Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Marriage and Intimacy and Legal Action

sexuality sex masturbation


Thank you,for the work you are doing may Allah reward you Abundantly,Kindly i need more light/explanations in respect to the following Questions, please.

1)How often should Husband and Wife have SEX?

2)How long should Husband and Wife stay with out SEX(in days or months),where if there is no SEX the Wife have the right to REPORT, or file for a legal action?

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thank You,


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5 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    In general, there are no restricitions or limitations upon how frequently a couple can engage each other, provided that it is not taking place while the wife is on her menses. So if a couple wants to get together four times a day, they may. Likewise, if they are both equally comfortable only getting together four times a year, they may do that as well.

    What is clear is that the woman cannot refuse a man if he wants to come to her for relations, unless she is mensing etc. Likewise, the wife also has marital rights upon her husband, so he should not refuse her from having relations if she comes to him for this. If a man or a woman refuses their spouse from having marital relations when requested, it is considered as a denial of Islamic rights. Needless to say, ongoing denial of ANY marital right (whether food, clothing, shelter, kindness, safety, sex, respect etc) can be grounds to request a divorce by either party. Beyond divorce, I don't believe most countries would consider lack of sexual engagement as a crime on any level, and so no one can be charged or sued for it.

    -Amy Editor

  2. Assalam olykum wr wb.
    Subhanallah the answer is precise and I would like to add an important point that the maximum time limit for husband and wife to be away from each other is 6 months.!

  3. I would like to narrate an important point here that sister do not read the book of mufti muhammad ibn adam why because he has preconceived idea from the specific school of thought .And i am not saying this out of blue.

    Jazakumullahu khairan

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