Tag Archive for ‘internet love’
I am in a very critical situation
In love with a Muslim girl, together for too long but committed sins and want repentance and a solution?
Love relationship
We are both in love with each other. We are involved in sex but that is done over the phone not physically at all. She wants to convert in Islam if we will marry.
Relationship Before Marriage
I am an 18 year old girl who has somehow found herself in a relationship with a 42 year old man.
How can I convince my family to let me marry a guy I met online?
Please help me as soon as possible. I am fully depressed and planning to kill myself.
Can I talk to a girl if I know she will stop doing wrong?
She was talking to so many men but she left everything for me. Now she doesn’t talk to anyone.
Friend considering ‘suicide’
Can someone please tell me what to do or how to cope with this? I don’t want to wake up one morning to the news that he has gone ahead with this, if that IS his TRUE intention.
Help me please – I love him
Please suggest me dua through which I can have him in my life. He’s afraid of speaking to his parents.. please I need him I want him I know he is Muslim, please suggest me some dua please..
I’m losing the love of my life, please help!
Well let me start with my problem. I am a very good muslim walhamdulillah. I fell in love with a girl who is also good muslimah. I fell in love with her about year ago still love her and thats why I’m writing this if you all out there understand us and help us please. I found her online and it was before ramadan and we started talking and talking and ramadan came and she was going to be off internet until it end so I told her that I really enjoy talking to her and stuff if I can get her number.
Is it wrong to pray to marry a specific person?
I met a man online about one year ago. We live in two different countries. As we started talking with an intention to get married, he informed his mom about this and later we met along with his and my family. he said his family liked me and my family liked him too. his mom called up and said, they were very happy with the matter and they wanted to get things materialized ASAP.