Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Problems with Ex’

Suspicious Of Husband

I’ve seriously been considering leaving him because I can’t live with someone I don’t trust and he doesn’t make efforts.

I am feeling lost and full of hate

I trusted him but he is a liar and a player… why he says he is Muslim?!

Should I ask my ex if we have a future together?

Do I take the ‘alpha role’ or do I continue to ‘woo’ her?

Can I be cursed… Or are my prayers accepted?

She said no matter how many prayers you pray, you’ll not find peace, you’ll go to hell…

I can’t stop loving him

He said to his ex that letting her go was the biggest mistake ever – he still had feelings for her.

Please help me

Can someone tell me the solution please?

Exposed by ex fiancé

Please make duaa that this man leaves me alone and that God accepts my tawbah and that He places a cover over all my sins.

Advice Please

I suppose I am proposing to have & raise my child as a single parent – this would not be my preference, but I can’t imagine he will want to marry &/or be a father.

Is it haram to keep in contact with an ex in an Islamic marriage?

I’m in a marriage with a good women but I have a problem with her keeping in contact with exes I was wondering if it was haram and should I not feel some way about an ex that she has no ties to? Truebeliever1

I left her for the sake of Allah but I feel guilty

The extreme guilt in me is killing me that she cries over me and that I’ve done so wrong after leaving her like this.