Islamic marriage advice and family advice

No proof of my nikah

law fiqh marriage divorce


I did my nikah verbally and now I want divorce from my husband but he does not give me the divorce.

I have no proof about my nikhah at that time, what do I do ? and what its solution in islam?

- shafqat

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2 Responses »

  1. sister please be more spicific why do u wanna get a divorce from your husband and i will help u with your problem please reply

  2. Dear Sister, Asalaamualaykum,

    Sister, you have not give much detail here. Marriage and Divorce are sensitive and major issues in Islam and it is not right for us to give you any advice based on such little information.

    If your nikah was done legally and properly, then you should have a certificate, two witnesses and your wali to testify to this. There is an Islamic way for a woman to divorce her husband but I will advise you to consult with a qualified Imam about this. This is because he will also provide mediation/marriage counselling which may help you solve your marriage issues.

    May Allah make things easier for you, aameen.

    SisterZ Editor

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