Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is it permissible in Islam to marry my grandmother’s sister’s daughter’s daughter?

Family tree showing cousin relationships and definitions

Family tree showing cousin relationships and definitions



Is it permissible in Islam to marry my grandmother's sister's daughter's daughter?

Me -> My grandmother -> My grandmothers sister.  (say GMS)-> GMS daughter -> GMS daughters daughter.

Wael's Answer:

Wa alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullah,

Yes. What you have described is your second cousin, and there is no problem in Islam with marrying her. It is even allowed in Islam to marry a first cousin, though I don't recommend it for health reasons (marriages between first cousins carry an increased chance of genetic abnormalities in the children).

And Allah knows best.

If any readers have some additional advice for this questioner, I invite you to post your comments below.

(O Allah), Guide us to the straight path; The path of those whom you have favored; Not those with whom you are angry; Nor those who go astray.

Best regards,

- Wael Abdelgawad Marriage Advice Muslim Matrimonial Service

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27 Responses »

  1. Asalaam Alykum,

    What about on my Fathers side of the family:
    Me -> My Fathers Mother -> My grandmothers sister. (say GMS)-> GMS daughter.

    Would be my Fathers cousin.

    Is this allowed? On your chart, what is the blue?


    • Omar, yes you can marry your father's cousin. Though I do not recommend it because of health concerns. It's always healthier to marry outside the family and bring in new blood.

      The blue on the chart shows various types of uncles and aunts. The chart is shaded roughly by generation.

      Wael Editor

    • Thanks for the answer...

  2. Salaam Wa Rahmatallah !!

    I would like to know - Is it possible to marry my - Mother's Sister's Daughter's Daughter ??
    ( Mother's Elder Sister's Grand Daughter ) ??

    I shall be grateful for the answer.


  3. Asalaam Alykum,

    Thank you for such a good article,

    Could you tell me, Is it allowed to marry my mother's mother's sister's daughter?


  4. can i marry my Grandmom's sister's granddaughter?
    if i married what will happen to the future?

  5. Tnx for the answer

  6. is My grandmom's sister's grand daughter is Sis in law for me?

  7. I would like to know if one can marry her grandmother's uncle's son. In other words, her grand mother's first cousin, her mother's second cousin, her third cousin.

    Kindly advise and May Allah guide us all.

    Thank you.

  8. Assalamualaikum

    Is it possible to marry my another grandmother's Daughter's Daughter's Daughter....

    • You should be more specific. After all, your grandmother's daughter is also your mother. But I assume you mean your first cousins's daughter? Yes, you can marry her.

      Wael Editor

      • my grandfather has 4 wives.. His 3rd wife's Daughter's only one Daghter's (i mean Cousin) Daughter (i mean niece)
        me from his 4th wife's small daughter's son

        Kindly advise and May Allah guide us all

  9. Assalamu Alaikkumm..

    My father's father's brother's son's daughter...
    (Is she Maharam for me???)

  10. Assalamualaikum

    Can i marry my grand mothers(mothers mom) younger sisters daughter???

    • Yes, but it's best to avoid it. Marrying within the family carries a higher risk of genetic abnormalities in the children. It's better to marry outside the family.

      Wael Editor

  11. What about my grandmothers sisters daughter

  12. can i marry my father's son-in-laws daughter..?

  13. Can I marry my grandmother's sister's daughter?

    Me>my mother>my grandmother >grandmother's sister>my grandmother's sister's daughter

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