Islamic marriage advice and family advice

How do I learn more about Islam?

Everything understanding Islam book

Only recently I've been learning about Islam, however I don't think I'm doing it right.

I keep jumping from one thing to another. I'm not sure which steps to take to learn more. I don't know what I should do first, what order to learn in, which books or websites are the best ones to use.

What would you advise me to do?

- anon9872

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4 Responses »

  1. I would recommend childrens books to begin with, the knowledge you can gain is valuable and while reading to the kids i have learnt a few things myself, i will give you a link to follow and you can buy a volume of books which teach you about islam and the prophets of islam, since its a volume you read one book at a time and you can pick up alot of knowledge, once you complete these you can buy the more advanced books.

    i personally recommend you purchase all the books in this series, they do not cost much and are great learning tools:

    The books in this series, teach you about prophets in islam and others such as hajj and islamic history, i recommend reading the top series first

    All the best,
    May Allah reward you for your eagerness to learn about islam masha'Allah

  2. I live in the UK, do you know if they will deliver to the UK?

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