Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Is watching pornographic material haram in Islam?


I am Muslim and unmarried person; I have heard that watching adult porn videos is not a sin because it is done by the non-Muslim girls and women. However, I heard that it's haram for Muslim woman to watch such things. I am in dilemma becasuse I have watched porn videos so many times.

I will be very greateful if you answer my question; waiting eagerly.

allah hafiz,


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247 Responses »

  1. Alam,

    Unless you grew up in the jungles of the Amazon, I can't believe that you even have to ask this question. As a person of the Muslim faith, I would only assume that you would already know from a very young age the answer to such a question, common sense if you will.

    No, it is not okay for a Muslim to watch pornographic material. You are watching sexual acts between men and woman and so forth. How can this be something that you would watch and then go offer your salat to Allah the almighty? How could you stand before your God and prostrate before him with the knowledge of what your eyes has witnessed?

    You have heard that it's okay for non Muslim girls and women to watch porn...this is incorrect. How is it okay for them? Because they are not Muslim? Whoever told you that is wrong. Watching porn is not okay for anyone irregardless of their deen. It is a matter of choice. Some of us choose to make good choices that will please Allah, and some of us choose to do whatever we want without fear of repercussions. So...the answer in a nutshell to your question is, is not okay to watch porn.


    • You're right. Jazakallahu Khair. May Allah bless you, dear sister. :))

      • What if u did not noe ,like people told u its okkaay

        • Shaheer, now you know. So make tawbah and behave accordingly.


          • I don't understand why it's more important to be a good Muslim than a human first. It's a shame we're all so obsessed with religion. God will not send you to heaven only because of your prayers. This is why extremists arise. Humanity first.

          • It's not more important. Being a good Muslim and being a good human are the same thing. Islam teaches us to be compassionate, generous, respectful, honest and sincere. These are all human qualities to aspire to.


          • No religion prefers to watch this behavior.

            Not only Islam so saying that other religion are saying this so this is not true !

          • I watching hot pics on google a major or a minor sin?

          • Legend, read the answers already given on the post.


        • Salam,

          Well, from my hearing, the the might Allah SWT is very forgiving. He will indeed forgive your sin as long as you ask and beg for him to, by praying and reading quran. And after watch it, you should take a shower before be more clean...and then pray, and cry and put your shameful hands and face in from of him, and as for mercy. BUT, if you knew it was haram to see a man with no clothes...or a a woman with no clothes...then you cant say you didn't know that watching such, isn't. And for the people who told you its okay, well Allah SWT knows best, but the person who gives false information, considering themselves, very intelligent, on the the of Judgement, you will call their name,and they will be thrown in the Fire. BUT, that is why be thankful to your might Allah SWT that you still have the chance to ask for forgiveness, so on the day of Judgement you can say to all..."though he has given me false information, atleast he tried to help", and the Oh might Allah will indeed send him to Jennat with you. So, I advise you to you your time wisely beacasue after seeing something like that, year and years of ibadat may have been taken away. So, the is my (12 year old girls) knowledge. If you think that there is anything false please tell, me. Thanks. And a tip that I think is important is you should't (not saying you did) pass false information...because you are creating fire for yourself, though you may sound intelligent infron of people, but it matters about what you look and sound infront of Allah SWT. Anyways hope this helped, in a way. And I hope to hear more from you 🙂

          And just like Wael said, Now you know, so if you continue (not saying you watch) then you might not be forgiven, I can't say anything, the might Allah SWT knows best!


          • Assalamoalykum. Plz guide me now I am 30 age but still I have habits of looking pronvvideo and also involved in homosex gay . I m Muslim but so many times I have promise to allah but I didn't know why I am going deep in that I have tried so many times by salat maintain but not possible . Now lastly some time I decide to suicide I am educated but why like this sin habits so please any body can help me otherwise may be I will not bear this kind of sin .This one is start on I was 10 age.plz

          • ASA brother Muna,
            There already plenty of great advice offered on the problems you are facing under this post, also search for other similar posts. If you are still not satisfied then please log in and write your question as a separate post and it will be answered on it's turn iA.

            May Allah (swt) help you overcome this problem. Amin


          • if u ve not capable for marriage and u masturbate itself is it forbidden by Islamic law

          • Selam aleikym sister.
            U may be grant with jannah sister thats the true speak of a muslim.
            who judge before allah ,no one exept mighty allah swa and who judge before allah may allah forgive his sin and have mercy on his soul.

          • Hina, you explained well ,

          • Sister you commented this 4 years ago and it really helped me today....may Allah (SWT) bless you and grant you jannatul firdause....ameen

          • May Allah bless you sister.You cleared my dilema

    • Salam

      listen what you said is right but you cant talk to her like that. why does Allah SWT call himself the merciful because he forgives our actions.

      • @ Jalalodin, Allah Almighty is calling himself Waahid-ul- Qahaar as well, so this isnt only what will you choose their is a divine law such as if you keep on doing sin and ask forgiving and again u did same sin by knowing its sin and i have already asked for forgiveness for the same sin. Allah SWT will not forgive it and will punish the person.

        Sister Hina has given a good answer and excellent suggestion to seeker of information and why are you panic from it.

        May Allah SWT show us all good path and keeps us away from sins.

        • Hey, I am 13. And i am a muslim. Some people say that it"s haram and some says it"s not to watch porn. But who to beleive in is there any reference or something you can give me to believe in you which will help me?

          • Sam, there are various verses in the Quran that prohibit us from going near zina (illegal sexual relations). By watching pornography, we disobey this command of Allah and thus make Allah Angry.

            There are also evidences from the commands of Rasoolullah ﷺ that prohibit watching pornography. It is immoral and corrupts one's mind, heart and one's religion. In addition, pornography amounts to oppression of women and depriving them of the respect and dignity she deserves. Islam provides her that and Muslims are required to respect this law by obeying the Law Maker (Allah).

            Muhammad Waseem

          • we are told about zina of hand hand and eye. Purity is a necessity in islam Allah himself is the purest of all. and a pure mind rests in a pure body. 'strive to develop and understand the religion ' so if u dont find an answer here start reading the translation of quran. Allah has made everything simple its us humans who create complications in religion. the internet might lead u somewhere else so read the quran and try understanding it. its the best remedy

        • We cant comment about anyone being forgiven or not. There are stories about many pious people entering heaven because of only a small acts of kindness such as giving food to an animal and even about those who sinned their entire life but were forgiven. As for the problem of watching porn , u need to get closer to Allah , ask Him for help , cry in your prayers and stop sitting alone and the moment u think of watching porn start repeating Allahs names or some tasbih u will feel ashamed and might stop. Ignore the fact that u want to search for porn. watch islamic videos. and once u start avoiding it u will be able to leave it for a day then a week. Keep yourself busy. read Lahola wala quata illa billa hil aliyil azim. may god help u

        • But that's up to Allah what he'll do with us... He may forgive or may punish but we should always expect mercy from him and also fear him. And regarding the people who are coming here and posting such problems, we need to be compassionate with them... Why don't we look at the positive side that they have had the courage to post about sins here only to receive scorn back from us... Let us be compassionate towards them and make things easy for them as it is the saying of our beloved prophet SAW

    • Nice answer bro

    • assalamualikum

      i had seen below web site about pornography in islam but there they are telling pornography is not haram in islam please clarify me from this.

      • I removed your link. The site you linked to belongs to the enemies of Islam who post lies against Islam.

        Wael Editor

        • Assalam alaikum Br. Wael,

          Some of my posts are not showing and are on moderation, I don't know why--would you be able to clarify? I have not said anything offensive or received a warning of any kind.


          • Saba, I noticed a few of your comments awaiting moderation and I'm not sure why. We did not put you on moderated status. If I see it again I'll try to figure it out, Insha'Allah.


    • Always remember Allah is every where he can see us any where doing any thing , he knows deepest secrets of heart even we dont know what we have in our hearts but Allah knows , In islam , if once u just see a women turn your face and dont look back if u look by mistake its ok but if u look back again its haram , its forbidden , same is for women . when Allah and islam doesnt allow for even looking a women 2nd time after looking at her 1st by mistake , so just think How Allah will allow us to watch pornography . its haram and gunnah (sin) .
      Human beings are helpless in front of their nafs (self) May Allah give strength to every one to be momin (true Muslim ) Allah is every where , if u cant watch pornography in front of any one because you feel ashamed then remember Allah is every where and watching you and Angels are noting it down ,dont you feel ashamed in front of Allah . Have fear of Allah , Allah is merciful and kind but only for those who ask for forgiveness , and those who know every thing and never realize fear of God then Allah has set jahanum (Hell and fire ) for those . Always remember namaz sallat (pray ) takes away us from sins try to offer namaz regularly set alarms to remind u of namaz . have fear of God . Have Allah in your heart , love Allah , because if u love someone u never try to hurt that person so love Allah and ask ALLAh for give your emman and strength to pray .
      we all are not pure , we all have done many sins , May Allah forgive all muslims and we all have true fear of Allah . and give us complete emman Ameen

      • I'm surprise that Islam & Christianity coincide on this topic. I knew someone whom I left because he claimed that Islam approved for him to call escorts, visit go-go bars & date other women without remorse because his religion allowed it. He is Eastern European & I have tried to recuperate from the impression he & his family left me about Islam.
        Thank you for sharing about this topic.

    • As absurd the original question might seem it is the true state of our ummah today. Sex porn adultery zinna have plagued our youth. The problem is lack of teaching from young age of what is good and bad. By default we as humans assume if we are not hurting anybody we are not doing very bad, maybe its not good but its ok no one is harmed. Watching porn or looking at shamless acts is harmless to others. Talking to a girl via text or chat is not hurting anyone... SO IT'S OK

      We have two options one is live a life that we think is ok (based on our judgment or good and bad and ok once in a while) or live according to what our creator has prescribed for us to achive peace and happiness in this life and life after death

      I promise you there is one only option only one way of living life and differentiating good and bad that is the way Allah showed us and anything else is a sadness pain torment in this life and te next.

      Try it and all you will see is other ways seem attractive but end up in utter misery and sadness depression and eventually we end up being a lost cause... all cause we thought it was ok

      Ignorance is not an excuse it is very easy to learn islam through quran and hadith spend 15 mins a day learn something new are practice it for the sake of Allah and see how Allah enlightens people.

    • i literally loved your answer.

    • salam

      i wanted to know if allah will forgive me for my sin. cause i watched few videos ( i mean a lot ) and i knew that watching porn is harem, but i still watched it for about 2 years now!!
      so will allah answer my prayer ISA and forgive me

      • sara, if you make sincere tawbah and stop doing that, then Allah will forgive you.

        Wael Editor

        • Yeah it is not okay to see such thing like that and
          Those who do this they will be responsible for giving answer to
          Allah . so why we are watching these types of sexy movie
          Have we think before doing this that we are
          Muslim and we have to answer Allah about this so
          My Answer is That whose who watch this they are not humans they are
          Wild Animals which are blessed with their Brain and don't think about this
          Before doing this plz for God say please think before doing this.


    • Salamun 'Alaykum,

      Pornography is absolutely haram. Some people tell these kind of false things to the people because they want to show them intellectual and scalars, they don't even think that what they are doing? They are entirely supporting the Shytan, are not they? If Allah
      (J.J.H) has clearly ordered us to stop watching the private parts of one, then calling it right is supporting shytan; no doubt. May Allah forgive us. We all are doing sins everyday but at least we should not call this nonsense "right" to anyone.

      Shah Muhammad Shah Syed
      Marketter and Professional Web engineer.

    • Sister can you give me a verse from the Quran that reinforces what you say?

