Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can a husband contact women through social networks?

Is it ok for a husband to stay contact with gair women on facebook and online?

- murtza

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4 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    A man who has taqwa (fear of Allah) should not engage with non-mahram females online any more than they would in person. For instance, if he works with a female boss at his place of employment, and he asks her a work related question and leave it at that, then it's understood it is by necessity of work. If that female boss happens to email him about something related to work and he emails back, that is understood.

    However, if he is just talking to women freely for no apparent reason, or just to socialize, this would not be acceptable.

    -Amy Editor

  2. Murtza,

    I think this should be looked at in the same way that we look at real-world contact. A man can speak to non-mahrem woman in the real world as long as it's something necessary or beneficial, and they do not meet in private.

    If we apply the same standard to a social network like Facebook, it would mean that a man should not privately message a woman about anything inappropriate, and should not publicly engage her in friendly chitchat or flirtatious behavior. However, commenting publicly about innocent or beneficial things would be fine.

    I follow some of my favorite Muslim writers and thinkers on Facebook. Some are men like Imam Zaid Shakir, some are women like Yasmin Mogahed. I benefit from what they have to say Insha'Allah, and I sometimes comment back. I also have a few female "friends" on FB, and occasionally when they post something interesting I will comment publicly. But I try to restrict these comments to things are beneficial in some way, such as comments about Islamic issues.

    Regarding the friends, I think if I were married I would object to my wife having male friends on FB and chatting about unnecessary things. So I would stick to the same standard in my own behavior Insha'Allah.

    Allah knows best.

    Wael Editor

  3. Salaam, i have learnt and told many to follow a simple guidline, when thinking about questions like yours or similar, ask yourself would i like it if my wife, sister or mother where on the other side. normally this will equate to a NO, and hence one must not continue with his action.

  4. Asalaam alaikum,

    Easy answer to test the intention and keep everything on the up and up: share passwords. If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to hide. This goes for facebook, email, phones, etc. Of course, it goes without saying to not abuse this privilege and harm each other out of jealousy, but a happy marriage involves only those people who are married and not hiding things from each other.

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