Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Two C-Sections and Pregnant Again – Can I Abort?


Aoa ! I had my C-section 7 months before now I am 4 weeks pregnant. This will be my third c section but I'm not physically healed from my previous one. I know my stitches still hurts me.

I had vitamin d3 deficiency attack just after my second surgery couldn't even cover that yet. I had complication only second c section. Water bag issue iron issues. Which I have not healed yet.

What shall I do now? I went to my doctor but she is not listening to my single word. I am very confused how will I face my third c section that early please is it allowed for me to abort in my 4th week? I haven't healed yet from my second c section.

- Rani

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6 Responses »

  1. killing mom is not better thing than killing a baby. You need to watch your health.

  2. Your doctor wont listen to you??? You need a new doctor.

  3. Assalaamualaikam

    I think the first piece of advice to give here is: If your doctor isn't listening to you, get a new doctor! Regardless of whether you choose termination or to continue to the pregnancy, you need to be able to have a good relationship with your doctor and to feel able to trust and talk to them. In your situation especially, you will need a doctor who has experience in caring for women who have had multiple c-sections and complications - maybe ask for a referral?

    Islamically, there are situations in which it would be permissible to have a termination - if the pregnancy is placing your own life at risk, then it is something which can be considered. However, such a decision should not be taken lightly - get as much information as you can from your doctor, your own health, Islamic scholars and people who have been in similar situations... and pray to Allah for help and guidance.

    Questions to think about would include:
    - Will the health risks of the pregnancy threaten your life or risk lasting disability? Or would they instead mean an uncomfortable few months but no lasting damage?
    - What do scholars say on the matter (there are different schools of fiqh, so if you follow a particular one, you may wish to research what scholars of that school say about it)?
    - How would you and your family feel about the termination - would they be able to support you, and how would you feel about yourself afterwards (some people might feel a sense of relief, some might feel guilt, some people may feel overwhelmed and blame themselves even if they had no other option)?
    - Would there be alternatives to termination - could the c-section be done differently; for example, could it be planned well in advance, done by a more experienced surgeon, done using different surgical techniques?
    - And, if the worries you have about the c-section could be addressed, would you want the baby?

    Midnightmoon editor

  4. I had the same problem I got pregnant 6 months after my baby and I had high blood pressure so my doctor advised my bp was to high and I had to do abortion am feeling really bad the pregnancy was 5 weeks am now worried and depressed I feel quilty I get hypertensive through out all my pregnancy s pls I need dua

  5. Sister,

    Do not be in a rush to make such a life changing and important decision. Children are a blessing from Allah (swt). My firm belief is Allah (swt) only burdens us with as much as we can handle. If He didn't think you could manage this task He would not have burdened you with such a blessing. This is your test from Allah (swt). Put your trust in Him & be strong.

    I suffered an ectopic pregnancy this time last year & I have struggled to get pregnant since. Alhamdulillah, I already have one child, but I would love a sibling for him. However, if it is my kismat to be blessed with an only child so be it, Allah knows best.

    You are very fortunate to be blessed with your 3rd child. No matter your hardships, see it as a blessing from Allah (swt). For every hardship & struggle you face with this pregnancy you will gain thawaab. Which of Allah's favours will you deny? You might not think you are lucky by getting pregnant so soon after you recent c-section, but you really are.

    Accept the pregnancy as a blessing from Allah (swt), no matter how difficult it maybe for you (unless it is life threatening). Don't rob the child from it's chance of life or rob yourself from the abundance of good deeds.

    I pray Allah (swt) helps you to come to the correct decision for yourself, your unborn child & your family & makes this pregnancy easy for you should you continue with it. Ameen x

    • Assalam alaikum Sister,

      While I agree with you that a child is a blessing from Allah swt, but sometimes we have to make very tough choices in life. Allah knows best. Essentially the OP should seek a different doctor from her current one who can assess her in person. It can only then be determined if she is fit for continuing this pregnancy--we can't know that. Different people heal differently after a C-section and it is important that this sister seek the proper medical care, inn shaa Allah.

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