      • Asalamu Alaykum,

        Whoever you are, boy or girl, east or west, north or south, space, or even akher al donya, Allah is watching you, all the bad thoughts come from the Shaytan LAAnahu Allah,


        This is to EVERYONE! IF you're looking for answers, but can't find any, then leave it away, ignore it, it's better to not do it.
        E.g. asking if it is haram to watch pornographic material, but don't know, then it's better to not do it, other than doing it then knowing if it is haram or halal. I want as much people to know this, if you can't know, then leave it, as many of our brothers and sisters in Islam say.

        If it is not talked about, if it is not clarrified, if it is not answered or is not said in any of the Messanger's (May peace Be Upon Him) ahaadith, or in Allah's (Subhanahu Wa Taalah) Book, then ask real life Sheikhs, Parents, Adults you know about it, or else just leave it, because if nobody talks about it, then probably nobody does it.

        With all my respect to my brothers and sisters.


    • I love your answer and how u explain.
      GOOD JOB!

    • I am 16 years old.l m a muslim girl.l dont want pornography.But sometimes l get thoughts of sexual activities.Some sexual pictures or videos comes in front of me while surfing internet.I try my best to prevent it but after watching I realised.l truly want to be free from this.Even l promised myself but am unable to do. I know its haram and I truly want to repent it.Please suggest me.

      • Sadiaa, we have published several posts about how to quit pornography (search our archives).

        Wael Editor

      • best thing is to avoid such circumstances possible turn-off pop-up on computer, block websites enclose to such, do preventive actions. regards of thoughts read a book or something you like OUTLOUD for several minutes until thought is vanish, continue to practice until your mind understands you will not give into such.

    • Soo HARSHHH! ITS CUZ OF REPLYS LIKE YOURS, people are mis led, pornography is all Over, no matter where you go, its a domino game, one thing to the other, and so on, May ALLAH protect us all (Ameen) Some mulsims are mis led, how can you reply like this to a muslim or whatever faith who is sttruggling to understand, , as if you are the most holiest! Everydays a school day, we learn as we go along! Some are more clever than others, Common senses lack these days, thats doesnt mean you should judge! Humans are sinners, our lord is our forgiver... Allah Knows Best...


    • He was just asking a question for his own knowledge. Take it easy! "Lives in the Amazon"? "How can you do" This and that? Why would you ridicule someone for asking a real question that they have a proper concern about? It's like going to kindergarten and telling a small child they're dumb for not knowing better!
      Reconsider how you respond to people when they ask proper questions, it's rude of you.

    • Well said Najah, very well said.

    • i am catholic, and i will answer that. For no reason or any religion, porn is well seen. Lust is bad, because take you out of control. But equally there are actress of all the religions. So you hardly could know who is who. But sometimes i think that it could turn in a rare addiction and not for moral reason, also for psicological disturbances. Al excess are bad.

    • With all candor, this has to be quite impudent, and I really abhor it when an advice ends up looking like a complete utter insult. The consensus do agree that this was the wrong way to give out an advice. The person who postulated this question clearly is interested on knowing what's right and what's wrong, so there's absolutely no shame for a question like that to be asked even if its common sense, because even an individual with a myriad amount of knowledge is obligated to know the wrong doings from the correct.

    • Nothing wrong with your answer, the only point of your answer to which I can't agree is that,

      'How can this be something that you would watch and then go offer your salat to Allah the almighty? How could you stand before your God and prostrate before him with the knowledge of what your eyes has witnessed?'

      Instead you should motivate the people to prostrate before Allah rather than discouraging them to prostrate after committing sins...
      Its a fact that some people are actually addicted to such stuff (sadly,but its a bitter reality) and by saying so, shaitaan will further tell them not to stand infront of Allah as you're already in filth, thus commiting a sin(in the form of porn) plus another sin ( by leaving salat)....
      A Muslim should not make any late to bow before his Lord to ask for his Help and Forgiveness..
      Indeed He is The Merciful....
      I know your intentions were crystal clear to stop a Muslim brother from such sin, but the choice of words do matter....
      Please correct me if i got it wrong at any place....

    • I understand brother that's right

    • I am a porn star and have "had sex with" over 120 girls including threesomes and have now quit converted to is Islam at age 32 will I be forgiven for my poor actions

      • Rey, I edited your comment to remove the foul language you used. And your email address does not really seem consistent with your newfound faith.

        In any case, the answer to your question is yes, you are already forgiven for those prior acitons. When you become Muslim, all your sins from before were wiped out. You began pure and clean as a newborn baby. What matters is what choices you make going forward in your life.

        Wael Editor

  2. Salaam sister?

    Is Pornography haraam?

    Yes it is haraam for a Muslim woman (or man) to watch pornographic material without a doubt.

    (Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc) that is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts).[24:30-31

    'The zina of the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a forbidden thing), the zina of the tongue is the talk, and the inner-self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny.’

    Also the area between the navel and the knees on a man or woman is awrah which should ONLY be seen by the spouse. So seeing this is of course haraam. See below for more details.

    The Islamic Perspective:

    “There is no room for anyone to say pornography is not Haram. It’s ab solutely Haram,” notes Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdullah. He is the Imam of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis in Missouri.

    “If someone is looking at someone committing Zina (sex outside of marriage) whether it is movies or pictures or the actual thing, it is all Haram,” he adds. Some of the proofs he gives for the prohibition of pornography in Islam include verses 30 and 31 of chapter 24 (Noor) of the Qur’an, as well as Ahadith that say what leads to Haram is Haram and that Zina is committed by the eye and the hand, even before a sexual encounter takes place.

    He has openly discussed the problem of the Internet, pornography and Muslim youth in his Khutbahs. On a day to day level, he says he gets at least two cases daily of young Muslims, boys and girls, who come to the mosque and speak to him personally about this problem.

    Dremali says the teenagers feel guilty, but they cannot stop looking at this material. They need a cure, they have become addicted.

    “The person who looks at these things will always have Shaytan in his mind because he wants to commit these [actions],” he says. “Shaytan never takes the person immediately to commit adultery (he does it in steps).”

    Dremali also gives a clear example of the role the Internet plays in being one of the steps leading to sex outside of marriage.

    The hand commits adultery by touching Haram and the person using the keyboard and using the mouse to look at these pictures, he or she is committing adultery,”

    Breaking Pornography Addiction.

    I hope that it hasn't come to the stage of addiction but if it has please do not despair, it is difficult but it can be broken if you are sincere in repentance and take action to change the 'stepping stones to temptation.' Do not despair of Allahs mercy - make firm intention to stop and ask Him to forgiveness. Always seek His help through patience and prayer in trying to break this habit.

    Here is a useful article:

    Here are some tips, which may or may not be helpful. Ultimately, Allah Most High is the only one who can assist you in subduing the lower self, which calls you to these sinful things. So please seek Allah's guidance. Implore Him to give you an exit from these unlawful habits.

    1. Once the door of pornography is opened, it is very hard to close. You will have to be firm with yourself, even unyielding, if you want to put an end to this habit. Shut the door to temptation by getting rid of your computer. This may sound drastic, but it is helpful to put this instrument out of your life, until such time you can use it for the good of your soul. If you can't get rid of it, at the very least change out your hard drive and memory.

    2. Look at how and when you use your computer and drastically change these habits. If you get online in private, then, from now on, only use the computer when others are around. If you look at these things at night, then refrain from turning the computer on altogether during these hours.

    3. By looking at porn, you are willingly putting yourself in a situation in which you will consistently feel temporary, yet completely false, gratification. The problem with this type of "instant" gratification is that it leaves you empty, broken, guilty, and self-loathing. Why put yourself through this? True gratification only comes when you enjoy sexual activity through lawful means, that is, with a spouse. Anything else simply harms your heart and soul.

    Finally, and most importantly, you must take steps toward sincere repentance. Sincere repentance consists of :
    1. Turning away from the sin
    2. Feeling remorse
    3. Resolving to never go back
    4. Changing one's environment so that the temptation is removed

    Please avail yourself of the beautiful literature on repentance. There are many Qur'anic verses and Prophetic traditions on repentance. Allah Most High, says, "Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped" (Az-Zumar, 39:53-54).
    And the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "Allah the Mighty and Majestic accepts the repentance of His servant as long as long as his death-rattle has not begun" [At-Tirmidhi, Riyad al-Salihin]
    Cultivate good habits, and Allah willing, these will replace the bad ones. Establish a connection with the Book of Allah by reading it and reflecting on it daily. Contemplate the noble example of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, and the biographies of his companions, Allah be pleased with them, to see how you can implement these life lessons.
    And, find good Muslim friends. This is of huge importance in fortifying yourself against temptation.

    May Allah Ta'ala make things easy for you.

    A reply from a sister on how she beat this habit Alhumdulilah :

    "First and foremost: STOP watching porn, no matter if its les or straight sister its still a sin! Make Tawbah. Really think about the fact that you have disobeyed Allah swt. Your eyes will testify against the sins you commited with them on Yawmul Qiyamah. Think about that next time you get tempted.

    You MUST also AVOID being alone. Avoid especially being on your computer alone. Maybe make an excuse to your family and move it to a shared part of the house. When you get tempted do something else. Do zikr, repeat tasbih, GO STRAIGHT away to a room where people are present, do some exercise. Just do ANYTHING to keep your mind off it.

    Avoid anything which could arouse you, love books, tv or love films. Lower your gaze if you see a scantily clad person in the street lower your gaze. Avoid watching anything suggestive. You get the message - you must be very strict with this!

    Next time you feel the temptation.. Remember Allah is watching you. Remember that we do not know when we will die. What really got to me was: what happens if I die while I am engrossed in such activities. We know we are raised up doing what we were doing before we die. Audhobillah! May Allah save the Ummah from being raised engaged in such things!
    Salat is our direct connection to Allah swt and InshaAllah it will strengthen you. Also fasting is important too. You need to build your relationship with Allah swt as much as you can. Remember that He is watching you always. He knows us inside out. He knows your intention, He knows your desires, sins, and weaknesses and you know what? He still loves you, and He'll help you to change anything you want to change about yourself. Dont despair if you ask for forgiveness sincerely and make intention to stop He will forgive you.

    I found myself alhumdulilah strengthened after Ramadan, so improving your eman through fasting, praying, zikr is important. Night prayers also are very good at strengthening a believer. ASK of Allah, Ask Him continously to help you stay away from this sin. I still ask now, only He can help you.

    I also kept some notes near to my computer. I kept one of top of my computer, but maybe you dont want to keep it where family can find it. (my mum knows i frustrated so in my case it wasnt a prob.)

    Anyway these were reminders for me, everytime I felt tempted I looked at the notes, remembered Allah and this extinguished it for me alhumdulilah. This an avoiding being alone helped.

    Here are the notes:

    Here are the postings:

    The whispering of the devil is the starting point of all evil deeds. It begins as a whisper and turns into an evil thought. Then the devil pictures the thought in your mind and turns it into a desire,which later becomes a will.He then makes you forget all the consequences and belittles the outcome of the sin,until you see nothing but the fulfilment of your lust. It is in this stage that the devil dispatches his soldiers to urge you to achieve your desires whenever you show any neglience.
    (Ibn Qayyim - Tafsir Surah Nas)

    This is exactly the process we go through before a sin so identifying it helped me a lot alhumdulilah"

    • subhaan allah sister im really really happy to learn , may Allahgive us hidayah... nice job done sister... Allah bless you

    • Nice ..

    • Thank you Sara for all the great advice
      may Allah bless you

    • Sara, dear sister,

      Thank u soo much for the article about how to get relieved from this henious crime..... May Allah(SWT) bless u and shower upon u His kindness..

