My husband makes me pay for household expenses and the children’s needs

My husband makes me pay the household expenses
Is it permissible for a husband to make a wife pay for things in the household that he refuses to pay because he wants to save money for something he wants, like a new car?
My husband has decided that he will only give my children and I just enough to live on, and no more, but if there are any other bills that occur during the month, including clothing for my children, I need to pay for these things myself.
I have no money, other than a some child support check that I get every month, from my previous non-Muslim marriage. What do I do, I have tried to talk to my husband repeatedly but to no avail, and it only cause more problems for me when I do so?
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asalamu alaikum,
hi how are you? hope you are doing well. after reading i am shocked for the stress your husband is putting you through. in islam the men has to support and provide for his wife and children, regardless of the money which you may have, he is not allowed to take anythin from you, sister i advise you to tell him that you can no longer cope, ask him whats more important? a car or his family? what he is doing is just ridiculous.
try all means if still no luck then it is permissable for you to seek divorce, sister you deserve to be treated better, hope things work out.
ma salama
salam husband wants to buy a house ....because he does not want to pay rent for a second wife...he barely has quarter of the money.. he wants my children who live in the west to give him there money that they have received from the government in order to go to university....he has no gaurantee on when the money he can repay it back........presently we live off of government money.....that he does what he wants with. i live in a house that was left to him from his rent..........he is constantly complaining everything is too expensive................i have always given him the money i see this is maybe a mistake because he has become so lazy....he wakes until 10.30 and must return to sleep by 2 pm..the rest of the time he is in front of the t.v.............i told my boys i don t think they should give him the money because if the money comes here ...i don t see how he will repay it......and the boys will be charged interest if it is not paid back after6 months of finishing co wife agrees with me.but to approch my husband is very difficult....bomb.....story
asalamu alaikum,
sis i advise you to leave him.
ma salama
salam i don t understand.leave him to take the money from the children..................already he is supporting us from government money..child benifit...i dont see how he will repaid the is 6.000 dllrs he is asking for.............should he not be working in order to do this......
asalaam alaikum...I have been married for nearly 15 years. I have 2 boys and want another child,but husband said no 2 is enough. I feel that hes famiy advising him not to have more and he wont listen to me. I pay for all the bills and I am working full time too. I have to pay all bills n clothing for children. what do I do? he is always there for his own family n sees his sister every weekend. he doesn't care for me and his chidren. in islam, is a man meant to pay for all bills ? really my life is messed he is never there for us. he has a british passport now and always says I'm going pak n leaving me........shall I just let him do what he wishes? but he also owes me a bg sum of do I get that back? please help me. I want to be a good muslim a good mother in shaa allah ? but my husband may go pak n he wont come back.