Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My husband of almost six years has had an affair with an American woman

My husband of almost six years has had an affair with an American woman. He denies that he has done anything wrong. He prays and fasts, but for a time he stopped attending Majid. I assume it was because he was seeing this lady.

I am not sure what to do at this point. I ask for strength everyday to take the high road at all times no matter what unpleasant situations I face. I have been able to do just this so far. I feel no jealousy only compassion and strength but worry my resolve will not last long..  I truly want the best for my husband. If he cannot love me I would prefer he compassionately divorce me.

I have an education and a good job, so I can support myself. He is in a great deal of denial and does not seem to want to leave. He shows guilt through his actions, such as taking extra baths if I ask him about this woman, but will not admit he did something wrong in words. I am always calm around him and I have supported him through many difficult periods of unemployment and I have never asked for anything from him and I never will.

I am a human though, and I worry the incredible strength that comes over me when I feel about to break will leave me. I also feel there is something abnormal about my strength and lack of feelings of jealousy or feelings of revenge or ill will towards my husband.

- Fatima

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1 Responses »

  1. asalamu alaikum,

    sis i think you should sit down with your husband and have a chat, from my point of view you seem that you not really botherd since you said you have no feelings of jealousy etc, is this situation normally a woman will go flip mode so i suggest you should tell him how you feel and what you wanna do, you been married almost 6yrs? thats a long time i think you should try to save your marriage.

    ma salama

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