Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My husband lives with me and my family, and he can’t stand it

"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." A married couple needs their own space, even if it's just a tiny apartment with only a bed, a chair and a table.
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." A married couple needs their own space, even if it's just a tiny apartment with only a bed, a chair and a table.


Asalam o alaikum,

Please would someone be able to offer some advice on my situation?

I got married and my husband came from overseas and now lives with me and my mother at home. (he is also my cousin). However, the situation at home has been very unpleasant since he came. My mother and my husband do not get along. I feel like my mother expected a son relationship with him, and he has wanted to be a husband first.

We have been living with my mother for 10 months now and we stil do not seem to get along. My husband wants us to have our independence, and my mother feels like he has not been able to adjust himself to living within a family. This is my mother's home and so my other brothers and sisters visit when they like or when my mother invites them. This causes problems as my husband feels like we do not have a choice in this matter and have to entertain guests regardless.

I have 5 other elder brothers and sisters and they are all married and live away. I have one sister who lives close and has a very good relationship with my mother. My mother also looks after her children while she is at work. She and my mother are able to talk about her problems and that of those of local residents! I on the otherhand do not have this kind of relationship with her. Perhaps this is because I am the youngest. I have always tried to be polite to her.

My husband and I do get along. We went through quite a difficult time where he felt that I put my family first, expected him to do so too, and did not treat him as a husband but instead was busy making sure that everyone else was happy. We have since talked abot this and things have changed and I try and make sure that I am fulfilling as much of my duties towards him and giving him time and attention.

My mother often talks to him, and us in an angry tone. Both her and my sister often say things that are hurtful and have double meanings. My mother has even been rude to his family. This all causes tension between us as he feels that I am partly to blame.

When he first came he did try and make an effort with everyone and was constantly put down for it. He also heard that he was here for other reasons such as the uk visa, the money and to take over the house - when in fact my mother arranged the marriage in the first place. He then stopped making an effort and now hears that he doesnt take an interest and lives like a lodger. He has also stopped trying to make extra conversation with my mother due to the constant abrupt and hurtful remarks as a response. HE also gets upset when my mother says anything to me.

My mother is really nice to the other children and their partners and the hypocrisy also makes my husband angry as he can't understand what it is that he does so very wrong.

I am really caught in the middle as I love my mother. My father passed away several years ago (may Allah rest his soul) and I cannot imagine her living alone. I lived alone with my mother after I graduated and things were fine, but since my hsband has come the whole atmosphere of the house is very sour.

My husband and I do love each other and get along and seem to be able to laugh and joke and get on even better when my mother isn't around. However she feels that we do not involve her or make her feel loved. My husband feels like we have not had any time just alone together and that my mother should understand that we do need this.

My mother and sister often sit together and talk about him, me, us and analyse our actions and talk about how we have not been able to adjust or how we are happy alone. However they do not see the things that they say.

I have never spoken back to my mother and I think this has meant that she has been able to be very hurtful for a long while. Both me and my husband do not try and rationlise with her and say to her that she is always angry when we try and talk to her. But she does not think she is doing anything wrong and feels like she is right.

My mtoher doesn't respect my husband and this shows in both her words and her actions.

My husband has lost his love for her and there is very little compassion left.

He wants us to move out. I have always known that your parents are so very important in Islam. This is why I am always nice to my mother regardless of what she says to me, and I try to be the best daughter I can. I have never wanted to hurt her. However, I am now married and I know that my husband has to come first.

We have tried to live at home and the situation does not seem to be getting any better. I feel really sad that I will be leaving her alone, although at the same time there is part of me that knows that she is not my sole responsibility. We will be living in very financially tight circumstances if we move out too, however, I don't know if I should bite the bullet and move out for the sake of my marriage and the hope that the relationship will improve.

There is a lot of resentment at the moment due to the lack of choice and freedom and having to constantly face my sister who says lots of hurtful things.

I know it is not usual for the husband to live with the girl and her family. And I think as a man he is entitled to feel like a man in his own house. He does not feel like we have our own space and my mother thinks that we have the whole house and the freedom to do what we want.

