your wishes inshallah.
Assalamalicum.... Am22 yrs old ..present this is my third yr of marriage....still nt pregnant ....I have pcos....feeling very stressed daily....y Allah didn't gave me baby.....pls make dua for me....if I tie this can I become pregnant
Assalamu alaikum. Pls pray for me and my husband as well...insha Allah may Allah grant us with children...Ameen!!
Hello ,
I was trying for a baby too and doctors had diagnosed me with pcos which makes the woman take longer to concieve, I read these duas and made this taweez which consists of writing few verses of Quran from Surah Maryam with saffron and tying it on stomach, mashallah within a month I conceived. I am providing these duas for everyone. Hope everyone conceives soon, and there are a few duas to safeguard a woman from miscarriages too
DU-A'A 221 If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of Sura Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors.
DU-A'A 222 If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as many times as possible.
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
DU-A'A 224 Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
Glory be to Allah. (70 times)
I seek forgiveness from Allah. (10 times)
Glory be to Allah. (9 times)
after reciting the above , read the dua given below and pray for the child. Allah will soon gift you one Inshallah.
Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily He is ever most forgiving.
He will send you abundant rain from the heaven.
And will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens, and will make for you rivers.
WA YUMDIDKUM BI-AMWAALIW WA BANEENA WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM JANNATIW WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM ANHAARAA -- click on the link and you can make a taweez for yourself and wear it on stomach.
I did all the above things daily after namaz and I conceived within a month Mashallah, if you pray with sincerity Allah will surely gift you a baby Inshallah.
And below are the Verses from Quran which I have made a taweez for myself to protect myself from Miscarriage khudanakhaasta.
DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing.
DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother.
But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured.
Please be careful when you write Quranic verses on paper with saffron , make sure that you wrap the paper in plastic and then sew a cloth on it so that water never seeps into the paper as it will be a gunah and disregard to the Quranic verses. Also be careful never to put the taweez under water so that there is a possibility of water seeping into it. I always take it off when going for a bath.
If anyone wants to know more duas , do message me, I have a treasure of these verses from Allah.
And May Allah fulfill all your wishes inshallah.
We are trying for # 3 and so far the journey has been very painful. I've had 2 miscarriages already which were painful experiences to get over as it is. But my husband really wants more kids and I feel sad that I am not able to conceive more. Please pray for me that I have healthy kids without any complications who are source of blessings for us.
Of course I understand the desire to have your own child, but have you considered adopting or fostering a child? You would give an orphaned child love, earn barakah and find satisfaction Insha'Allah.
Wael Editor
Hello ,
I was trying for a baby too and doctors had diagnosed me with pcos which makes the woman take longer to concieve, I read these duas and made this taweez which consists of writing few verses of Quran from Surah Maryam with saffron and tying it on stomach, mashallah within a month I conceived. I am providing these duas for everyone. Hope everyone conceives soon, and there are a few duas to safeguard a woman from miscarriages too
DU-A'A 221 If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of Sura Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
O my Lord, do not leave me alone (childless), though You are the best of inheritors.
DU-A'A 222 If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali Imran as many times as possible.
O Lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
DU-A'A 224 Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
Glory be to Allah. (70 times)
I seek forgiveness from Allah. (10 times)
Glory be to Allah. (9 times)
after reciting the above , read the dua given below and pray for the child. Allah will soon gift you one Inshallah.
Seek forgiveness of your Lord. Verily He is ever most forgiving.
He will send you abundant rain from the heaven.
And will help you with wealth and sons, and will make for you gardens, and will make for you rivers.
WA YUMDIDKUM BI-AMWAALIW WA BANEENA WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM JANNATIW WA YAJ-A'L LAKUM ANHAARAA -- click on the link and you can make a taweez for yourself and wear it on stomach.
I did all the above things daily after namaz and I conceived within a month Mashallah, if you pray with sincerity Allah will surely gift you a baby Inshallah.
And below are the Verses from Quran which I have made a taweez for myself to protect myself from Miscarriage khudanakhaasta.
DU-A'A 236 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
O people, fear your Lord. Verily, the quake of the hour is a terrible thing.
DU-A'A 237 For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or abdomen of the mother.
But Allah is the best of guardians; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Allah knows what every female bears, and that which the wombs fall short (of completion) and that which they exceed. And every thing with Him is measured.
