Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Abortion in Islam




Asalamu Alikom,

I was 5 weeks pregnant and I abort the fetus. Is that haram in Islam to abort 5 weeks old fetus. my husband and i agreed to do the abortion.

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7 Responses »

  1. As salamu alaykum, sister,

    Abortion (except in cases of medical necessity) is considered a sin in Islam.

    I took a definition of pregnancy that is higly accurate: "Although pregnancy begins with implantation, the process leading to pregnancy occurs earlier as the result of the female gamete, or oocyte, merging with the male gamete, spermatozoon. In medicine this process is referred to as fertilization; in lay terms, it is more commonly known as "conception". After the point of fertilization, the fused product of the female and male gamete is referred to as a zygote or fertilized egg. The fusion of male and female gametes usually occurs following the act of sexual intercourse, resulting in spontaneous pregnancy"

    Then since the moment you conceived, a new life appears, if your fetus was alived and was growing normally that is an abortion.

    I am sorry you decided to finish with your child´s life,only Allah(swt) has the power to give and take life from us, I hope you repent and realized what you have done. You have a link on tawbah on top of the page, that will be helpful, please, pray for your baby.

    May Allah(swt) soften our Hearts and guide us to the Straight Path. Ameen.

    From Heart to Heart,
    María Editor

  2. Subhan'Allah sister, was it for medical reason's that you did this like a risk to your health? if not then what you did was very wrong repent to Allah (swt) AL Ghaffur " the all forgiving.", just now on this site i was reading about a sister who was married 3 times and childless and wanted to no any Dua'as. truly this life is a TEST for us all. Ya Allah help us all. Amiin.

  3. Alssalamu Alaykum;
    I have a case of wht so called mosaic turner syndrom in which there is no certainity of affect to the baby girl. After lots of tests and medical consultaion I found my self and my wife more confused about the decision. The baby may have no severe problems or it may be serious and lead to lots of deseases in baby's life. We sometimes think of keeping the girl and sometimes think of abortion. Its true that there is lots of solutions to overcome the probosed effects but some other problems can also be unfixable. I really need a trustworthy opinion.
    Thank you

    • Mohammed, to give you my opinion very briefly, I think you should trust in Allah and proceed. Your daughter's life has value, even if she turns out to be sick. She can still be an important, unique individual, and can still bring you joy.

      Wael Editor

  4. Hello - i hope someone can please help me.

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