I am also 8 months pregnant and have been very unhappy for the whole duration of my pregnancy. I am making even more of an effort with my husband even though I should be resting to compensate for the tension and dischord at home. We try and be good to each other and make each other laugh.

He doesn't want to keep on making the effort with my family as it doesn't seem to have got anywhere. He does not think he is treated well at all whereas everyone else does. He is also very very lonely here. He only talks to me as he does not have any friends, which means that I get all the fustration and anger he is feeling too.

Islamically I don't know what I should do. I love both my mother and my husband and I don't think either should be this unhappy. It doesn't help that my mother has various health problems such as a failing kidney, diabetes and high blood pressure. Where I am able to show compassion as she is also 63 years old, my husband seems to have run out steam now.

Some guidance and help would really be appreciated.


- Sister S.

Wael's Answer:

Dear Sister S., As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Have you heard the expression, "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home"?

In my opinion, a married couple needs their space. Especially a newlywed couple needs room to become a family of their own, to relate to one another as husband and wife in privacy. Even if it's just a tiny flat with no more than a bed, a chair and a dining table, it's a start. Don't expect to be in the lap of luxury. Be content with something small and meager for now. The important thing is to have a place of your own, for you and your husband.

The situation you are living currently will destroy your marriage if it is not resolved. I strongly advise you and your husband to find your own place. Hopefully it will look a little better than the one in the photo 🙂

I think if you do, you will find that your marriage and happiness will improve.

That does not mean abandoning your mother. If you find a place reasonably close, you can still visit your mother for a few hours a day by yourself to help her with whatever she needs, then return to your husband. But don't spend all day at your mother's house. Make your husband and your new home the center of your domestic attention.

You need a change of mindset as well. Your "family" is now you and your husband, and your future children, Insha'Allah. Of course he still has his own family (parents, siblings, etc) and so do you, but you and your husband are starting a new family and that is now your nucleus. You must turn to each other first, love one another, think of each other's needs, and try to make each other happy.

And Allah knows best.

If any readers have some additional advice for this questioner, I invite you to post your comments below.

(O Allah), Guide us to the straight path; The path of those whom you have favored; Not those with whom you are angry; Nor those who go astray.

Best regards,. - Wael Abdelgawad Marriage Advice Muslim Matrimonial Service

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3 Responses »

  1. As Salam Allai Kum

    Dear sister, first congrats on the upcoming baby, may Allah (SWT) shower you and your family with blessings.

    First of all i like to applaud you because you understand that your husband married you and not your family. You understand the value and position of your husband, not saying your mom ain't important, but you understand that you have your own family and have to grow out of your parents'.

    Sister, what advice Wael Abdelgawad gave you is the best. Although your mom may have become sour and feel your husband and you have over stayed your welcome. I too advice you to get your own place, regardless of the size. It can be a studio apartment with one room, but it will be your place. And when you do move out call your mother every alternate day, visit her twice a week for couple of hours. try to make it mostly a cleaning visit, wash her dishes, wash her clothes, vacuum the house..etc. Seems like your other sister is mostly around to keep her company and up to date on the daily gossip.

    Try not to tell her in detail of your household activities, the good and the bad that is happening in your life. if she ask in detail just say "Al Hamdulillah everything is fine by the grace of Allah(SWT), we are coping and are happily adjusting".

    Does your husband work? Was he employed or unemployed during your stay at your mom's? If he was unemployed she may had been trying to wake his inner man up so he can support his family. this might be another scenario.

    I too have had an arrange marriage, some years back to a very nice religious lady. But my situation was some what reversed. After we got married i found out she had tried to get in the US and was denied, thus making it hard for me to obtain a visa for her. I left my $150k job, my house, my parents and all, and i moved to India to be closer to her. I never lived in India before. I was born in Saudi Arabia and moved to the US at a very young age. I have neither family nor friends in India.

    I moved in her parents house, although the first few months were OK, we were denied any privacy. Like a fool i thought "just a few more week, few more months and we will move to US, i don't need an apartment to stay." mind you i had enough money to buy their entire apartment complex they lived in.

