Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is my Nikah valid outside the city where I was married?

Is My Nikah Valid?

My husband and I met in Riyadh as Christians, we both decided to convert to Islam and later got married under Muslim rights.

Now we are living in separate countries for work related travel..

Is the Muslim marriage be honored outside Riyadh? Our native country is Philippines. But we are not married in the Philippines, only in Riyadh.

- sarah jamil

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1 Responses »

  1. Salamualaikum,

    Sister, I first congratulate you and your husband for your Islam.

    The laws of Islam are universal. They apply everywhere. If you get married in some city, your marriage is valid throughout the World. Just keep safely, the documents you prepared/received for your Nikaah.

    Sister, you seem to have very less knowledge about the Deen. I suggest that you improve on this and work with your husband to learn more about Islam and try to Please Allah, to the extent possible.

    I have seen that innumerable Philippinos accept Islam in Saudi Arabia, masha Allah. Please look for places or people who you can gain authentic knowledge from, in your country, and learn the Deen in order to secure your Worldly life and the life of the Hereafter.

    I pray that Allah gives us all the most correct Knowledge and admits us all to His Gardens
    Muhammad Waseem‎ Editor

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