Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Worried about divorce in my community

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As salaam alaykum

I am from Ghana and am a marriage person. In the community where I am living, divorce is common among Muslims and it is worrying and disturbing. What are the possible Shari’ solutions and remedies for the high rates of divorce?




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4 Responses »

  1. Slm we should pray overview in all masjid and preach good attitude among ourselves and practice the sunnah of our noble prophet Muhammad SAW May Allah guide us amin

    • In addition to what sister Fatima said above, the below solutions could help inshaAllah.

      1. Individuals should build marital relationships on the love of Allah--to love your spouse for the sake of Allah with full compassion.

      2. The Imams and Scholars should address the major issues that lead to divorce at masjids (especially through jum'ah speeches) and at other Muslim gatherings.

      3. To visit marital counseling before and after marriage.

  2. Aslm I am abit confused and not sure but do know that @work I do work with a lot of black people who have a strong believe in witchcraft etc.I know it exist but never gave too much thought to it until recently when I got a promotion @work to another location it's in retail and I was second incharge after my manager I used notice that when I had to open for trade I would find dove feathers with blood on the floor @the entrance door and the one lady that would open with me would be so scared of this it happened on several occasions then I felt oppressed @work and started looking for other work I would go for interviews and would seem I was successful just to not hear anything then one day my manager ask if she could use my jersey as she was cold and pregnant I allowed her to wear it she then left with it on maternity leave long story short I have been applying for other jobs so many times would be called for interviews but won't hear any reply I then decided to see someone who see things to advise me he is a respected community member and have helped many people affected by bad things he then told me that they put o block from me getting another job and he thought it's better I try find another job cause it's been getting worse as time went on sometimes I use think cause maybe I am only muslim in our region of managers and I would decline on going to parties etc cause I don't feel comfotable my boss hatred towards really grew so much that she would insult or make a comment knowing it's directed to me her last attempt she tried to tell staff that was caught on footage stealing to say I was doing it with them so I can also be arrested but alhamdullilah they refused and informed me after they were released from jail.Since then I feel reluctant to report or speak to her I let the assitant do that cause now I know her intention for me I just started job hunting really hard I just want to know aswell is there a dua that I can read for this witchcraft to not have a effect on me or my life and to make it eazier to leave this company and get another job.Inshla Faizah

  3. I am in a similar situation but reside in UK from a Bangladeshi community, unfortunately people look down upon divorcees especially ones that are single mums like myself. No brothers are will to accept another mans child and see it as a burden :(. But Allah (SWT) is with us in sha Allah.

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