Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Isthikara result – I need to know

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Istikhara and Dreams

Assalamu Alaikum,

My name is... [Names removed by editor] . I been a relation with a girl were I was suppose to get engaged and get married.
[Names removed by editor]

Due to misunderstanding, our relationship got broken. Hira is my cousin.

I would like to know if Allah SWT, did answered my prayer of isthikara.

I had a dream, where my friend was driving a black car and he ignored me while I was walking on the street. Therefore he return back to me and said 'hi' and asked me to test his car drive, and I drived.

Another dream, I saw my fiance mother, called my uncle and said they were ready to give their daughter to us.hence I was so happy in my dream, while I woke up I found it was 5Am in morning and heard the Azaan. (Will this come true)

Please give me the answer for my dream. I am so much depressed, and I can't forget my love. please help me.



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4 Responses »

  1. You say that the engagement is now broken.

    So, you have your answer from Allah. This girl was not written for you.

    If you are asking if your dream means that the girl will return to you, then only time will tell. Istikhara and dreams do not predict the future. The future will unfold as it is meant to.

    Personally, I think you are dreaming about this girl because you are thinking about her all the time and you are very sad about the broken engagement. Once your sadness goes away, you will stop dreaming about her.

  2. The dreams of the girl are just your sub-concious dealing with the situation, nothing more or less, it is also whats on your mind playing through your dreams, its just how mentally humans manage and go through a break up, so do not pay too much attention to them.

    I agree with precious star, whatevers meant to be, will unfold through time, if the girls for you but just not now, Allah will return her to you at the right time and place, and guaranteed itll happen, if shes meant for you.

    However, as of right now, you have got your answer to your istikhara, meaning the engagement breaking or stopping.

    Usually in a situation between two halal options, we should do istikhara and then go towards what we think is best, Allah will then guide you to it or away from it. Its clear now the situation you have infront of you, accept it, pray to Allah if you want this girl, for Allah to arrange her for you if she is good for you.

  3. assalam o Alaikum
    i have a questn regardng Isthikhara

    Soon I ll be married to a boy of my parnts Also liked him Very much..Bt My mother perfrmd isthikara n she saw one my widow reltve ... my mother says that she has postve vibes for my fiance..
    we both want to get married.. we both are obedient Towrds Our Deen...plz help

    • AOA Sister Aiman - I do Istakhara for almost everything important. Ask your mother to redo Istakhara. I've personally witnessed a dream many years ago, after I got engaged the first time. I saw my then fiance and I, in wedding dress, standing together, kind of how you see a husband and a wife's pictures at a wedding, and the a fire took over the entire scene. I really liked everything about her and her family, and when I woke up with sweat all over my body and scared to lose my engagement, around Fajr, MA, I was very upset and thought this was JUST a dream.

      By 1 PM the SAME day, my mother in law called me crying and gave me her own mother's promise or last wish if you will (as her mother was dying or in a hospital), to not let my fiance get married at this time, as her older cousins were still around without a marriage and it would look bad on the family, or whatever the cultural drama people like us go through.

      But, while this dream came out to be true, not every time its happened. I'll give you a recent example MashAllah, we moved to a different state and things were bad between my wife and I. We tried to buy a house here and I've done Istakhara on and off for over a year and a half, we'd find great deals on homes and nothing would go through, strange things would happen and the deal would break, money or financing wasn't even an issue. After a year and a half worth of wasting time, both my wife and I asked for forgiveness, she's turned into a very good muslima MA. And I did Istakhara a week ago again and it appears that we'll be actually getting a new home soon.

      I shared this story so you can see that Istakhara has various components to it, sometimes, there is a dream and sometimes there isn't. BUT, the fact of the matter is, if you ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT and beg for his mercy and do Istakhara, you've given the control of the situation to him, of course he's the most knowledgeable, decisive and merciful. He says "be" and it becomes.

      So Allah will grant you what's right for you when the time comes, and he'll keep what's not right for you, away from you. Of course Allah knows the best, and whatever is in Heavens or Earth is all his. So do istakhara again, whatever is good for you, IA it'll happen automatically, with or without a dream, you'll feel very strongly towards a decision, or it'll just happen. Otherwise, be patient if it doesn't workout for you as Allah will bless you with what's best for you.

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