Islamic marriage advice and family advice

I’m in love and want to marry him, but he’s made no effort to contact me.

Assalamalikum, I have a question regarding love and marriage and Islam, and also I am seeking advice.

Last year, . I was working at a local restaurant. . I met and fell in love with a man, although he was a non-muslim.. .  I have to say something in my defence, he was extremely nice to me when I was going through a hard time..  I did not encourage his advances, . in fact I did all I could to show him that although I am his friend, we can not go anywhere..  Then I quit, went through a whole lot of crazy business that I can't describe because this post will get too long..  The short of the long involves jinns, stress and bad health, which may have been mental..  I'm not sure.

The problem is, after I had quit, I realised I really loved this man and I wanted to marry him but my mother and my aunt and basically everyone was against it..  I know that in Islam, a woman cannot marry a non muslim and you have to have a guardians permission, and I never asked my father, but isn't it through God that I met him?

I did not ask to meet him nor was I looking for a marriage partner..  After meeting him I realised I need one and although after I quit, he made no effort to contact me, I can't stop thinking about him, or the others I worked with for that matter..  I feel cursed.

None of this was my fault, then why is this happening?.  Now, I don't know what to do..  Part of me doesn't WANT to forget about about this man because,.  he was the first..  I suppose I did not know this man very well, a big problem being we are from different cultures, the bigger problem is he is a non-muslim, and even bigger that he obviously does not care about me anymore since he did not make an effort to contact me.

I'm very upset nowdays..  Everyday,.  I decide to make a conscious effort NOT to think about him, but I can't help wishing and praying that something works out..  This is being unrealistic, I know, but I can't help it.
Also,.  I want to get married - fast, but I dont want to marry just anyone.

And right now, . I don't even know what I'm asking you for - prayer perhaps that my obsession is not unhealthy and that things work out for me..  If you have any sort of advice you can give me,.  I would appreciate it.

Do you think, that I should tell my mother my firm decision to get married and let her choose someone for me? . Or should I wait and keep praying, because there's no one I'd rather be with than the one I met when I most needed somebody.

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3 Responses »

  1. Dear Pacsun, Wa-alaikum-us-salam,

    I have no answer to many of your thoughts, but there is one thing you should accept that you do love this man, Do not fight it, try to live with it, the more you will try to suppress this feeling, the more it will come back to haunt you.

    To Love is beyond you, even Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in one of his prayers asked Allah to forgive for the favorite his heart carry among his wives for that is not his conscious doing.

    so dont punish yourself over what is not in your control.

    love brings love to you, let this love manifest in your actions to yourself, parents, arts, anything.

    it is a blessing that the man has not reciprocated, trust me on this... I have been and am in love with a man who is nonmuslim and he does love me back with same ardent love. But I Love Allah and fear Allah's displeasure more than temptation of this love for a man. so it is end of road for me with him.

    Do not fight it, and pray to Allah to give you Peace, i will too for you.


  2. yes ALLAH wanted u to meet him everything that comes ur way is from ALLAH but ALLAH does stuff to test u but no u just so weak and listen to shaytaan telling u yeah commit zina! its great! brrrr girl wake up ur not the only girl or beautiful girl alive he can get any girl he wants he probly has one already,wat if ur death is near hav u asked forgivenes for ur sins wil the guy come wit his white horse and take u to jannah or is it only ur creator wu can take u there? so stop being selfish u only thinking about ur happiness wat abt ALLAH'S pleasure? he created u! he feeds u! he clothes u! he protects u! he shud love more,i wonder how this guy helped u and for how long? wat he spoke to u? anybody can speak even i cud hav been there that time helping u wit ur problems,but nobody can do wat ALLAH does for us so thers a hell do u wana continue sinning and wakw up in hell?

  3. correction: he u shud love more i mean u shud love ALLAH more

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