Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘abused’

Cruel sister-in-law

I need everyone to know the truth about her…

Confused about my marriage

I was forced into this marriage. My husband has been mentally abusing me every day.

Sexually Abuse By My Own Family

I just better be off dead and no one will miss me. I just want to die as good Muslim women but I can’t do so if i keep doing what I’m doing now.

Was it All the Will of Allah?

Are we really piloting our own lives? Can my soul be saved and my faith rekindled despite all that has transpired?


God brings therapists and people to me to give me hope, I get up and try but fall down again as if He is teasing and breaking me more.

Marriage and abandoning a poor girl

She has been left stranded and he won’t give her divorce. He has misused nikah for his personal gains.

Should I divorce or stay in this marriage?

My father knows a bit about our difficulties and suggests we separate not divorce. I am worried that wont solve my problems as I am now at the end of my tether.

Used and tricked by fiancé

Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I miss him and wonder if it was my fault because i didn’t control him and I let him make me that way.

Father is betraying

He is physically and emotionally abusing me and my family is not supporting me.

Will Allah forgive me for having sex… I did not want to lose it when I did…

A man forced himself on me… Now I have a boyfriend but we have a sexual relationship.