Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Husband is abusive and separates me from my family

Verbal abuse, heart break, calling names

Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse

I have been married for an year and a half. After marriage I moved abroad. My husband is 9 years older to me. I had problems with my in-laws and abusive husband.

I filed a case of Khulah just to get rid of the torture I was going through. My in-laws and husband convinced me to come back and so I took my case back from the court. I came back with my child to my husband's country.

Now my husband is still the same in fact has got worse. He abuses me and my parents badly and have made it a point that I will not get to see my parents ever in life.

He has tried to even hit me..If i will tell my parents they will be very depressed and I don't want in this country I have no one to talk to or save me except Allah ...!! Please tell me what should I do...?


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1 Responses »

  1. Salaam Mekha.

    Its important not to undermine the abuse. Emotional abuse can affect the victim even more than physical in some cases. Ask yourself is your husband actively making steps to change his behaviour, is he going for counselling? Is he willing to get help. If not, I advise you to leave this man as soon as you can. Get away from him for your own safety and sanity dear sister. If you cannot get through to him and he has not changed then this is most likely best course of action for you for you own safety as it will only get worse. May Allah protect you.

    Make arrangements for somewhere else to stay. If you cannot get somewhere immediately in the meantime your at home, stay out of your husbands way. Dont do anything which will make him angry. When you leave take important items such as medicines and documents with you. It may be a good idea to leave when hes not around in case he becomes abusive.

    Once you have got yourself out of this situation (InshaAllah) and are safe you can pursue khula. Make sure you keep your whereabouts secret if you can especially if you fear he will harm you. If you pursue leaving him then do not listen to his 'I will change# or your parents telling you to stay with him - stick to your decision no matter what.

    Here is a site which provides information: Please make sure you are safe only and delete all of your internet history if there is a risk of him tracing you on this site. There are some useful links under menu.

    May Allah protect you and your child.

    Sara Editor

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