    • May Allah bless you sister.I request to you and all viewers to pray Allah for me and my son to protect all such evils and forgive us.

    • thank you,Sara sister.
      you have guided us to the straight path.
      may allah forgive us all

    • Thank you Sister Sara for such helpful advice!

    • Thankyou sister,May Allah forgive us all! And May Allah bless you!

    • Very useful ,I'm not Muslim ,but I respect ur religion and do learning about ur culture I love all ur way of living and prayer all of them except one thing man can marry many womens in some country is tat true?
      We should give more respect and give them equal rights like man right.but most of them nt trt women like tat.

      Its all my point of view depand upon wat I saw and wat i heared if wrong mean plz teach me and I have lots of doubts

      Grt job sister :))

      • Salaams,

        Yes, in Islam, men can marry up to four women. Most men, however, do not take another wife...let alone the full four. How men treat women is a separate issue altogether; and has nothing to do with polygamy. There are many men in monogamous marriages who still mistreat their wives.

        -Amy Editor

      • Yes, Allah stated that man can have atmost 4 wife but he should treat all the four equally at the same tym...
        He also stated that man CANNOT treat all of them ultimately u can think what it mean.

        • m a girl...meri age 17 h mey pehly to porn dekhti thi n frndz k sth is type ki glt bataien b krti thi then mey ney ALLAH sy ye dua krna shoru kr di k wo maaf kr dy phr ye socha k mjhy kesy pta chly ga k ALLAH ny mjy maaf krdia mey ney phr ALLAH sy dua mangi k mjhy takleef dey k mjhy btana k waqai tu ny mjhy maaf kia k nhi...after 2-3 months meri eye khrb ho gai party popper phatny ki wja sy mey ney bht mafiyan mangi ALLAH sy during dat pain doc kehty the k 3 months mey ye theek hogi but mey roz din raat ye duaien krti thi k ALLAH meri is eye ko theek kr dy n jo eye doctors k according 3 months mey theek honi thi wo 2 weeks mey ho gai.... I hv a believe ALLAH bht Raheem or kareem h wo bakhsny wala h,,,, agr tobah dill sy ki ho to wo hamesha qabool krta h

    • THE BEST REMEDY FOR PORN AND OTHER WORLDLY DESIRES IS TO "visit the graveyard and ponder". This has helped very very easily to the people who were indulged in this worst sin.

  3. what about video in connection to sex education?

    • Tarik, normal sex education videos use drawings, diagrams, etc. These are usually shown in an educational setting. They are scientific in nature and do not resemble pornography in any way. They do not show live people engaging in sex acts.

      If you have any other questions, please log in and write up your questions as a separate post, thanks.

      Wael Editor

  4. It is haraam for muslim women, muslim men, non muslim men, not muslim women and anyone who regards themself as a 'human being.'
    It is wrong, for any AND everyone to do or watch it. And there is no difference on this.


  5. What about looking foreplay videos?

  6. I am a non-Muslim who read the article and I appreciate it. Many people don't understand how the concept of sin plays out (referring to the articles steps of how a whisper becomes a sin) and that idea needs to be told to many people out there. I hear that people think watching this garbage is "ok" or normal and it isn't. If you truly are walking with Allah you need to turn away from these things. Temptations are put there by the devil to get us down an use porn as a tool to break our spirit. Thank you for this article it was very helpful.

    • You're most welcome JB.

      SisterZ Editor

      • welcome jb turn to islam , study about the islaam.. you will certainly see changes in your life

        • Don't try and convince others to become a Muslim. That is not a very Muslim way, and makes us, as Muslims cold-blooded, and unable to accept that everyone believes there own things.

          • Muslim Boy, I don't see how it makes us cold-blooded to share what we believe. Everyone has a right to believe what they like, and we have a right to try to change their minds, especially since we believe Islam to be true.


          • Actually It isn't wrong to call others to islam. Its not like ehsanali is threatening him with a sword. It is simply Da'wa and he is using the current way. The prophets called others to Islam. I wonder if you would say the same about them.

          • he's just asking to study it. personally I'm muslim and know somewhat about christianity but still here I'm am. its not like he's forcing him to convert or even become just to study it.

  7. I sm s teenager n I can't help but watch porn videoss even though it makes me really sad.I sincerely dunno what to do about it.I always ask for forgiveness n I go bak n watch it nt knowin hw it happens

    • Asalaam alaikum,

      In the above post by Sara, she gives some very good advice, so please give it a read and implement her suggestions.

      You need to start fasting and scheduling yourself during the week the times you will fast. Start with one or twice a week. Since Ramadhan is near, it'll be good practice anyways. Make a genuine commitment to keep these fasts and as I said before, find another Muslim sister who will partner up on these fasts or at least help you with them, too.

      Please also know that many of those people in porn have either been sexually abused, are continuing to be abused and may be in drug use, too. The women suffer damage to their bodies that usually only plastic surgery can repair and yes, this means their private parts. Many are humiliated and also suffer through sexual diseases that medicine cannot cure. What you are watching is abusive material, then. Please see this industry for what it really is and that it is not enjoyable or harmless like the deviant claim.

      When you're struggling with a problem, often the best thing to do is to remove yourself from the situation entirely. In this instance, you need to stay away from the videos completely and to do this, you must not be able to access them conveniently. So please follow the advice of putting you computer in a public place in the house, so you will not be tempted so easily. Stop being alone with your computer in any instance.

      I will also add, that like any addiction, the desire for porn will lessen the more time you stay away from it. You need to understand that your body is literally going to go through a withdrawal stage and during this time you will be susceptible to watching porn again, but you have to understand that getting past certain instances is going to make you stronger.

      For example, let's say you wake up and your first habit was to watch porn and then wash up. Instead, you need to wash up first and then exercise by getting out of the house. Go for a run, to a ladies gym, bike or something similar like volunteering. Just jump in the car and go to the masjid or call a friend to hang out with, if possible. Whatever you do, make sure it's something that you enjoy doing and something that keeps your mind in focus towards reforming yourself.

      There is no shame in finding a female friend who can be your support buddy. She doesn't have to know the sin your trying to avoid, but just confide in her enough to tell her that you're struggling with a problem and need to call on her whenever you are feeling weak. Ideally, you should be supplicating to Allah (swt) during these times, so ask this friend to be your prayer partner, too. Allah (swt) has given us friends to help us in our struggles so help each other in kindness and towards the Right Path.

      As of today, your mind is putting you into "zombie" mode, as your weakness is overcoming you. So you need to break this Shaytanic grip before it takes place. I often suggest to keep tasbih beads with you as a reminder when you're alone. I know some sects do not like this, but it's a practical and physical solution since it reminds you of praying and calling on Allah (swt). Get one long enough to keep around your neck or one small enough to wrap around your wrist, so it's always a reminder that if you find yourself slipping, you start doing tasbih right then.

      There are also apps for your cellphone and your computer that you can install for prayer times that will sound an alarm for these times. Another thing to do with the alarm on your phone is to set it at those times when you usually watch porn. So if it's late at night or during the day, set the alarm as a reminder to do something such as reading Qur'an. Pick a chapter to read and learn about it at that time. Everyone suggest Sura Ya Seen, but I think Sura Yusuf would be of great use to you since he faced women who were filled with lust. Try to place yourself in that mindset of when he asks Allah (swt) for rescue. It's a very deep and meaningful conversation that you need to have in these times when you know you are weakest.

      Please understand that there are going to be times when you are very tempted and may fall into the trap. Struggle hard and call out for Allah (swt) literally. If you fail and watch these things again, take the time to feel your remorse and regret by cleansing yourself and resting on your prayer mat in abject woe. Sleep there for the night, if you can.

      After you do your obligatory prayers, sit for awhile longer and talk to Allah (swt) sincerely. Tell him that the reason you are there is because you're afraid to go back to your sins. Confide everything to Him and apologize for going back to the sins, as you did in the past. Stay there as long as possible and ask Him to help you do good deeds like helping the unfortunate, your parents and other sisters with their studies, etc. Also, talk to Allah (swt) about everything in your life no matter how much you think it's small or silly. Allah (swt) is our Confidant and our Ultimate Listener. Do not be afraid to share your worries with Him and the way you feel lost and humiliated through this struggle of yours'. He will listen as you acknowledge your mistakes and you will eventually pour your heart out and cry to Him. This is so important and if you can do it everyday sincerely, then you will journey on the Best Path.

      Below are a few more links for you to read, but please take each day one at a time with the conviction that you do will NOT watch porn that day. Practice keeping your chin lowered in humility and also to mind your gaze and build those days into a week, then a month, etc., etc.

      There are many posts on this topic through this website, so search around and read them to find the best Islamic advice to help you.

      • dear professor it has helped me indeed , im quiting it today , i have to be firm wth myself... please do pray for me , i repent all my sins .... especially these shamefull deeds.... all my brothers and sisters please do ask Allah to gorgive me ..... im crying inside my heart , i know ill be questioned on the day of judgement ........ i dont know but this is the last time i ever made this huge sin , im bound to keep my promise , ill bow my knees down before ALLAH and will start saying prayers regularly....ALLAH HAFIZ


      Yes it is haraam for a Muslim woman (or man) to watch pornographic material without a doubt.

      (Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc) that is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts).[24:30-31

      'The zina of the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a forbidden thing), the zina of the tongue is the talk, and the inner-self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny.’

      Also the area between the navel and the knees on a man or woman is awrah which should ONLY be seen by the spouse. So seeing this is of course haraam. See below for more details.

      The Islamic Perspective:

      “There is no room for anyone to say pornography is not Haram. It’s ab solutely Haram,” notes Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdullah. He is the Imam of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis in Missouri.

      “If someone is looking at someone committing Zina (sex outside of marriage) whether it is movies or pictures or the actual thing, it is all Haram,” he adds. Some of the proofs he gives for the prohibition of pornography in Islam include verses 30 and 31 of chapter 24 (Noor) of the Qur’an, as well as Ahadith that say what leads to Haram is Haram and that Zina is committed by the eye and the hand, even before a sexual encounter takes place.

      He has openly discussed the problem of the Internet, pornography and Muslim youth in his Khutbahs. On a day to day level, he says he gets at least two cases daily of young Muslims, boys and girls, who come to the mosque and speak to him personally about this problem.

      Dremali says the teenagers feel guilty, but they cannot stop looking at this material. They need a cure, they have become addicted.

      “The person who looks at these things will always have Shaytan in his mind because he wants to commit these [actions],” he says. “Shaytan never takes the person immediately to commit adultery (he does it in steps).”

      Dremali also gives a clear example of the role the Internet plays in being one of the steps leading to sex outside of marriage.

      “The hand commits adultery by touching Haram and the person using the keyboard and using the mouse to look at these pictures, he or she is committing adultery,”

      Breaking Pornography Addiction.

      I hope that it hasn't come to the stage of addiction but if it has please do not despair, it is difficult but it can be broken if you are sincere in repentance and take action to change the 'stepping stones to temptation.' Do not despair of Allahs mercy - make firm intention to stop and ask Him to forgiveness. Always seek His help through patience and prayer in trying to break this habit.

      Here is a useful article:

      Here are some tips, which may or may not be helpful. Ultimately, Allah Most High is the only one who can assist you in subduing the lower self, which calls you to these sinful things. So please seek Allah's guidance. Implore Him to give you an exit from these unlawful habits.

      1. Once the door of pornography is opened, it is very hard to close. You will have to be firm with yourself, even unyielding, if you want to put an end to this habit. Shut the door to temptation by getting rid of your computer. This may sound drastic, but it is helpful to put this instrument out of your life, until such time you can use it for the good of your soul. If you can't get rid of it, at the very least change out your hard drive and memory.

