Islamic marriage advice and family advice

If the boy and girl are engaged and have sex, is it zinaa?


i want to ask u that if a boy and a girl are engaged or they are about to get married or they will get marry soon then by mistake they have that relation before nikah are thay liable to that punish? i mean izs it zinnah?

or after this mistake they do nikkah then still is it a sin? should they be punished?

my seond question is related to this, that in sex the will of one person ws not involved because she was forcibly done. then again both of them are guilty or one is innocent? i strees that after this they do nikkah .still it will be accounted as sin?

pls reply in detail an soon thanking in anticipation. pls rep v soon

i know Allah is gafoor-ur rahim.

- Sister Sana

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2 Responses »

  1. ok im confused at what your asking.....what is engaged? because if they had their nikah but were waiting on their actual wedding then no they did not commit a sin because they are married infront of allah ....but if they had not made nikah and had sexual relations then yes it is a sin and should repent...should they be punished? i dont thinks its you who should decide its between then and allah so stay out of it unless she wants her lashes because she fears allahs punishment

  2. Yes, I second what Muna said. If they had their nikah it's okay, but if not (i.e. if they are only promised to one another or have agreed to marry in the future) then it is a sin.

    As for your second question, if the woman was truly forced then it is a crime (rape) and the man should be reported and punished. The sin in this case is only the man's as the woman was an innocent victim.

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