Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Tag Archive for ‘Marriage’

Is it really over between us?

The man I loved got married to another woman, but my dreams seem to indicate I can still marry him.

I didn’t disclose my correct age during Nikah. Is my Nikah valid?

I don’t know how to confess the truth to him. I am scared that I will lose his trust and love. I cannot imagine what my life would be like at that point, and wish Allah gives me death instead.

Still praying Istikhara after getting the “result”

I really like the brother’s character and it is everything I wish for in a spouse. However, I was not attracted by his appearance.

I met a Western Muslimah whose past is bothering me

Eventually, I came to find out about her past. She had a boyfriend in high school who used her and left. I did not say anything to her about it.

I am not madly in love with my fiance. But there’s this other guy…

Should I be with someone who loves me as I am, cares for me, and desperately wants to marry me but for whom I dont feel the same way?

I wanted to overlook his bad past

I wasn’t planning on judging him for mistakes he made in the past, but when I started to get to know him better, I realized that he wasn’t really the person I thought he was when I first met him. I still decided that I wanted to be with him in hope that he’d change.

Conflicted feelings regarding istikhara

I have a man who recently proposed to my family. When my parents agreed, he and I prayed istikhara to decide if this is truly the right decision. When he prayed, he received a negative feeling about moving forward, however, when I prayed, I had a positive feeling or no feelings at all. What is the ruling for conflicting feelings?

Haram relationship!!!

My fiance keeps telling me that he’s not ready for marriage.

Confusion over a non-Muslim guy

I’m witnessing that Allah is making him close to my parents and my parents have started to like him…

Help needed regarding future marriage

Will me waiting 5 years for him be healthy for us? How do i go about this in the islamic way?