      2. Look at how and when you use your computer and drastically change these habits. If you get online in private, then, from now on, only use the computer when others are around. If you look at these things at night, then refrain from turning the computer on altogether during these hours.

      3. By looking at porn, you are willingly putting yourself in a situation in which you will consistently feel temporary, yet completely false, gratification. The problem with this type of "instant" gratification is that it leaves you empty, broken, guilty, and self-loathing. Why put yourself through this? True gratification only comes when you enjoy sexual activity through lawful means, that is, with a spouse. Anything else simply harms your heart and soul.

      Finally, and most importantly, you must take steps toward sincere repentance. Sincere repentance consists of :
      1. Turning away from the sin
      2. Feeling remorse
      3. Resolving to never go back
      4. Changing one's environment so that the temptation is removed

      Please avail yourself of the beautiful literature on repentance. There are many Qur'anic verses and Prophetic traditions on repentance. Allah Most High, says, "Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped" (Az-Zumar, 39:53-54).
      And the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "Allah the Mighty and Majestic accepts the repentance of His servant as long as long as his death-rattle has not begun" [At-Tirmidhi, Riyad al-Salihin]
      Cultivate good habits, and Allah willing, these will replace the bad ones. Establish a connection with the Book of Allah by reading it and reflecting on it daily. Contemplate the noble example of the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, and the biographies of his companions, Allah be pleased with them, to see how you can implement these life lessons.
      And, find good Muslim friends. This is of huge importance in fortifying yourself against temptation.

      May Allah Ta'ala make things easy for you.

      A reply from a sister on how she beat this habit Alhumdulilah :

      "First and foremost: STOP watching porn, no matter if its les or straight sister its still a sin! Make Tawbah. Really think about the fact that you have disobeyed Allah swt. Your eyes will testify against the sins you commited with them on Yawmul Qiyamah. Think about that next time you get tempted.

      You MUST also AVOID being alone. Avoid especially being on your computer alone. Maybe make an excuse to your family and move it to a shared part of the house. When you get tempted do something else. Do zikr, repeat tasbih, GO STRAIGHT away to a room where people are present, do some exercise. Just do ANYTHING to keep your mind off it.

      Avoid anything which could arouse you, love books, tv or love films. Lower your gaze if you see a scantily clad person in the street lower your gaze. Avoid watching anything suggestive. You get the message - you must be very strict with this!

      Next time you feel the temptation.. Remember Allah is watching you. Remember that we do not know when we will die. What really got to me was: what happens if I die while I am engrossed in such activities. We know we are raised up doing what we were doing before we die. Audhobillah! May Allah save the Ummah from being raised engaged in such things!
      Salat is our direct connection to Allah swt and InshaAllah it will strengthen you. Also fasting is important too. You need to build your relationship with Allah swt as much as you can. Remember that He is watching you always. He knows us inside out. He knows your intention, He knows your desires, sins, and weaknesses and you know what? He still loves you, and He'll help you to change anything you want to change about yourself. Dont despair if you ask for forgiveness sincerely and make intention to stop He will forgive you.

      I found myself alhumdulilah strengthened after Ramadan, so improving your eman through fasting, praying, zikr is important. Night prayers also are very good at strengthening a believer. ASK of Allah, Ask Him continously to help you stay away from this sin. I still ask now, only He can help you.

      I also kept some notes near to my computer. I kept one of top of my computer, but maybe you dont want to keep it where family can find it. (my mum knows i frustrated so in my case it wasnt a prob.)

      Anyway these were reminders for me, everytime I felt tempted I looked at the notes, remembered Allah and this extinguished it for me alhumdulilah. This an avoiding being alone helped.

      Here are the notes:

      Here are the postings:

      The whispering of the devil is the starting point of all evil deeds. It begins as a whisper and turns into an evil thought. Then the devil pictures the thought in your mind and turns it into a desire,which later becomes a will.He then makes you forget all the consequences and belittles the outcome of the sin,until you see nothing but the fulfilment of your lust. It is in this stage that the devil dispatches his soldiers to urge you to achieve your desires whenever you show any neglience.
      (Ibn Qayyim - Tafsir Surah Nas)

      This is exactly the process we go through before a sin so identifying it helped me a lot alhumdulilah"

  8. watching wwe divas is sin?

    • ofcourse it is!! dat is wht led me to watch porn !

    • Regardless of the medium, watching of a woman's awrah is HARAAM for you. It is a sin. Whether they be WWE wrestlers or movie actresses, or the girls walking in the street, it is Haraam. You should lower your gaze, when these things come in front of you. And you should never watch these purposefully.

      Muhammad Waseem Editor

  9. Hey, I am worried due to my bad habits, I know I am not a good Muslim already, and by watching pornography I am simply falling into a very bad category..
    I try to keep away from such things but I just go back on it.. is there any dua or something that I can possibly read that would prevent me and keep me away from watching pornography?
    I would appreciate any help
    Thank you

  10. Assalamu alaikum brothers n sisters. I watch porn cos I can't help it.nd I really want to stop cos I know its Haram buh I can't.firstly,I'm mostly home alone n I dnt really visit friends cos my house is far.I normally watch it wen m bored,or late at night and I cannot do without my phone.I am a quiet type I hardly pls am asking you to pls help me develop a new method to stop watchn it.but evertime I watch it I go and pray asking for Allah's forgivnes even though I go back watchin I don't know if Allah would forgive me.would he?I seriously want to change.PLS HELP!!

    • Dear Sister Nadia,

      You and you alone have the power to use the internet as a tool to seek knowledge. You choose to use the internet to surf for porn. If you aren't able to help yourself and feel compelled to seek out porn, cut the cord. Problem solved. Then...go and read the Quran. Surf the pages of wisdom and truth that will guide you on a better path of life in this world and the hereafter.


    • Please log in and submit your question as a seperate post sister.
      It would be helpful if you read through the above comments carefully as a lot of the advice offered will be useful to you.
      My short answer to you is most importantly you need to realise you can help it. You can stop. If you make excuses for yourself you will never stop! Try to engage in useful activities and dont allow yourself to get bored - and go to bed early!

      If you submit a post we can help you further InshaAllah.
      Sara Editor

    • dear Najah that what happens to me too i all the time wanted to stop watching it but i cant and when all the time i watch it after i really get sad because of watching porn it and i go to have a shower and pray for forgiveness so i don't know too is it haram to watch it and i'm very young and they told me if you watch it for reason like for learning when you get marred so i don't know. Plz HeLP

      • Bawale,

        Watching porn is haram no matter what the situation. When you are married, things will come naturally, there is no need to watch other people having sex. If you can't stop watching it, get rid of your computer.


      • Just to let you know there is nothing educational about watching porn. Actually in a lot of cases the research has shown that it is detrimental to marital intimacy later on. Those people that get addicted can have a lot of problems later on because they have unrealistic expectations of sex and are used to 'instant gratification.' Just like when you feel hungry you have a biscuit and when you feel desire you fulfill it.

        It is haraam and damaging to future intimacy if its not stopped.Know that you can overcome this as well. I advise you to read the above advice offered. Leave the sin for the sake of Allah - I pray that Allah (swt) helps you overcome this trial.


        Sara Editor

    • Assalamu alaikum dear sister,

      To be frank, many people are facing these problems. i too have went through your situation, no one is perfect. what i have felt is that this desire only last for few minutes, so during this time try to get involved in some other activity. a lonely person will have more tendancy to watch porn than one who is involved in some activity. accourding to my opinion try to do any of these things i say, "these are just my opinion"
      1) perform wudu... by the time u completed doing wudu desire will be long gone or after wudu being purified u will never want to do such a sin.. but its not that easy, shaitan will always pull u back
      2) get some good muslim friends who u feel is a good beliver, it can improve your situation, as fear of allah will increase
      3) try what i am doing right now.........pass this message to the one in need in other sites, by the time u hav completed typing u will be free of it

      but the best thing to do is what prophet said
      "'O youth, whoever of you is able to marry, let him marry, for it spares one looking at what one should not, or lapsing in adultery. And if he cannot marry, let him observe fasting, for it is a shield against evil."

    • best is to stay away the source of sin.......we are all weak in our will power .....gotta get rid of source ....

  11. How come our nick name is same????

    • It's hard to stop all this at one click. So try not to internet all the time, try to use good things on internet like start searching how to get an online job on google, or online jobs. And you will become an employee on internet, then you won't have much time to even thing about these nasty things.

      • JB I donot know why you reply in my post. If you answering to other "Nadia" then it's okay. I don't know how they allowed the same nik name it's not same person.

        • lol. i was really wondering if there r 2 nadias here. i have read ur comments b4 and i knew it wasnt u for sure. sorry but this was funny.

          • Tell me about it my 5 cousin is connect with zawaj. And one of my cousin was asking me when I stared to watch xxx lol as m happily married with a kid. It's so disturbing that they allow same nik.

        • : )

  12. Ok porn is haram without a doubt, and if you are free you will commit bad sins. So I recommend if you are addicted and don't know what to do, set a schedule. Thankyou

  13. and also tell that thinking about sexual things is haram too?

    • I think to a degree random passing sexual thoughts that come into your head do not make you sinful. Allah knows best. Sometimes it's shaytan whispering, and other times it's the nafs. When this happens the best thing to do is just change the thought to something halal and say audhobillah minas shaytaan nirajeem. But if one dwells on them or enjoys them and continues thinking about them thenthey would be sinful. This is what I believe to be correct but Allah knows best.

      Of course naturally, it is more difficult to control thoughts than actions so it requires lots of training. Fasting works wonders for nafs provided you dont fill your stomach at suhoor (in the morning) or iftaar (in the evening) and if you avoid fatty, greasy food and most importantly do it to please Allah.
      Try and fast once a week if you can.
      If you have any more questions, please log in and submit a post.
      Sara Editor

  14. "Hello everyone,

    There is a useful technique they teach in health coaching, it is called "crowding out". Basically what it means is you introduce so many healthy activities in your schedule that you have no time for other activities. For example you can volunteer in an organization that inspires you twice a week, start learning a skill that will help you such as a new language, and take up a physical activity, let's say tennis or basketball. When you introduce so many different activities in your day, you "crowd" your schedule and have no time for other activities you want to get rid off. By doing so, being outdoors, you also meet new people, make friends, reduce your isolation and emptiness that can be generated by being alone and watching movies- sort of under cover.

    I am inspired by the words of Gibran Khalil Gibran, he said: "pleasure is a freedom song and I gladly would have you sing it in fullness of hearts; yet I would not have you loose your hearts in the singing"

    So don't loose your hearts and start crowding out! You can do it!

  15. asalamualaikum dear alam I know what your going through and thats alright of course firstly it is haram and however told you it's ok to watch it must not be educated in such matters and Il tell you the most useful thing to do in this lust to watch pornoraphy you only need to do one thing and that is to pray seek forgivness and ask Allah swt for control also you can try and do something so you have no time to watch porn for example play a sport watch Tv or even play video games listen to music of your choice or even naat sharifs play with your friends take a walk etc I know all this because i use to watch it but now alhamdullilah it's alright when i use to watch it my grades were going down i wasent getting any sleep etc but once you stop Allah will make it soo easy for you in this life and the hereafter

  16. It is haram.
    Stop it now.
    Or it will stop you
    from doing any right thing

    it will take you to haram life

  17. assalamualaikum

    sara thank a lot may Allah blessed u and preserved ur faith. sorry to say i luv u for d sake of Allah

  18. Well quitting this addiction is just to hard
    I find myself making promises and repenting and then the next day all those promises lose their value and I'm back watching porn.
    It's been like this for a year or two and by now i am just frustruted to the extent that I have literally become religiously detached and my faith no longer means anything to me
    And the worst part Is that although I want to, need to and have to quit I JUST CAN'T.
    I think that Muslim parents around the world need to wake up cause most of them don't realise the extent to which this problem has penetrated into the lives of their children.
    The above mentioned solutions are really helpful but when dealing with such a problem the youth of the Muslim Umra needs to be prepared and armed for such a kind of situation before hand. Muslimparents usually tend not to discuss such problems with their children but the world around is changing and their will come a time when are faiths will falter and we may feel weak but we will have to continue struggle and overcome the barriers which have resulted in the downfall of the Islamic empire .

