Tag Archive for ‘trauma’

Sexually Abuse By My Own Family
I just better be off dead and no one will miss me. I just want to die as good Muslim women but I can’t do so if i keep doing what I’m doing now.

Abusive husband won’t leave
He justifies hitting me that its my fault cuz i get him mad or provoke him and plus he does me the great favor of hitting me in my legs where i can still “live” rather that hitting me places where vital organs are…unless hes more mad he will hit me every where..

Will Allah forgive me for having sex… I did not want to lose it when I did…
A man forced himself on me… Now I have a boyfriend but we have a sexual relationship.

Child abuse
Throughout my childhood and adult life my mum has been cruel to me and controlled me. She still verbally abuses me and my sisters.

I hate my life, myself, feeling hopeless, sad depressed.
Ever since I was born I’ve been going through Hell -like life in this world where even my parents haven’t paid much love and attention to me.

Screaming In Silence as Guilt Kills me Everyday
I just want to stop all this and run away, I feel everyone looks at me with disgust and they all are aware of my sins, this makes me very paranoid.

Extremely scared of the opposite sex….
Raping, molesting, etc. caused in the world are majority by men… Seriously, would these horrific men like if the same thing would be done to their daughter’s and mothers, sisters, etc???

Depressed and ashamed by my actions
When I was about 6 years old I had a teacher who used to have sex with me…