Islamic marriage advice and family advice

We both made Istikhara, but don’t understand the dreams



I have a question related to Istikhara. I met a guy last year and we developed a friendship. After that, he said he wanted to marry me and I asked him to send rishta through his parents. While that process is still ongoing, he and I decided to do Istikhara on the same days. At first I saw a vague dream about us, and then the next day nothing. On the third day, we both had many dreams at a time that we can't even remember. Can you please guide me to its meaning? Thank you and Allah Hafiz.


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5 Responses »

  1. Dreams in Istikhara have no interpretations. When you have left your decision on ALLAH, the situation would automatically turns towards the conclusion which is better for you. This is my understanding.

    • Salaams,

      Couldn't have said it better myself. Masam, if you want more information about this, please see the links to our istikhara articles on the main page.

      -Amy Editor

  2. Assalaamualaikum,
    Good dreams are from Allah, Bad dreams are from shaitaan.
    Having said that.. It isn't necessary to have a dream after ishtekhara... If this matter of marriage is good for you, Allah will make it easy.. If its bad Allah will remove it from your life and replace it with something better... 🙂
    Read the meaning of the dua of Ishtekhara.. it will help you understand.

  3. Assalam alaikum,

    As posters above already mentioned that what you see in a dream has nothing to do with your Isthikhara.

    Unfortunately, some cultures are teaching that Isthikhara is to be done for exactly 7 days and the result is based/seen on/in dreams. This information is wrongfully published in books and distributed with Arabic du'as and unfortunately, those who do not know fall into this wrong belief.

    When I didn't know, I followed an "Isthikhara" procedure from a book that was published from Pakistan with Arabic du'as and went into great depth about dreams. (For example: if you see green or light in your dream, that means good and darkness and black mean bad--I don't recall the name or publisher). This is what I was taught and as a child, I never questioned it. May Allah forgive me for that time - but I do understand why people have this cultural misconception.

    To the OP, you did the right thing to ask and I hope that your misconception about dreams and Isthikhara are clarified, inn shaa Allah.

    As for the rishta/marriage proposal, I would suggest that if your families have met and you have the approval of your Wali, go ahead and get married. May Allah bless your marriage with much happiness, endless joys and the wisdom to overcome trials, Ameen.

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