    • As-Salaam Alaikum

      I agree that watching porn its a very difficult habit to break especially because (in many cases) it starts early in life and if not controlled gets stronger and stronger. In fact, when one sets out to do so you wont even realize how Satan gradually draws you closer into this bit by bit. These whisperings have a snowball effect as one small 'slip' sucks you deeper and deeper, and this is especially true with porn.The best remedy, as one of our sisters suggested, is to stay away from it and never let the devilish whisperings get close to you. True remorse and 'Taubah' will 'Inshallah' be accepted by Allah Almighty as he is the most benevolent & most merciful. We humans are so weak and Allah knows that but every true act of getting closer to Allah by offering astaghfar and zikr will help ourselves to keep clean our souls from porn and 'Inshallah' Allah will assist us and all our believing brothers and sisters in achieving that.

      Jazakallah Khair

  19. Dear sisters & bothers , could you please tell me some duas for allah's (swt) forgiveness?
    JazakAllah Khairun dear sisters & brothers : ) ♥



    • Dear Brother Ahmed Yahsir,

      The best remedy for porn watching is to visit the graveyard and ponder on self very often and then see the effect.

      This is from the Hadith of Rasul Allah (saw) mafhoom to visit graveyards and ponder on self.

      Hope this is the only way for all of us muslims males to gain takwa.

  22. Subhanallah! I sincerely pray to Allah (sbwt) to protect and guide us against this deadly evil... Ameen

  23. Jazakumul lahu khair! May Allah (sbwt) reward you abundantly.

  24. i am asking you something i want your honset answer

    you are telling not to look at porn and not to have girl friend and not to have sex with out marriage

    for a person who is student in college and he is 24 years old and he has not enough money to marry some one

    or he has family problem i mean family is not allowing or helping to marry what is your solution ?

    we know masturbution is not allowed
    we know having sex with out marrige not allowed
    we know watching porn is not allowed
    then how we get rid of this sperm which is produced by the body it self ?

    i have the answer my self all muslim people are sinners too , becasue you dont help your young sons or daughter to marry as early as possible and you are putting them in sin .... you are responsible ... there is one other way do vascotomy so that there wont be sperm flow out ....
    nature of human being needs people to have sex when everything is hard i mean everything we do is sin that what we are supposed to do .....real problem is there no real muslim everyone is just saying something no one wants to slove the real problems becasue they can not face it

    • Tahir, sperm is not some kind of poison that must be expelled from the body at all costs. If not used, it will simply be absorbed back into the body. And a vasectomy will not stop sexual desire. In any case, there are different opinions about masturbation. Many scholars say it is allowed out of necessity, while one should strive to get married as soon as possible. As you said, we should help our youth to get married early.

      Wael Editor

      • Salam'alaykum ,

        True that vasectonomy operation will not decrease sexual desire as well as it will stop the flow of the semen forever which means that one cannot impregnate his wife and so cannot have kids and it will affect the overall health like less stamina etc. One of my friend did vasectonomy because he dislike kids but now he's regretting it and there's no way back for him. Pity.

        P.S. I've noticed that I'm under moderation, I'm not sure why, so can you please guide me to a comment which deserves it so that I am aware, and as I've requested earlier that is it possible for you to give us one warning before enforcing moderation ? because I havn't been here much lately and all of a sudden 'under moderation'. Thanks.

        • Wa alaykum as-salam Ali. There were a few of your comments that I perceived as being overly harsh and judgmental. I don't remember specifically now which ones they were.


          • I highly doubt it was "overly" harsh because I always tried hard to comment properly but it seems as though something is still missing so anyways please do warn/notify me next time before putting me under moderation if its even possible for you gus ( I believe thats the editors jobs ).

    • dear friend,
      there is a good lot of good muslim, that is the reason why a lot of them are here, and they are sad that they cant control their desire.......
      if say about hard times and this as a solution for it, i have been through worse situation and watching porn or masturbation is no solution for it...... u will destroy yourself and always feel guilty

      if u want answer regarding something just ask......

  25. hi there
    i hope you can help me on this issue
    i have a problem watching porn films etc, and i know its not allowed but can't contral myself

    i read first article right to top that replace your memory & hard disk - please can you explain further on this

    and i can't stop using pc as i have to run my business - i tried many things but this problem come in my mind again & again and as i am working everyday suddeny its come in mind and i start watching that nude.

    i have family too however i can't work while they are there as i need to phone other people and kids don't let me do my work and soon as i move to other room - i get caught by this problem (not every day).

    what would i do on this issue
    please help

    • yas, we have published many posts on this subject, so search our website please.

      Wael Editor

      • Salaam,

        This is first time i come to this website . this is quite good..

        i am on last member of family and my brother love a girl . I was thinking to change his mind . but when i think that he is luckiest person to have a beautiful girl .. and he is thinking for love marriage . is love marriage is allowed in Islam? i also wish that i could also have a beautiful girl . so i could do my love marriage .... my mother says that arrange marriage is good .... so arrange marriage is allowed our love marriage is allowed? i could not distract my mind on this topic 🙁

        please reply ASAP


        • There is no problem with love marriage in Islam; arranged marriage is also fine. The important thing is not to engage in any haram activities before marriage. Even if it is a love marriage, everything should be open and halal, and the marriage should not be secret.


    • assalamu alaikum
      i guess its because you are not have much relation with your wife........i think if u have long gaps it might make unwanted thinkings.....

  26. ASA,
    My husband and I are happily married for almost 3 years. My husband still watches pornography and pictures of other woman. This is very hurtful to me. I confronted him about this twice and he promised me he would stop.
    The thing is he does not realize that I know he is still watching it. I check his history sometimes. I don't want to tell him I am checking his history because I don't want him to think I am spying on him. This is honestly the main reason I check it. Recently when I asked casually if he is still watching it ( I know he is) he said no ofcourse not, I promised you. The fact he is lying hurts even more.
    I know he thinks its normal, but he also knows how much it hurts me. I am really saddened by this, because we have a good sexual relationship and he promised he would stop. Sometimes I know he checks it even after or before we have sexual relations.
    What can I do? I am very hurt by this. He has already promised me he would stop, but he hasn't.
    Note: My husband prays sometimes not all the time so he's not really religious.

    • i think the last "note" you mentioned is the reason for such a situation...... just telling him to stop viewing porn is not enough, not doing the prayer properly is a major sin... my advice is make him do the prayers thats the first thing you should be trying. its wont be easy because i think if he has really faith in god, he wont miss his prayers.......... so try to make your husband read quran and its meaning, make it a practice that you discuss about islam and faith, make his belief of god strong........... insha allah if the iman is strong rest will come by and wont have to worry of porn....

  27. hello i want to know whether watching porn games is also haram in islam

  28. Asalam-o-alaikom every one . I feel very happy to know about such a religious website . I am a teenage muslim from pakistan . I am involved in porn videos but after reading every thing above may be it was the last day for it . My problem is that i cant offer my prayers regularly . Tell me a solution which should creat a love for prayers in me . I know that when we will offer prayers our all problems will end . May Allah help every one in their problems .

    • Wa Alaikum as Salam JD,

      I am glad this page was helpful. We will certainly help you, in sha Allah. For that, you will need to submit a new post. Follow the instructions on top of this page to submit a new post. Thank you!

      Abu Abdul Bari Editor

    • wel brother its realy good that u planned to change .. well i will give some advice which will create a love in ur heart for prayers .. first of alll when a Azan is said for a prayer just realize that Allah is calling u towards him .. he is calling u to talk to him .. n if i tell u do one thing dat first memorize the translation of Azan .. wat it says .. when u wil understand it u wil get more intention to do it ... one more thing dat helped me aloot tooo is that in this world everyone needs to be succesfull ryt ?? so when it is said in AZAN ((( HAYYA ALAL FALAH)))) which mean COME TO SUCCESS .. so just imagine dat people are running towards success now a days and they aren't realizing that success is itself calling them .... n the last thing is also memorize the translation of the recitation u do in prayer cauz untill n unless u wil not understand wat u r sayin u will not get interested in it .. n always remember that u r doin it just for Allah .. May Allah forgive ur sins and guide u towards straight path alwayss ... i think my advices will help u ... n Allah knows the best .. ALLAH U AKBAR

  29. If you are in such a situation just recitate darood sharif,it helped me so much,but at that time it is very difficult to do this.If you are doing this just says this in your heart "YOUR ARE DOING WRONG" and a time will come when you stop it.

  30. Salam,am married and pregnant with my first child,my problem is that my husband doesn't like having sex and I do,so when am bored I watch porn movies in order to be free with myself,please help me what will I do to let him know that I always need sex?I don't want to follow the wrong part.tnx

    • hafsah, please log in and write your question as a separate post, and give us more information about the situation. For example why doesn't he want sex? Is he tired from work, not in the mood, not feeling well? And what do you do to try to initiate sex? Also, watching porn is haram and you must stop this habit. Anyway submit your post and we'll discuss it Insha'Allah.

      Wael Editor

  31. Assalamu Alaikum,

    This subject and it's comments helped me realize I was wandering to the wrong direction again... I have alot of past sins, drugs, alcohol, stealing, pornography, , etc.. Since I became muslim I repented and quit all sins except for smoking cigarets.. now lately I'm not offering all prayers anymore, and I start to drink again, thinking about doing drugs again, and watching alot of porn these last days.. but this subject gave me some insight, I instantly deleted all porn that was on this computer , It felt so much better, and the blessing of Allah swt felt so much greater when I wasn't watching porn... Your soul will always feel unpure and dirty if you sin, May Allah swt grant us peace and understanding and insha Allah may he always give us the chance to repent from our wrongdoings.

  32. AOA can you please help me how do i finish porn addiction.

  33. But i read on 1 of the site and they said that there is no any written verse in the Quran which prohibits Muslims from watching movies. And i want to know where do u remove that verse which say that muslims should not watch porn movies because for me they help me from not doing zina and they help to keep me safe. I will be happy if u ans me but no not abuse me.

    • musa, the text that you copied by so-called "MA Khan" was disgusting. It was a lie from beginning to end, with no basis in Islamic teaching. I don't know if you are a troll or just ignorant, but I have banned you from this website.

