Tag Archive for ‘attraction’

Should I marry an ugly person?
He has stopped caring about his appearance… I feel disconnected and I am scared that I will not be happy with him or may fall into sin….

Is attraction necessary?
There’s just something about the guy I just can’t stand. It makes me so scared the thought of spending my whole life with someone I’m so repulsed by. Should I go ahead with this marriage?

Help, I really like this guy and he doesn’t even know my name
He’s a Muslim youtuber. He doesn’t know me at all.

Halal way to approach the guy I like?
Please don’t tell me to get a wali. I don’t have one. What do I do?

I’m 14 and in love with my cousin forever help me
I feel disgusted with myself for liking my own blood relative but at the same time I can’t help it.

Is this truly haraam even though I’ve never had sexual relations, nor wanted to have sexual relations with a girl?

I really like this man… I’m only 13?
I truly do love him, but lately, he’s been touching me a little.

Have a horrible crush
I feel it was my fault, I shouldn’t have told him in the first place and just kept denying it. But now I don’t know what to do.