Islamic marriage advice and family advice

If I tell my family I have reverted to Islam, they will disown me


Taken by SisterZ during Hajj 2006/7

Hi there Well,

I am afraid to tell to my parents if I would accept Islam in future & if I apply for Islam notarial certification so can I keep everything secret life time from everybody.

I would secretly go to the Masjid with my Islam friends so its not a big deal but I dont want my family & relatives to know anything about my reversion to Islam otherwise they will be in big trouble & they will be heart broken & they won't talk to me forever in my whole life.

So what should I do now? I want Islam notory certification because before I die I want to go to Makkah & Madinah any how. Well, if I would have Shahada & if I would apply after 5-7 years for Islam notory certification is that alright for me? Can anybody let me know plz?....


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1 Responses »

  1. Asalaamualaykum,

    Maasha'Allah on reverting to Islam. May Allah make this new journey easy for you and may He(swt) also bring your entire family to Islam, aameen!

    Firstly Brother, if you get a certificate to confirm your reversion to Islam, youf family do not have to see it, so secure the certificate insha'Allah as you do not when Allah(swt) will invite you for Hajj. How do you know it will not be this year or next year?

    Secondly, many brothers and sisters share the same challenges you are facing, since they are having difficulties telling their families that they have become Muslim. You have not mentioned your age or which country you live in. If you are old enough and financially secure, could you consider moving out to live with other Muslim brothers? If you are not at this stage and you fear for your safety, keep your reversion quite for now. Focus on your ibaadah and ask Allah to make a way for you.

    In the meantime, perhaps you could start introducing Islam to your parents - but in a very subtle way. Start bringing home leaflets about Islam, leave them lying around on the coffee table or dining table - in a place where you know your parents will see them. See how they react. When a find a convenient moment, drop in a word about Islam to start a discussion on the topic.

    I understand it must be very difficult for you. I take praying Salaah and Fasting for granted, I don't need to hide in order to pray nor do I need to hide that I'm not eating for the day - Alhumdulillah. However it must be a challenge for you as you have to hide these acts of worship from your family. But my dear brother, remember that each time you go through these struggles, you are nearing yourself to Allah and He(swt) will reward you for all the struggles that you undergo for his sake, aameen! Make a conscious effort to spend time with good practising Muslim brothers as this will lift your spirits and insha'Allah increase your emaan.

    There will come a time when it will be easier for you insha'Allah. When the time is right, either your family will accept Islam, or they will accept that you have become Muslim, or Allah will grant you a place of refuge. In the meantime, focus on your ibaadah and on being good to your parents and family and improve your manners, so that when they do discover you have become Muslim, they will see that you are only better off as an individual because of your reversion.

    May this time come soon and may Allah grant you with Sabr and very Strong eemaan, aameen.

    SisterZ Editor

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