      Wael Editor

  34. I have been watching porn almost daily for 16 years. I started watching porn online when I was very young when I just got the Internet back in 1998. A friend of mine showed me a sinful world online that i got very weak for. Slowly I explored in to different types of porn because regular nudity was not enough. Sadly by now I can say I have seen it all. Every type of website and the countless hours and years spent of wasted time. by the time I turned 18, I lived away from my parents to go to college so the tempting online world turned to reality and the devil whispered in my ear to make this virtual experience become reality. A girl started tempting me and I fell in her trap for years in a haram relationship. Every time I tried to back away, the devil whispered to me what if she's pregnant what if she gave you a disease, stay with her a few more months to make sure. So this dragged for 5 years on and off. At the same time I fought and asked for repentance during end of Ramadan and I had a beautiful close experience to god and I had many signs that god was on my side as long as I am on his. But temptation was too strong. I kept watching porn while having haram sexual relationship. It got to a point where I had 1 night encounters with strippers while I was in a haram relationship while also watching porn. By the time I turned 23 I asked god to guide me and I told god that I want to leave this evil path and have the intentions to get married but I was not financially ready at all. I just had the intentions and subhan Allah. A beautiful girl I knew when I was young showed up again in my life and within months i got money from where I least expected and got married to her. By now I was happy I thought my porn problem would be history but now I am 29 and we have two kids. I still watch porn almost everyday and not being able to have a satisfactory marriage because the world of porn rouined me for a very long time and when someone sees it all, they would have high expectations from their wife and regular intercourse would not do it. Even at some point I tried to get my innocent wife to watch porn with me and pushed her to video chat with others. Now I am waking up and no temptation will rouin my life, family and relationship with Allah. I truly seek repentance and I will act as the right father figure for my kids. This will stop inshallah.

    My advise from this life rouining experience is STOP. We are in a very difficult time and not fat away from meeting Allah. It really saddens me seeing young boys and girls on here at the initial sinful step that I took a long time ago. You will be my motivation to quit because if you knew what I know how this will end up for you, you will do the same. May Allah forgive us, help us get over this porn disease and gathers us in Jannah inshallah.

  35. Well this is a serious problem and I know that it is quite hard to quit. What I did was install a filter software on my PC. It blocks all the web pages with adult categories like porn, nudity, adult content and also other categories like proxy avoidance sites and the best part is that you can select only those categories that you wish to block and exclude the ones that you want to access. It is password protected and what I did was set a random password that even I didnt know. So even of I feel like browsing porn I can't. This helped me greatly. You can download the free software from here:

  36. I was 16 years old when I first saw such videos but thanks GOD,i was not used to them.But I watch photo on net,you can say, 1 times a month and the biggest sin I have done,this time I m watching these things in RAMADAN.I m very afraid of GOD.I want to leave this habit completely but I can't.Also I have dirty thinking.I like a man and I find him so so closer to me in thoughts.

    • well if u want to get rid of it then pray to Allah .. nag him , cry infront of him as much as u can and ask for help and forgiveness sincerely .. one advice is that when these type of thoughts come in your mind then divert it think something good and Halal ... think like that Allah is watching you .. He knows everything , the things you are thinking , your desires your intention .. so FEAR ALLAH .. and don't forget that you have to answer him on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT ..
      i will give u one example that , when u are failed in exams or u do anything wrong which hurts your parents , and your parents say u , "that my child i gave u everything i fulfilled all your wishes but what u gave us in reply, nothing and failed in exams" .. and imagine how you will feel bad right infact worse .. so imagine these are your parents, but at the Day of Judgement when ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY will ask u that Oh my i gave you everything fulfilled all of your wishes accepted all of your Dua's but still you Disobeyed me n continue doing sins , WHY ??? imagine that time how you will feel standing in front of him when he will ask you this question.. !!!! What your answer will be ??
      so my friend please repent you still have time .. pray Nawafil Prayers its a best thing to get closer to Allah and make as much Dua as you can. one more thing try to watch Islamic Lectures and read Quran daily this will help you alot.
      May Allah guide us towards right path and give us Hidayah .. i think my advice would help you .. And ALLAH THE AL MIGHTY knows best ..

  37. Sister sara,


    very informative

    the article enlightened me

    May allah bless u.

  38. Is talking to girl in phone haram? Plz answer ASAP

  39. Selam walekum

    Watching porn from long time took break fight with stan beat myself and got close to Allah and achieved what I desire again caught by Satan and inshallah will fight again and will get close to my rab who will forgive me because I he is merciful and Rahim and inshallah will be away from him

    May Allah give us his fear in our heart and a content soul

    Remember talking to any girl with ill intention and thinking of any girl with ill intention is the act against Allah

    May Allah show us right path and guide us to the correct way of life and may he forgive us and there is no one except Allah who can help us and he has to help us and I am sure he is going to help him . I am sorry to him for making him angry and ask for forgiveness

    Please forgive


  40. Can I save & Read Quran on my Laptop? While many time I saw pornographic videos on my Laptop. Please Help me.

    May ALLAH Bless you Always.

    • You can save and read the Holy Quran on your laptop, provided that you delete any pornographic video you see on your laptop, and provided that you block any source that can invite such evil videos to your laptop.

      May Allah bless and protect you too! Ameen.

  41. Assalamualikum arahathuallahi wabarakathuhu! Bro, it's clearly haram to so that! By the creator who created me and shaped me perfectly, it's haram for a few reasons. Looking at forbidden things, other private parts. Watching someone commit zina is in a way, like also promoting it. That's haram. Spreading your see as you "fab"! Wanting a patent just in those sex films to do all that to you! It's honestly haram! Asthafirullah, I've watched it many many times, after consistent promises to quit it! May Allah Subhanathallah help us become pure and return that way! Ameen!

    • Assalam alaikum,

      May Allah make you stronger in your battle against your urges, Ameen.

      There is a video on Jahannum (search on YouTube) that describes the punishment in the hereafter that I watched. I highly suggest it because it may be the thing that some people need to balance the Mercy of Allah and the Wrath of Allah swt.

      May Allah strengthen the Muslim Ummah, Ameen.

  42. Assolamilakum everybody,
    I am 13 and in this society I have watched some very inappropriate things. I always think back to watching these things and I've committed myself to stop and have stopped. I just can't seem to forgive myself. I am a child and I am not sure how I have been alluded into such dirty lifestyle. Please I know Allah will forgive me but I, not sure if I can forgive myself. Please anybody help. I can't tell anyone and my mum has told me that Allah will forgive you no matter what. Please I am a child and I don't want to live my life regretting. I really just need someone that is older and more experienced. I don't think I can forgive my self. I cry almoste very night please I beg of you to help me in anyway. Thank you so much

    • Dear sister Hafsa,

      Surprised as I am on how such an innocent sister might fall into this devil's trap designed specifically for men. Sister, I have been watching porn for last 8 years at last. Now, at 28 Years of age, unlike other people, i think my addiction was due to delay in marriage. After i got together with my wife (no children uptill now), this habit went away automatically, then when she went away for more than a week, it came back momentarily and then went. It is difficult for me, i am a man, not using it as excuse, but im more attracted to such filth as compared to a girl.
      Women are very good hearted and pious creatures made by Allah. Once they leave a bad habit, there is 90% chance they will easily go on right path from there on. U need not to worry little sister. U have made ur repentance, may Allah make ur feet firm on it, go forward on the right path, start reciting lots of Darood Sharif, and this verse of Quran "La illaha illa Anta Subhanaka Inni kuntu Minazzalimeen". It is dua of Hazrat Yunus (A.S) and washes away biggest of all sins as told by Ulema.

    • I am 30 years old . I can help you with that.
      Send me email to *** and then we will figure out the solution

      • Why would you want a 13 year old girl with a pornography problem to contact you privately? If you were standing in front of me, I would slap you.

        Wael Editor

  43. Hafsa and my other sisters and daughters like girls and other muslim and non muslim borthers and friends.

    First of all, if our inner feelings are agreeing to the wrong as wrong and we feel it that we did something wrongly, the best way is not to repeat the same mistake. Allah is the owner of us all, he is such a Grand King that no one could imagine even., when we know and feel that we have done a sin, knowingly or unknowingly and we put ourselves in pain of realization that what have we done, we must ask for forgiveness and must stop doing that wrong doing then and their, he may forgive as he likes two drops the most.....tear and blood.......tears that roll down for the fear of God in respect of our sins and we are seeking his mercy for.......and the drops of blood that are falling down on earth in his is not a concept that muslims are bloody and they are, actually to control extremism of wrong doings, one has to stand up, if there are odds against such standing, there will be a battle between and then the bloodshed...but it has to be remembered, bloodshed is not the call of Islam......we being muslim do not like Bloodshed or battles....wrong are those who think that muslims are like but when a battle is imposed or problems are created......yes, anyone would start fighting may it be muslim or non muslim......

    ..coming back to the point, Actually, watching illicit material appears attractive to everyone who ever watches it....but those who are strong in their belief that logically they dont want to be prisoner of these brain games as watching a screen is creating enjoyment as if it is real which is false.....and is merely wastage of very precious time. Today we can see, everywhere it is music, movies, media, commercial photos, celebrities, models, product and their advertisement.......means.....all directions are linked up with one thing that how to appear attractive , how to put viewer's brain towards the very nature of interest and since music and beauty are the two basic items that are liked by almost all genders of human beings.....this is becoming our addiction towards these materials and we are getting charged towards responding the knocks in this regard.

    HOW TO PUT US ON CONTROL.....we being muslims need to work for the betterment of us and for people around us, no matter muslim or non muslim, we have to be such a good model that should portray the qualities of good human beings.......mentally strong, physically clean and healthy, spiritually clean and healthy, wise in approach, educated, kind and understanding. If we are watching illicit material, could one think what will remain and keep circling in our mind......the same that we will watch will remain circling in our mind.....can we focus on education, mental health, reading books, practicing behavioral qualities etc....or could we be truly respectful for opposite genders.....I am sure the balance will be missing though we may pretend doing that all but internally we would be having only that in our mind that we are regularly seeing which is nothing but "Illicit" scenes and words and photos etc.

    Therefore, call it hell or heaven.....Allah has given us clear way.....the one who comes back on track , does it for himself, the one who is not on track , he will see the results himself. It is our own experience, think and decide what is the right way, again, hell or heaven.....yes, we make our life hell or heaven that eventually ends at hell or heaven......full choice is given to us. Who is there who likes to come back to the right track....whoever comes to the track , comes for himself and Allah grants us reward for leaving sins, these rewards are in the form of good health, good education, qualifications, name in the world, satisfaction of family and a good family , a satisfied and planned life and a comfortable death. Again, a life after death with full of rewards and comfort based on what wrong we left on the instructions of Allah that no matter appeared beautiful to us.......but try to taste the taste of leaving a sin forever on the instruction of Allah for making him happy and you will find you are feeling betterment in your life, better feelings, completion of your pending assignments, improvement in social status, personal satisfaction level, and comfort in sleep.......blessed are we that we are still alive and hence have full chance to get back to the right track by now, for whom? Allah is fearless, he does not want us to do something for him , but if we are obeying him and accepting what is his instructions........we are enrolling us for the bounties of life and the life after death.

    It is not a bed time story, one whoever wishes can practice this, its not limited to muslims, any non muslim can check it out, leave your bad habbits, sins and you will start feeling trust in you, in life, a solid start from the next morning are the initial rewards and then if your thoughts agree to the reality, enter to Islam....grand religion that is chosen for human beings of the world as no one can find out flaws in it, nothing of Islam goes against any religion, Islam respects others and wants human beings to enjoy all moments of their life under the colour of this is the righteous religion for us all. I am not forcing Islam on my non muslim fellows, but it is an open offer to practice a bit of it and see the change in your life....if it is to accept forever, it will only benefit you and people who will be connected with you in any way, in this manner a good muslim is like a hope for hopeless around him.

    Ending my long conversation with thanks to you who read it, May your logic could pick my broken words as above to bring happiness and satisfaction in your life. The last lines.....never get hopeless by the blessing of Allah, he is the one who brings morning from the dark night and turns a shiny day into dusk, he brings clouds to bring life to dead soil and the soil starts generating crops etc. There are signs in these facts for those who try to think and put their efforts in understanding the substance over form. May you all live a clean, bright and satisfied life.