    In a few months everything had changed, Her parents, her siblings, all use to treat me like a child, basically telling me what i can and can't do. Then a little light of hope shined towards me as a blessing from Allah (SWT), my wife was pregnant. Nobody in her family was thrilled about this, and in the mid of second month she had a miscarriage, i was broken. But what hurt me the most was after 4 months of the miscarriage i found out from her OBGYN that it was in fact an abortion done by her & her mom. That day i do admit it and regret it to this day, i lost it all confronted my wife and grabbed her and shook her asking her "WHY?", i didn't hit her or anything i just shook her. Her family saw this and basically scolded me and kicked me out, me alone out. i stayed in a hotel and basically begged her to come along with me. she said she was sorry for what she did, she loved me...blah blah blah, and in two weeks send me a Qula notice. I followed her in every state and country she went to trying to win her back, but after 5 year.... now i finally moved on, but will never marry again. All i need is Allah (SWT) and Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in my life and i'm very happy alone.

    But you, you're a strong woman that knows what Islam says about the importance of a Husband to wife, and Wife to husband. You two need some private time to build your relationship rock solid. A husband loves to be taken care of, the attention, the love, the small talks, the little jokes, pranks.....

  2. Salam,

    Living life is hard, especially in the the straight and narrow. Congrats on still having the presence of mind and sanity in trying your level best. Congrats as well on your upcoming delivery.

    My experience is in the reverse. I have been married some nine years and for the first 3 years, lived with my in-laws. The remainder was an in-and-out affair with us studying in UK. In total, I have only lived apart from them, their culture and influence for 1 year.

    I am on the recieving end of their unexplainable and unjustifiable harrangue. Truthfully, I would not wish my experience on anyone. It is very taxing to remain nice and sweet and follow the strictures of religion.

    A move away in to your own place, be it a hovel in other's eyes, would still be a haven of a home when you are free from daily complaints, comparisions and condemnation by people who are supposed to love and cherish you, more hurtful that it comes from parents and siblings with whom you have had no arguments prior to marriage. Being newly married, you would definately need to time to florish together.

    Don't wait for the baby to be born as it would make moving out all the more harder and critisms on your ability to be a parent all the more harsh and unfounded. This is my expereince, and it is not a pleasant one. Let the joy of your delivery be a testimony of your love for one another and let it be the step in which you find your future brighter and happier.

    Move out and belive in Allah's might as with each birth, the rezeki or good fortune of a family is increased and will be provided for.

  3. Asslam-o-Alaikum sister,
    Right now sister you have got three people to worry about.first your husband,second your mother and third your child.
    First your husband:You know in Islam a woman has the first obligation to her husband and a man has the first obligation to his mother.Mashallah you have a good relationship with your husband.It is understandable that things are not working for your husband and he can not cope with the situation.I think it would be the best thing for both of you that you move out and live in an independent house where your husband will be able to enjoy his position as a leader of the family.Even if you get financially tight you have to understand that this is the only solution left.It is only the beginning of your marriage.You have to become financially strong so as to bring up your children properly.Both of you will have to work hard to earn a good living and settle your financial state.

    Second your mother:as to your mother.It is very good that you are polite to your mother but every mother and every daughter knows that a woman is or can be only for her husband and her children after marriage.No matter how keen she is to help her parents and family her duties to her husband and children after marriage do not give her the opportunity of helping them.You do not have so much obligation to your mother.But as she is old and needs care.Your elder sister lives nearby and she can come to take care of her.I think you can also,if it is possible,live somewhere near where you could come to her and take care of her as much as she needs.YOu could also spend half of the day with her so that she is not lonely.

    Third your child:sister it is my personal experience that your children will suffer the worst of it.Worse than you and your husband.So if you want your children to grow in a healthy environment then you should move into a separate place where both of you can bring them up in a healthy environment.

    And dont think that you are not being good to your mother because nobody can deny the fact that daughters cannot do much after marriage.Plus you would have helped her in any way if things hadnt gone this worse.This is the only choice left for you to save your marriage and your children mental and social health.
    May Allah guide you for He (swt) knows best.

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