Please be careful when you write Quranic verses on paper with saffron , make sure that you wrap the paper in plastic and then sew a cloth on it so that water never seeps into the paper as it will be a gunah and disregard to the Quranic verses. Also be careful never to put the taweez under water so that there is a possibility of water seeping into it. I always take it off when going for a bath.
If anyone wants to know more duas , do message me, I have a treasure of these verses from Allah.
And May Allah fulfill all your wishes inshallah.
You tied it on your stomach? Sister, that is very unusual. Why would you do that? Please don't follow strange rituals.
Our "ties" to Allah are through our hearts and minds.
assalam-u-alikum sisters my name is fartuun my husband and I been trying to have a baby two and a half years I did iui march 14 2015 and we're still waiting for the result please make dua for me I feel pregnant right now but I'm not sure I just can't wait towe have 2 days until result...and I also pray for you guys to have a healthy and beautiful babies in sha Allah
Assalamu Alaikum,
I m from Bangladesh. my age 30 & my husband 35 yrs, married 2.5 yrs.we are trying for getting baby but cant conceive. my husband has some problem such as spam count 65%. plz suggest me some dua, which i read regularly and getting conceive as early as possible. without baby my life is impossible.
Sharmeen, see the answers already given on the post. You might also consider adopting an orphan. You will be helping someone and earning barakah.
Wael Editor
If there is a medical problem such as a low sperm count, then it is best to consult a licensed doctor who specialises in fertility. Depending on the nature of the problem, there are a variety of treatments that you and your husband could try, so it's worth discussing these with an experienced professional.
You can also look to make other aspects of your lives as "conception-friendly" as possible. Eg: don't smoke or drink alcohol, eat healthily to get a good variety of nutrients, maintain a healthy weight.
There is a drop-down menu at the top of the page of this site, called Dua in Islam - inshaAllah you may find some duas in there which you find helpful. You can also make dua in your own words, asking Allah to ease your difficulties and bless you with a child.
Don't despair. Remember that Zakariya (peace be upon him) became a father when he and his wife were elderly. If it is written for you, trust that it will happen.
Midnightmoon editor
As slam wal Kum
My name is rukhsana I have 4 children 3boys and one girl
I've had two miscarriages
I really want another baby girl, but my husbnad just wouldn't let me he said 4 children is enough but I dont thnk so. And I really wanna become pregnant for another girl, he said he will never let me become pregnant now so plz tell me a dua or some islamic advice so I can become pregnant for a baby girl
My daughter really wants be to have a baby girl so do I
My daughter is 14 now marshallah
Plz tell me a dua
Many thanks
Rukhsana, I can see your husband's point. You have four children, and you have had two miscarriages. Perhaps it is time to be grateful for what you have and not risk your health further.
Wael Editor
Assalamalekum.....we got married 3 years ago and had miscarriage we r trying for baby....please keep duwa for us....we have been trying from past 1.5 years but still not conceived... Please keep us in ur duwa's...insha Allah....
Amen sister keep hope Allah's testing us I know what you are going through and hopeandpray for a brighter dAy
Salaam to all brother's and sisters
I beg please make dua for me my name is imran and we have been trying for nearly 10 years now we give charity and read quran pray , she wants me to remarry but I dont have the heart to , this is breaking our hearts , we had some fertile problems but overcame them now all is clear but bad luck nonstop.
Jazak Allah
Allah knows best and I wish no one to be childless and wish Allah's rehmat upon everyone.
My name is Samia, it's been 1 year I'm trying to conceive, my hormone level are good everything Is fine allhamdulliah but still a bit worried why I can't conceive would u plz make dua for me thank u.
Assalamu alaikkum.. I am stressed 🙁 I got married last year. But I didn't get pregnant. Please make dua for me. Give some dua to recite..
Assalam alaikum.
I have one child already Alhamdulillah. My husband and I want is children, InshAllah. I am 40 now. Can you please make dua.
I m 4 months married girl my age is 21 I want to get pregnent.. want my baby plz pray fr me bcs I want to get pregnent but not getting pregnent..
