Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is this marriage valid?

law fiqh marriage divorce

Let me introduce myself, I am originally from Africa but I live and work in ksa. I was born and raised in good Muslim family and I practice Islam daily even now better since I came to KSA.

Well! there is a Muslim girl who has a baby girl out of wedlock from a non-believer/non-Muslim. She lives in the US and now she is separated and lives with her baby.  I know this girl we grew up together in a neighborhood. She knows that I am still single and told me let us get married and make this hallal way. If we are compatible with each other, we will move on and live together, otherwise, will get divorced peacefully. My heart doesn't accept her because I like my woman to be a virtuous, good Muslimah inshallah.

On the other hand, I have a conservative family who are very restrict in Islam. They will never accept such things and she knows them very well.

   My Q is? If I convince my family and get married as she said, is such Nikkah valid as my intention is not good. Does halal marriage fulfilled only using witness and wali? I hope you understand my question but she is pushing me so hard. I don't know what is her benefit? and to be honest with you, she knows I am not happy and will leave her some day.

Any advice please?


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3 Responses »

  1. IBM, Asalaamualaykum,

    I do not understand - You have already decided that this woman is not chaste enough for you, that you do not want to be with her and if you do marry her, you will leave her. So why are you contemplating doing nikah with her?

    Why is she in such a situation that she is pushing you to do nikah with her? Have you been leading her on? Have you given her the impression that you are interested in her? Have you been emotionally intimate with her? I ask these questions, because I do not see why any woman would push a man to do nikah with her unless he had shown interest in her. Brother, I do think you need to some serious soul searching, self questioning and take account of yourself.

    Ultimately, if you are not happy with marrying this woman, let her know clearly and then leave her alone, so that she can move on with someone who is strong enough to accept her with her past insha'Allah.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. why are you judging the girl based on what she did in the past remember it takes two to commit zina she has probably made a mistake and maybe she wants you to help her improve her deen .have you thought about that ?you could maybe have a good future with her!?

    On the other hand if you have no intention of staying with the girl then all you need to do is loose all contact with the girl because all your going to do is make things worse for her she's already on her own with the child and probably feels lonely.

    • why are you judging the girl based on what she did in the past remember it takes two to commit zina she has probably made a mistake and maybe she wants you to help her improve her deen .have you thought about that ?you could maybe have a good future with her!?

      And how do you know ? . Maybe, the situation is contrary to your belief .

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