Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Can a christian woman be taken as a second wife?

quran bible islam christianity

If a Muslim man is married to a Muslim woman and he wants to marry a second wife of the Christian faith, is this allowed? What if the first wife says no? What if the first wife says yes? What are the rules of seeking permission from the first wife?  In addition, the first wife is in another country (with the possibility of being in the same country as the husband soon) and with the the second woman, has already performed Nikah Mutah but wants to take her as second wife in permanent marriage.

I found this:

"A Muslim man who is married to a Muslim woman is not allowed, in his concurrent second marriage, to marry an Ahlul Kitab woman, i.e. a Jew or a Christian, without asking the consent of his Muslim wife."

Does that mean yes it is ok?


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5 Responses »

  1. Asalamu alaikum

    I think the answer to this question depends on whom you ask. I would say many regard a mutah marriage as invalid, hence that "Nikah Mutah" is null and void and the sin of zina has already been committed. Some might also claim that after zina, you are not allowed to marry the person with whom you have committed zina but must repent and stay away and ask humbly Allahs forgiveness.

    As to the first wife's permission many would say that is not islamically required. Others would say it is abominable to even consider marrying a second without the first wife's consent. Don't do unto your brother/sister what you would not have them do unto you. Would the person concerned appreciate having the same done unto him? Don't do to your wife what you would not have her do to you!

    I would also like to point out that as muslims we must abide by the law of the land. Does the law where the persons will live allow for mutah marriages? Does it allow for polygamy? Some say mutah and polygamy is allowed even if they are banned by law. I personally hold with those who say muslims must show their character by abiding by the law of the land. If we don't want to, or can't we can move. If the law is contrary to our beliefs, we should move. Banning mutah and polygamy is not contrary to islam, since neither is obligatory.

    As for marrying a christian wife as second, have you considered what this would mean to the family and his first wife? A muslimah might accept all regulations around polygamy, a christian woman might not. It is not only to accept nikah and then everything is fine. A christian woman, especially if from from the west, might not be able or willing to accept the man as head of the family, she might be wanting to be treated as an equal. If so, this might make polygamy impossible IRL. What will she do when her husband is with the first wife? Stay at home? Don't think so! Be chaste, avoid mixing and cover? Aint part of her rules or traditions. How will she raise the children? What will she teach them when hubby's with the first wife? Will she want for her sister what she wants for herself?

    Seems to me, men are willing to enter polygamy thinking only of one thing, not of all the things that might follow.

  2. Oarat, As-salamu alaykum,

    I consider mut'ah marriage to be haram and unjust to the woman.

    As far as I know there is not requirement in Islam to take permission from the first wife to marry a second. However, there are several other factors to consider:

    1. Truthfulness. A Muslim must be honest. If you are lying and concealing a relationship or marriage with the second wife (or concealing the first from the second for that matter), then you are doing haram and being unjust.

    2. Respect. A Muslim husband and wife should treat each other with respect. Where is the respect and consideration of the first wife if you make such an important decision without telling her?

    3. The effect on your first marriage. How will it affect your first marriage if you marry a second wife without the knowledge or permission of the first? Will it damage your marriage? If so, are you sure it's a step you want to take?

    Wael Editor

  3. 1- Yes A man can get 1. 2. 3. or 4. wife as christian. Because it is allowed us by Quran (Maide 5)

    2- No there is no need for him to get permission of his wife to get 2. wife. (There is no Ayah about this)

    However. We are human and we respect each other and because of this of course he should talk about this marriage with his 1. wife before he actually do this.

    Another thing if he had an agreement with his 1. wife ( I won't marry 2. time) he can not do that without 1. wife's permission.

  4. I have a wonderful nikah mutah as second wife. It's perfect for me as I have children to ex husband who have been raised in very western culture. . Permanent marriage into Islamic household would be detrimental to them right right now. Our husband treats me with respect and love and although the time spent with each is not 50-50 equal I retain my freedom and career and the time we get together is spent with love. I am a Christian with very true affection towards islam. I have not reverted yet as it is best for my children to introduce these teachings gradually..

  5. I have a wonderful nikah mutah as second wife. It's perfect for me as I have children to ex husband who have been raised in very western culture. . Permanent marriage into Islamic household would be detrimental to them right right now. Our husband treats me with respect and love and although the time spent with each is not 50-50 equal I retain my freedom and career and the time we get together is spent with love. I am a Christian with very true affection towards islam. I have not reverted yet as it is best for my children to introduce these teachings gradually..

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