Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is it true that a marriage proposal from a Hafiz must be accepted?

As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.

Insha'Allah all is well.

I am wondering as to whether the following is correct. I was told that if a Hafiz proposes he shouldn't be refused. I  don't know if this is true and based on evidence or not. Does anyone know? Also his character and piety is still not sure about yet.

 JazzaqAllahu kayran. Thanks


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5 Responses »

  1. Walaykumsalaam Sensev,

    This is not true. Being a 'Haafiz' does not make a man the most suitable husband for a girl. Being a Haafiz is a bonus, but before that, we need to make sure the prospective is of good character and deen and then even after that, there has to be suitability between the man and woman.

    SisterZ Editor

  2. No that's probably someone's way of trying to get you to agree to a marriage don't listen to them!
    like the sister said you need to look at the man's character just because someone's a Hafiz it doesn't mean that he'll be perfect he may not be compatible to you.

  3. Walaikumsalaam, being a hafiz is a personal choice by the individual, however it does not change his suitability, i say with shame many brothers who are hafiz carry out haraam on a regular basis, which goes back to your post, you are unsure about the brothers character or piety, and so their is no pressure on you to accept the proposal based on this fact,
    Hope this helps

  4. It is great to be an hafiz, not everyone can be an hafiz, but it doesn't mean it will make you a special person.

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