    Hafsa, my dear daughter like muslim , don't worry , as you have asked his mercy , try not to repeat the same mistake and put your concentration in more productive tasks. The more strong your concepts will be , the more stronger you will get day by day but try never to be an extremist in any form, a muslim is never and can never be an extremist ever. Live a long life.

    Faisal Azeem Siddiqui.

    • Thank you so much, this truly helped me. I think the thing I was most worried about was not forgiving myself. I don't think that I can tell anyone although Allah has helped me and will hopefully forgive my sins. Thank you, I have seen a new path and have now realised that looks and body image should not matter to one, although what is in the inside will make room for us in Jannah. Thank you everyone especially uncle Faisal. It helped me a lot.

    • Its a good medium of understanding , i feel the querries and answers are really touching & heart thrombing....

  44. Pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which God has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, baghi. Here is a bit of terminology before we review the rest of the evidence prohibiting pornography.


    According to the Al-Mawrid Arabic-English dictionary of Munir Baalbaki, Fuhash is obscenity, vulgarity, indecency, shamelessness and something that is dirty, filthy and foul. Al-Mawrid's English-Arabic dictionary translates pornographic as Fahish. The Hans Wehr Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic adds monstrosity, abomination, vile deed and fornication to its meaning as well.

    Fuhsha, translated as anything shameful, is a Quranic term which in the Quran and Hadith has been used widely for unIslamic sexual behavior. The Quran uses it as in the above verse (Quran 16:90). It is a set of vices that embraces the whole range of evil and shameful deeds. Scholars of the Quran have included every vice which is intrinsically of a highly reprehensible character into this category whether it be fornication, nudity, public foreplay as depicted in films and photos, pornography, hurling abuses and curse words, promiscuous mixing, or dresses designed to expose the body. At the highest level of Fuhsha, Allah has included adultery (Quran 17:32) and same gender sex (Quran 7:80; 27:54).

    All scholars agree pornography is included in the term Fuhsha.


    Al-Mawrid English - Arabic Dictionary describes Munkar as gross, abominable, detestable, atrocious, outrageous, flagrant.

    As a major Quranic term it means something which is universally acknowledged as bad and immoral. This category includes all evils which have been unanimously condemned by the human conscience and which have been forbidden by Divine Law in all ages.

    People of all faiths abhor pornography. Even the norms of American society do not allow its propagation in mainstream newspapers and prime time TV, forcing it to hide in dark alleys. Those who are addicted to pornography try to watch it mostly discreetly. This indicates that it is a universally accepted immoral act which Quran calls al-Munkar.


    According to Al-Mawrid English - Arabic dictionary, this term means wrong, injustice, outrage, and transgression.

    Al-Baghi in the Quranic terminology means transgression and trespassing into the space and the rights of others, whether those rights be of God or of a fellow human being. Pornography is a transgression towards God as well as towards human beings and animals. The pornographic industry trespasses on the rights of women especially by turning them into sex objects. Pornographic emails trespass the private email boxes of Americans at least four times a day.

    God is Against Pornography (Fuhsha) whether Open or Hidden

    "Tell them (O Muhammad): 'My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hiddenÉ"

    innama haram rabbial fawahisha ma zahar aminha wma batan.. (Quran 7:33).

    Therefore, watching pornography or other indecent acts in the privacy of the home or on the internet is also forbidden.

    Allah Asks Us Not to Even Go Close to It

    "Say to them (O Muhammad!) Édo not even draw near to things shameful–be they open or secret;É " (Quran 6:151 partial)

    Éwa la taqrabul fawahisha ma zahara minha wa ma batanÉ

    Allah has mentioned this instruction along with shirk and murder which means that Allah considered shameful things like pornography among the major sins.

    Allah knows best. He knows His creation. He knows that we are weak. Therefore, He likes us to stay away from shameful things.

  45. yes it is haraam because in this we use our eyes to see ears to hear instead every thing of our body our mind is focused on seeing this bad act of pornography and a True Muslim should shamed of his self by watching this because he knows the eyes i m using the ears i m hearing its not mine who gave me permission to use them in such a bad way its because our own bad thinking we have messed up this world. Our faith is not like this we have been for a greater purpose everybody likes to live in this world with luxury but no body can because this world is only a small room of a building which is called the universe in this room the tests are taken but the result has to come.
    And my Brothers and sisters listen about one more truth of this act of pornography when we see this act through our eyes its our eyes zina and when we hear it its our ears zina when we think it its our taught zina

    it is law of THE GOD AL,MIGHTY that when you do you will get it back if you do zina with somebodys sister somebody will do it with your sister always remember that
    And i have even heard that texting and watching dont hurt anyone like i said before u r texting somebody will your sister and and when u r watching somebody will watch your sister no matter what you do it will happen
    until THE PURE BLESSINGS OF( THE MIGHTY LORD) and with my pure knowledge one thing i have learnt
    That all the human beings have been given eyes to see what is right Heart to make right decision and Brain to think before making any decision and whenever you stuck in finding what is right and what is wrong
    use your eyes brain and heart your decision will never be wrong always listen and do what is right
    in this way you can make the world a better place to live in

  46. I think that taking sex education is not haram every one should have it

  47. you know..... i grw up in an islamic home..... i was jez surfing the net one dae and i came across porn... i din rily count it as a sin...buh deep down it affects me... and i kip praying to God for assistance... buh i dont seem to be able to stop... i mean im prctically obsessed... what to do?

  48. ...

    [Editor's note: This is an Islamic website. Please do not post statements that are against Islamic principles. We shouldn't publicise our own shortcomings or encourage others to follow suit.]

  49. Assalam alaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

    Pornography destroys your soul, Iman flows away from your heart, when you don't watch pornography in front of your parents then how can you let yourself to watch it when Allah (Swt) is watching over you, if someone really feels the presence and fear of Allah (Swt) in their hearts then its impossible for them to get in such actions.
    My dear brothers and sisters don't let Satan fool you with the temptation that its not haram to watch such things, it is a very shameful act. May Allah forgive us all for our Sins.

    Allaho Akbar

  50. i am a muslim girl 18 years of age problem is that im addicted to this particular site on internet where u can read any kind of book i love teen fiction novels which have kissing scenes which for me are very indecent..i tried to skip those part first but then gave in to temptation ..this led to reading a very disturbing porn scene which even after soo many months i am not not able to get out of my mind...i asked for forgiveness for ALLAH(s.w.t)...and tried to become a better muslim...but that scene disturbs me even now and i am starting to think that i am not decent and PURE and shoiuld not MARRY!..PLZZ TELL ME IF IM RIGHT?

  51. nd yeah also bcuz i think my DNA has absorbed this disturbing stuff nd the effect it will have on my future generation:(

    • I CAN'T MARRY: nd yeah also bcuz i think my DNA has absorbed this disturbing stuff nd the effect it will have on my future generation:(

      It is all your mind, nothing to do with DNA. You can get married.

    • you can marry sister and you must marry....because to flush the dirt away from your mind, the best detergent is to marry.....

  52. Assalam o Alaikum. ..
    I want to ask that can a muslim straight boy can see gay movies showing gay sex without exposing private parts?
    I also want to ask whether can a muslim boy see a man naked?
    I also want to ask that can a muslim boy (before marriage) can masturbate without ejaculating?

    • "Straight boy", what you are describing is absolutely forbidden in Islam. It is not allowed for anyone to see the 'awrah (private area) of anyone else, except a husband and wife. Furthermore homosexuality is a serious sin. As for masturbation, there are different opinions among the scholars. Some say it is haram, some say makruh, and some day permitted. In any case the pornography is absolutely haram.

      Wael Editor

      • Pornography is haram because you are seeing the nudity of people other than your spouses. What about if you watching TV and there is a fully clothed kissing scene and masturbate to this? Is this haram (assuming you don't believe masturbation ie haram)

  53. hello, I"M INDIAN (HINDU)
    , few months ago i came across the truth of islam, and i heartfully accepted islam from inside (i cannot follow namaz, quran bcoz of my family) and i know tht porn watching is haram, but as i 've been watching many time , i got addicted, now i know its haram bt still im watching, my muslim friend told that i can take some time to get rid of addiction! is that true? will allah forgive me if i watch keeping in mind tht i hav to control??
    rply plz

    • @krishna

      Congratulations! Alhamdulillah (Praise to Allah) who has guided you to Islam, the path to success in this life and the next. Watching porn is haram, unfortunately many a Muslim brothers & sisters are addicted to it.

      It you need online help to quit this filth, visit

  54. I am muslim but I also watch porn. God will forgive me, I am sure.

  55. Sallam all iam 24 years old i knw all is haram but i cant stop my self from eriction iam un-maried nd all the time my mind force me to watch porn nd erict my self

  56. Good

  57. Make proper tauba and marry soon....


  58. I just got married and don't know how to do many things that my husband asks. Is it haram if I watch videos to educate myself in learning how to satisfy him? Jak

    • there are good books written on this topic like adabe mubashrat search them dont watch rubbish they would misguide you...

  59. Can i do masterbution
    Whit out watching pron

  60. Aoa, I am not a scholar but have some knowledge. Allah is Ghafoor ur Raheem means forgives, second He is Tawab ur Raheem means accept pardoned again and again. If u have committed a sin ask forgiveness but if u again commit sin so ask again His forgiveness. He will forgivo don't shy because Allah loves those who return to Him and satten always take u away from Islam. But isn't shameful on our part that we do not keep our promise. Its matteryof will, can u ask your boss to pay you whether u work or not. Off course not so try to follow Islamic teaching, have company of good friends u will succeed. May Allah guide us on right path and forgive us. Ameen

  61. Hi
    my age is 15 and i have habbit of seeing porn videos
    tell me how i overcome this

    • Assalaamualaikam

      Please read the advice that has already been given.

      Midnightmoon editor

  62. I just want to know that how can I get rid og watching bad things .... I am 17 years old ... Mein me promise kiya tha k ab koi video ya aesa koi material nai dekhon gi but wo toot gya then I again promised myself nd with Allah by putting hands on Quran that i never watch such things again but I can't stop myslf frm seeing such bad things I feel guilty on breaking my promise again nd again I just want to know is there any hope of toba for me I really vey very worried I want to make my aiman strong but how ??? Please guide me ?????

    • As-salamu alaykum Aiman. We have published many posts on this subject. Search our archives please. May Allah give you the strength to purify yourself from this habit.

      Wael Editor

    • stay away from internet at all and stay in touch with good books a teacher i know that for 17 year student there is no need of internet ,,,books are having enough and authentic knowledge ,,,if parents see my message please consider....

  63. I am 13 years and I have read some of this and want to know wether I may be forgiven
    I did not know that watching porn is haram and I watched a little for about 1 hour for 3 days.
    I later got the doubt and searched and have found this page.
    Until now I did not know that porn is haram.

    • Assalaamualaikam

      Allah is Most Merciful, and His guidance says we will be forgiven our sins if we repent with sincerity. Watching porn is not acceptable in Islam, but Alhamdulillah you have now found that out and can stop watching it.

      Read the articles on tawbah and repentance that are available on this site, avoid porn from now on, and thank Allah for guiding you to learn about the dangers of porn before it was too late.

      Midnightmoon editor

      • So If I pray regularly and read Quran regularly and ask for forgiveness....I will be forgiven???
        Assalaamualliakum to you..... thank you for telling me about this

        • ASA
          Ur 13 ok anonymous so if u think that u watch prone and than asks for forgiveness that is not ok and no body knows that ALLAH forgives him or not ok just think that u read Quran for 1 week and pray for 1 week u r forgived ok

  64. It is. Lower your gaze. When you get urges, listen to quran

  65. Not only is it haram but these porn stars (both male and female and who are somebody's son or daughter, sister, etc)... these people are often drugged or raped who make these movies. Many kill themselves from grief of what they did and get diseases...this is a whole story in itself. Just because they aren't Muslim gives you no right to watch them. I can't believe the poster said he is early waiting for an answer. HE KNOWS. Of course it's haram and it's a horrible industry for these people.