Assalamu alaikum
Me and my husband trying to concive for 2 years bt no luck
I always tensd abt this
We took sevaral tests
Mine was normal and my husband have low living sperm count
Can anyone tell a dua or niyat for conciving soon
Plz plz plz........
assalamu alaikom i have been married 8 months ago.and trying to have baby. what should i do.. when I have this irregular period. and maybe the reason of having not to be pregnant..please I need your dua..for us my husband and ii.will Allah (s.w.t) bless us a baby Allah (s.w.t) grant the Jama'ah du'a..pls my fellow muslims
Salam brothers and sisters
May blessings of Allah be upon you all...
Me and my husband have been trying for baby nearly 1.5 yrs now we have been married for 2years i want to ask i heard reading surah maryam is really beneficial if you are trying for baby, i want to ask if it is ok if i read half the chapter of this surah to conceive or i ahd to read the whole surah? I try my best to read it everyday but because of work i cannot really read the full surah just can read from verse 1-25 or more at times i am also reading surah yaseen and other surahs which benefit to conceiving... I oray Allah (swt) grants us all healthy righteous children Ameen!
Those sisters who have become pregnant by reviting of doing things to help them conceive please do share it with me... JazakAllahu khayran
Read surah Maryum its very beneficial and effective if someone is trying to conceive... I also conceived after reciting it everday... Try to recite it full but if you can't you can recite it in portions and try to recite with its translation...
InShaAllah He'll bless you with a healthy child ameen... And try to offer tahajud prayers whenever you can n be regular in your prayers n ask from HIM by all means... Stay blessed my prayers are with all of you
Hello I m also on same way I need your help. I also want to conceive and someone gave me this dua (Bismillah millati rasoolallha) please I just want to know this dua is good for this purpose. Please help me out....
U always be in wadhu.recite Quran offer spl Salah for baby need.have check ur basal body temperasure at ur ovulation days.n check for vaginal secretion at ur ovulation days. the rest in Allah's hand.pray always for obidient child
Salaam aleikum.... I am married for 6 years now... I tried many ways to conceive but I have not conceive until today.... am worried, I did different treatments,I went different places around the world...
But I have not succeed yet until today....
Please do remember me on your dua. ..
Asalam alakuim brothers and sisters please make me a dua that Allah swt bless me with a baby please keep me in ya prayer
Jazakallah kair
I missed my period.i was trying to conceive .I feel like iam pregnant only because of my dua np other pregnancy symptoms except little to no cm .please everyone make dus for me to get positive result.may allah swt bless all of us.
Salaam brother's and sister's. I am 41 years old and after trying for 12 and 1/2 years Allah Subhan O Tallah blessed me with a child. At 18 weeks my cervix opened and they could not save my little jaan a baby girl. Me and my husband are very sad. We want to try again. I was wondering if there is a dua to conceive fast and for a girl. Please if there. is do share with me
Assalam o alaikum sister amina.
I have a dua book and I found this dua for you.
Allahu ya'lamu ma tahmilu kullu unsa wa ma taghizul arhamu wa ma
tazdadu, wa kullu shyai'in indahu bi miqdarin.
Whoever wishes to have a baby girl she should recite this ayat (21) times daily over 5 month and blow on herself. Insh'Allah her wish will be granted.
Allah knows best May Allah give you a baby be it boy or girl ameen 🙂 Alhumdulillah
Astaghfirullah, this is not how dua' works. It is not a magic formula that you recite a certain number of times and then your "wish will be granted." Like rubbing a genie's lamp or something.
One can make dua' any number of times. It does not have to be this specific dua', and does not have to be 21 times every day. Allah may answer in the affirmative and grant the dua', or He might not. It is in His hands. He might grant the person some other barakah instead of what she asks. There is no way to know.
Wael Editor
Assalam o alaikum hmm make maaf i didn't know that and thanks for teaching me that. 🙂 i just remembered the dua book i have when i read sister amina's post maybe if she reads the dua how many times she can Insh'Allah by the will of Allah her dua for having a baby gets accepted ameen
You may pray the du’aa’ of Zakariya (peace be upon him), who said:
“Rabbi laa tadharni fardan wa anta khayr ul-waaritheen (O my Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors).” This is a beautiful du’aa’ which is very appropriate in this case. Also suitable is another prayer of Zakariya: “Rabbi hab li min ladunka dhurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka samee’ al-du’aa’ (O my Lord! Grant me from You a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation).”
