Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Absconding husband

broken heart

Aswkm Everyone,

I was living a wonderful life with my husband abroad. Situation changed when I became pregnant and my In-Laws started harassing me. They wanted to separate me and my husband and were successful after my miscarriage in doing so. Even my husband thinks I am not good wife and has absconded abroad leaving me with my parents. How can I ask Allahpak to bring my husband back in my life? without the bad influence of his mother and sister? kindly guide me.


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5 Responses »

  1. Slm pls pray over it since u love ur husband. If Allah wills for u and ur husband to come back again He will come but if it's not. Surely Allah will bring u another blessed husband to live with. May Allah choose the best for u in this world and the hereafter amin. Be patient. Allah knows best. Bissalam

  2. Assalam alaikum,

    I am very sorry to hear of the pain that you are going through and have been through. May Allah replace that pain with joy, Ameen.

    First of all Sister, remember to put the love of Allah swt above anyone or anything in your heart. This will help you in moving forward especially if that means letting go of a man who is so influenced by his sister and mother that he can't balance his responsibilities as Allah would have wanted him to.

    Instead of asking Allah swt for the exact thing that you want, ask Allah swt for what is best for you and acknowledge to Allah swt that you don't know what that it is. May Allah swt give you strength and ease during this trial, Ameen.

  3. To Editor:I have posted my question and written explicitly on the top that I do not want it to publish publicly.I just want to confirm that it will not be published and only answered by editors.

    • Assalaamualaikam

      We do not allow private correspondence, in order to maintain Islamic limits. As the site is anonymous, you would simply need to remove or change any details that you feel would make it possible for someone to identify you - that way the post could be published and answered in turn, inshaAllah.

      If you do not wish your post to be published, then it won't be, inshaAllah, but we cannot provide private answers to questions.

      Midnightmoon editor

  4. Salaam sister, sorry for the situation your in. Why has your husbnd left you ? And why do your in laws want you guys to seperate. It sounds like both you and your husband were getting on well prior to this, what's changed ???

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