Tag Archive for ‘online chat’

I am in a very critical situation
In love with a Muslim girl, together for too long but committed sins and want repentance and a solution?

Should I take a chance with this man or not?
We have talked for at least two months, he seems to be a good guy as far as I can tell.

Being sent inappropriate pictures
When I was 14 an older man kept trying to talk to me. It escalated to him sending me inappropriate pictures of himself.

Problems with my wife…
What to do if my wife keeps secrets from me and doesn’t treat me the way it should be?

Masturbation, self-harm, childhood abuse and bereavement…
I want to end this pain and I can only see one way out which is suicide but I dont want to do that but it seems no choice for me.

My sister is sinning, what can I do
I know Allah keeps our own sins hidden for us, but my sister isn’t even religious and she won’t seek forgiveness.

I’m a hostage of love, against my wish…..
I am a 14 year old tenth grader. Being forced to be in love has to probably be the worst of all situations…

I can’t leave him, neither can I forget him.
I am lovesick, involved in deep trouble and living in an unstable situation which is deeply affecting my health and studies.

What would keep a Muslim man from being married?
By the 3rd day of talking with him online– he says he loves me and calls me his princess…