Assalamalekum please keep us in ur duwa..we are married since 3 years and trying to have kid from 2 years...still no pregnancy...checked with doctor and said there is no issue in both of us..I knew that without Allah's order there is nothing can come into this world... Please remind us in ur duwa so that Allah(SAW) bless us with a child and make our life wonderful..Ameen
Assalamoalaykum w w
Insh a Allah aolad hoti aap Ko Allah per yakeen rakhe.
Assalam o alaikum I have been trying to conceive for the past 8years now I was successful once but ended up with a miscarriage around 2months of pregnancy. I have pcos which makes it very hard to track when I am ovulating because unlike women who gets thr periods everymonth women like me with pcos don't know when we ovu. Its not that I can't conceive but because my periods are not regular its hard for me to conceive but now I got this ovu kit from the pharmacy which will tell me when I am ovulating which is the best time to try for a baby Insh'Allah I will succeed one day Allah knows best and sisters with pcos you are not alone. May Allah bless us all with a baby (us all who really wants a baby) ameen
Assalam o alaikum You may pray the du’aa’ of Zakariya (peace be upon him), who said:
“Rabbi laa tadharni fardan wa anta khayr ul-waaritheen (O my Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors).” This is a beautiful du’aa’ which is very appropriate in this case. Also suitable is another prayer of Zakariya: “Rabbi hab li min ladunka dhurriyyatan tayyibatan innaka samee’ al-du’aa’ (O my Lord! Grant me from You a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation).”
Asalaam-aleikum. .. I have been trying to convince for 6 years... I have done 2 times IVF.. I have done different treatments but yet I have not conceive, and my husband married another women and Alhamdulilah they are blessed with a baby boy...
Please make dua for me aswell May Allah bless me with kids/babies insha Allah..
I wish to hold my babies on my hands and one day they call me mother...
Insha Allah
Please say a dua for me to get pregnant. I am about to give up!
I have been trying to concive for 2 months I get married before 2 months n I want to concive I didn't go to any doctor know some of mothers in law ...they said I have to be concive soon please told me some dua whom I recite daily please told me some dua to get pragnant soon the major problem is that me and my sister in law get married the same day and she get pragnant now my mother in law twip me by saying she get pregnant please help me please
Read the 161 answers already given, for goodness sakes. Or at least the very first comment on this post, which answers your question thoroughly.
Wael Editor
Asslam-o-alaikum I read some where if my husband read the word Ya Jabbaru 300 times for 11 days after recite this they take 2 ALMONDS one eat husband and second gave to wife than she will be pragnant soon this right or not
ammy, this is nonsense. There is no basis for it in Islam. These kinds of formulas do not come from Quran or Sunnah. As I said, it is better to use any of the Quranic duas mentioned in SisterZ's comment.
Wael Editor
pls give me some dua to recite pls.. i am trying to concive...
Assalomu alaykum dear sisters! I'm having Frozen embryo transfer tomorrow please keep me in your dua's. After 5 years of trying we decided for IVF and I'm so nervous about my transfer. Please pray for me. May Allah SAW will bless all of us with salih babies. Inshaalah!!!
Surah Ale-Imran
this surah for those women who are not able to conceive The surah should be written using saffron..
with what liquid we should write the surah mean water or what kindly plz answer me
Are you trying to make a magic spell? The Quran is not an ingredient in a potion, astaghfirullah. Do you imagine that Allah will only hear you if you write His words with a special liquid? And the rest of the time He does not hear you?
See the answers already given on this post, especially the very first answer by SisterZ.
Wael Editor
hello the duas u mentioned sura al ambiya verse 89
how much time it hasto be recited ..
and which verse in surah al imran and how much time it should be recited
Salaam sisters,
I'm trying to conceive but after visiting the doctor there seems to a problem with my cervix. Please make dua for me. I'm very worried.
Rabbi hablee min ladunka zurriathina taybatan innaka samiu dua
Hey m married since 1 year 3 months still m not conceived n m not suffering from any disease plz say me A dua to conceive
Read the answers already given, for goodness sake.
Wael Editor
Did you concieve?
I have one child in12years age but not pregnant in second time.all doctors prove my problem is veginal and utrus infection.medicine not effected me.lam worried this reason please help me any dua give me my problem .
i am 22 years old , married from last 5 month trying to conceive but not able to receive plz tell me some dua aur any easy wazifa as m v much tensed and i request u who read this passage pls pray for me plzzz...
Tahreem, read the answers already given.
Wael Editor