Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Preventing birth after giving birth

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Please advise, I am a recent convert to Islam. I got married a year and few months ago.

I am giving birth in few weeks. I need to know how to prevent another pregnancy because I want to breastfeed for 2 years as the Quran says.

I also understand that a pregnant woman cannot breastfeed (that is if i fall pregnant before 2 years is over)


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3 Responses »

  1. Salaam aleykum sister(s),

    I'm in the medical field, though not a gynaecologist, so i advice you to consult your midwife of gynaecologist. But here is what i can say.

    After you give birth, its a very good thing to breastfeed! I would encourage any female to do this, unless she has certain diseases, for example HIV, since this virus can travel through the milk to the baby. Also if you use medications or drugs, consult a specialist before you breastfeed.

    When a woman has given birth, as long as she breastfeeds this is a form of protection against a next pregnancy. This is due to the hormones that are released during breastfeeding.
    BUT: TAKE CARE!! becoz this is not a 100% protection! you can still conceive, you can still get pregnant. The safest ways not to get pregnant is to combine breastfeeding with contraceptives such as condoms.

    I know that there is different opinions about the use of condoms by islamic scolars. There are other (more natural) ways such as preventing the semen to enter the female, but this is very tricky and mistakes are easily made, so i dont recommend this to those who want to be sure not to get pregnant again. I dont believe that every woman is made to have 20 children, therefore i firmly believe in pregnancy control. As for those who are against it, before you start protesting, especially the men amongst us, you try being pregnant 10 times and delivering 10 times as well. 😉

    btw sister, total abstinence is the best protection and guaruntees that you will be able to breast feed your child. However, i doubt if you husband will comply with this 😉

    i wish you a smooth and easy (as far as possible) delivery of a healthy child inshallah.
    May your child bring you and your family happiness and may he/she grow up to be a proud muslim and servant of Allah swt.

    salaam aleykum

  2. Assalamu alaykum Sister,

    Best is to speak to your husband, if both are sure of it , on common agreement and have good understanding than seek advise of an expert gynaecologist.

    May Allah bless you with happiness from children and family for dunya and aakhirah.

  3. preventing birth? ask your gynocolgist. take contraception pills for exemple

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