Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My friends hurt my feelings

Allah(swt) says in Surah al-Aʿrāf, Ayah 199: “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish (i.e. don't punish them)”

I am 20 years old. Some of mine university class fellow hurt my feeling badly. Treat me with bad behavior.

I was very devoted and sincere to them. Now what should I do?

As a Muslim what kind of behavior should I have with them?

May ALLAH forgive us.

- Hatim

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4 Responses »

  1. Brother Hatim

    Have you ever sinned against Allah? Bad behavior? Does Allah still love you? Yes! Follow His example.

    Even pious Muslims may accidentally hurt your feelings or behave badly in some cases, we are all human. But, inshallah, they will recognize their mistakes and make amends when they do. Sometimes they may take some patience on your part, depending on what they did, they may not realize it for a while. Consider discussing it with them and let them know you were hurt by their behavior. This may solve the problem immediately.

    However, if your fellow classmates are doing haram things that hurt you, and they do not show remorse, you should offer a dua and pray for them to repent and follow the will of Allah. But if they continue in a halal manner, you should distance yourself from them and surround yourself with pious Muslims who will help you strengthen your deen.

    - Your Brother

  2. Hatim,

    You have not explained what these friends are like generally, or what caused their bad treatment of you, did you do something to upset them, etc? All these things would have helped us understand your situtation better.

    If they are encouraging you to break limits set by Allah, stay away from them. If there has been a genuine misunderstanding, speak to them and try to patch things up. If you have tried but failed, then take a step back. But remain dignified.

    This ayah says it all: “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish (i.e. don't punish them),” (Surah al-Aʿrāf, Ayah 199).

    SisterZ Editor

  3. Asslama-laikum sister you didnot state what bad treatment your friends did against you... What type of friends are they,where are they from, What did they say or do that hurt you .... Nothing can be said for you until you elaborate your post more

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