Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Istikhara: I feel this dream is significant…



I have read over and over that istikhara is not dependent on dreams, that it isnt a requirement to consider your istikhara answered. I understand that one CAN have a dream though... When I prayed istikhara for a guy I wanted to marry (and he wanted to marry me), I prayed it correctly after Ishaa then went straight to bed with wudu and woke up immediately after the first dream I had that night.

My dream was simple - I was sitting on a white big bed and felt extremely content. There was a lightness, pureness to the dream that I dont usually experience. That was all the dream was about.

I looked up the meaning of the dream and immediately I noticed the interpretations equating to marriage, which cant be a coincidence. I usually keep track of all my dreams and they're mostly quite silly with no meaning so this was shocking - very short, simple, and felt divine to be honest. All this after I prayed istikhara.

Upon waking, I didn't feel colder towards the guy or feel negatively about pursuing this marriage. I actually felt confused but positive. My heart was positive though logic was trying to make sense of everything still.

What is your take on this situation? What do you say about it?
I feel that this may be one of the instances where a dream provides an answer.
Your thoughts would be VERY much appreciated.


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6 Responses »

  1. Salaams,

    You're correct, istikhara isn't about having a dream, but it's possible to have one as a guidance. In fact, we can get guidance through dreams even WITHOUT praying istikhara.

    The bottom line is, if you still feel good to go forward marrying this young man, then do so. Istikhara salat is a dua asking Allah to make the way easy if it's good for you, and to remove anything that isn't good for you. So if it is indeed meant to be, it will happen in shaa Allah. If, on the other hand, you go forward and find all kinds of obstacles and challenges in your way that seem to prevent the marriage, it might be worth making istikhara again at that point.

    -Amy Editor

  2. in general for istihare, white means positive.

  3. The feeling of contentment and lightness you felt provides a clear answer.

    Wael Editor

  4. Dreams are usually a reflection of what we think about during the day, on a conscious or subconscious level.
    They are not a psychic or divine message (except to the prophets of Allah) , although they may give you insight into the nature of your thoughts.

    Chances are, you have been thinking about this man, and how wonderful it would be to be married to him. And your dream reflects that wish.


    i had seen my husband in dream hugging me loving me though we dont stay together
    he left me 6 months back widout giving divorce.we are not in contact.i dont think about him coz it disturbs me.
    i indulge myself in my job.please reply

    • muezza, please register and submit your question as a separate post. When you do, please give us more details about the situation. For example, why did your husband leave? And please make it clear what exactly your question is.

      Wael Editor

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