  66. Its haram to see others life by pasteing themself to others

  67. I cant stop watching porn and i dont understand why, i stopped for a bit and then i get temppted and watch it again, and so on, i don't know what to do :'( :'( :'(

  68. how do you says you mean it is no sin how do you says
    give me answer

  69. I am a 13 years old boy..i watch porn so much and i also search on internet about it.i cant stop it but i want to stop it.....i m addicted to this so much...Plz tell me about to stop it

  70. is watching romantic songs that dont have any kind of pornogrphy in them is also haram???

  71. In my humble opinion it is not allowed to see anyone else in nude mode except direct married relationship....

  72. I have a question watching sex education is haram

    • Genuine sex education, with a proper teacher in a classroom setting, is acceptable. That is not the same as pornography.

      Wael Editor

  73. Asslam o Alaikum
    I am a muslim psychology student
    And as a psychology student i thinks its very harmful for our mental health..
    As a muslim..we should ask for forgivness to Allah pak... thank you..

  74. So i started watching a bit porn a year ago and i started again but i stopped for a while and saw a little more today. If i stop now, will allah forgive me? Like it took me three tries to stop but will alah forgive me if i stop now?

  75. aoa to all of u i have a problem i have very bad habit of watching porn videos i try my best to leave this habit but i cannot do that please please help me

  76. A.O.A
    My age is 13 years and i am watching pornography its now my habbit I try not watch but i just see it any tips for not watching *******.

    • A.o.a my name is waqas and my age is 13 years. I try not watch porn videos . I pray all five nimaz and also tilawat but then i just watch it . I tried alot to not watch any tips .

  77. Assalam o alaikum

    I'm glad that you are asking Sharia's ruling on what you do.... May Allah guide you.
    You should know that pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which Allah has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, baghi. Al Quran [16:90]

    Here is a bit of terminology before we review the rest of the evidence prohibiting pornography.
    According to the Al-Mawrid Arabic-English dictionary of Munir Baalbaki, Fuhash is obscenity, vulgarity, indecency, shamelessness and something that is dirty, filthy and foul. Al-Mawrid's English-Arabic dictionary translates pornographic as Fahish. The Hans Wehr Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic adds monstrosity, abomination, vile deed and fornication to its meaning as well.

    Fuhsha, translated as anything shameful, is a Quranic term which in the Quran and Hadith has been used widely for unIslamic sexual behavior. The Quran uses it as in the above verse (Quran 16:90). It is a set of vices that embraces the whole range of evil and shameful deeds. Scholars of the Quran have included every vice which is intrinsically of a highly reprehensible character into this category whether it be fornication, nudity, public foreplay as depicted in films and photos, pornography, hurling abuses and curse words, promiscuous mixing, or dresses designed to expose the body. At the highest1 level of Fuhsha, Allah has included adultery (Quran 17:32) and same gender sex (Quran 7:80; 27:54).

    All scholars agree pornography is included in the term Fuhsha.

    Al-Mawrid English - Arabic Dictionarydescribes Munkar as gross, abominable, detestable, atrocious, outrageous, flagrant.

    As a major Quranic term it means something which is universally acknowledged as bad and immoral. This category includes all evils which have been unanimously condemned by the human conscience and which have been forbidden by Divine Law in all ages.

    People of all faiths abhor pornography. Even the norms of American society do not allow its propagation in mainstream newspapers and prime time TV, forcing it to hide in dark alleys. Those who are addicted to pornography try to watch it mostly discreetly. This indicates that it is a universally accepted immoral act which Quran calls al-Munkar.

    According to Al-Mawrid English - Arabic dictionary, this term means wrong, injustice, outrage, and transgression.

    Al-Baghi in the Quranic terminology means transgression and trespassing into the space and the rights of others, whether those rights be of God or of a fellow human being. Pornography is a transgression towards God as well as towards human beings and animals. The pornographic industry trespasses on the rights of women especially by turning them into sex objects. Pornographic emails trespass the private email boxes of Americans at least four times a day.

    God is Against Pornography (Fuhsha) whether Open or Hidden
    "Tell them (O Muhammad): 'My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hidden?"

    innama haram rabbial fawahisha ma zahar aminha wma batan.. (Quran 7:33).

    Therefore, watching pornography or other indecent acts in the privacy of the home or on the internet is also forbidden.

    Allah Asks Us Not to Even Go Close to It
    "Say to them (O Muhammad!) ?do not even draw near to things shameful–be they open or secret;? " (Quran 6:151 partial)

    ?wa la taqrabul fawahisha ma zahara minha wa ma batan?

    Allah has mentioned this instruction along with shirk and murder which means that Allah considered shameful things like pornography among the major sins.

    Allah knows best. He knows His creation. He knows that we are weak. Therefore, He likes us to stay away from shameful things.

    Those who Propagate Shameful things among the Believers
    "Verily those who love that indecency should spread among the believers deserve a painful chastisement in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah knows, but you do not know." Quran 24:19

    Innal lazeena yuhibbuna an tasheeal fahishatu fillazeena amanou lahum azabun aleemun fid dunya wal akhirate, wallahu yalamu wa antum la talamoon.

    The words used in the verse (fahishatu) embrace all the various forms that might be used to spread shameful and lewd behavior though any means be it pictures, films, or internet.

    Don't follow Satan
    At several places in the Quran, God warns us not to follow the steps of Satan: "He will incite you for shameful things (fuhsha) and encourage you to do universally accepted wrong things (al-munkar) Quran 24:211

    Restrain Your Gaze & Guard Your Private Parts
    "Enjoin believing men to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is well aware of all what they do.

    And enjoin believing women to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts and additionally not to reveal their adornment except that which is revealed of itself." Quran 24:30-31

    Sayings of the Prophet: Hadith
    No man or woman should look at the naked body of each other (unless married). Sahih Muslim

    By God, I would prefer to be thrown from the skies and spatterred in parts than to look at someone's private parts or let someone look at my private parts. Narrated by Salman. Almabsooth kitabul istehsan.

    Don't expose your thigh to anyone and don't look at the thigh of any person even if s/he is dead. Narrated Ali ibn abi Talib. Ibn e Maja, Abi Dawud, Darqutani. Tafseer Kabeer

    Once someone's thigh was open in public. The Prophet said don't you know thigh is supposed to be kept covered? Jerhad Aslami. Muatta Imam Malik, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud

    Allah has written for Adam's son his share of adultery which he commits inevitably. The adultery of the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a forbidden thing), the adultery of the tongue is the talk, and the inner self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny it. Abu Hurairah. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud.

    Other Scholarly Perspectives
    "It's absolutely Haram," notes Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdullah. He is the Imam of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis in Missouri.

    "If someone is looking at someone committing Zina (sex outside of marriage) whether it is in movies or pictures or the actual thing, it's all Haram," he adds.

    "Pornographic pictures and movies are haram (prohibited). Muslims should not watch, sell or make such movies. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said: 'The eyes commit adultery, the tongue commits adultery, the hands commit adultery, the feet commit adultery and then the private parts confirm it or deny it." (Reported by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

    "This means that watching pornographic movies, listening to such songs or singing them, using one's hands and feet for this purpose, all these are sins that are related to Zina and then the final act of Zina takes place through haram intercourse." Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi

    Logging in and browsing pornographic sites is forbidden because a Muslim is always commanded to lower his/her gaze, let alone give a loose rein to his/her ? eyes to look at the private parts of others.

    May Allah keep us all safe spiritually and physically.

  78. Please help me. I'm in huge problem. I don't watch any pornographies. Even I hate when somebody speaking about porns. I even feel disgusting by the fact about the sex act. It really disgusts me. But I watch only breastfeeding videos of woman feeding their babies. Is there any problem if I was such videos. Is it Haram to watch? I promised to Almighty Allah that I won't watch it again but still due to my bad addiction I had to watch. Almost 2 weeks I watched the videos at night only one time. Please help me! I don't want to go to hell fire. I want my Almighty Allah to open the keys for me to heaven. My age is 15 and I'm a boy living in Dhaka city. Please I need your urgent reply as I want to start a new life forsook the path of my Almighty Allah.

  79. I have heard that when u are married and your are not getting the pleasure that the woman want from the husband you are alwaed to pleasure your self in anyway so even if it means watching pron so that you do not go and look for that pleasure they want from another man??

  80. I have watch porn i am 16 if i never do it again and ask allah to forgof wil he accept

  81. Alsalamu alaikum

    Well sister, watching these things or even listening to sexual sounds is like commiting adultery.

    The eye commite the adultery as the ear commite , every sense does so throw its possibility.

    Now you've to regret and repent, you must do tawba; which is to make yourself and your concious feel sad, and to not or never that bad action again…

    This is a sin and taboo in islam, and we've got no excuse to do it…

    I hope Allah bless and forgive us, indeed we're in a very bad time, especially things that the one's self wants and desires, have become very easy to be gotten…

  82. I have watched sinful acts and asked Allah ( The great and powerful ) to forgive me. I do ghusl every time but whenever I go back it's like I go unconscious. I wish for god to forgive me but I don't know if I am worth it. I try so hard but in that end I just say to myself that it doesn't matter and I feel regret and fear afterwards. I don't know what to do but I want to stop. I don't know how.

    • Don't be alone .Work on your computer /Laptop in main hall and not from your room .
      Get yourself involved in exercises ,sports and other mind diverting exercises .A 40-45 minutes exercise daily will refresh your mind and your body which will be tired as a result of this you won't find these urges .
      Also Fasting (as per hadith) will help in controlling sexual desires .

  83. Thanks you all for your precious advice

  84. Surely God enjoins justice, kindness and the doing of good, to kith and kin; and He forbids all that is shameful, indecent, evil, rebellious and oppressive."
    InnaAllah Yamuru bil adel, wal ehsane, wa itae zil qurba; wa yanha anil fuhshae, wal munkari walbaghi; yaizukhum lallakum tazakkaroon. (Quran 16:90)

    Pornography and the culture of pornography has all the three elements which God has prohibited in the above verse of the Quran: Fuhsha; Munkar, baghi. Here is a bit of terminology before we review the rest of the evidence prohibiting pornography.

    According to the Al-Mawrid Arabic-English dictionary of Munir Baalbaki, Fuhash is obscenity, vulgarity, indecency, shamelessness and something that is dirty, filthy and foul. Al-Mawrid's English-Arabic dictionary translates pornographic as Fahish. The Hans Wehr Dictionary Of Modern Written Arabic adds monstrosity, abomination, vile deed and fornication to its meaning as well.

    Fuhsha, translated as anything shameful, is a Quranic term which in the Quran and Hadith has been used widely for unIslamic sexual behavior. The Quran uses it as in the above verse (Quran 16:90). It is a set of vices that embraces the whole range of evil and shameful deeds. Scholars of the Quran have included every vice which is intrinsically of a highly reprehensible character into this category whether it be fornication, nudity, public foreplay as depicted in films and photos, pornography, hurling abuses and curse words, promiscuous mixing, or dresses designed to expose the body. At the highest level of Fuhsha, Allah has included adultery (Quran 17:32) and same gender sex (Quran 7:80; 27:54).

    All scholars agree pornography is included in the term Fuhsha.

    Al-Mawrid English - Arabic Dictionarydescribes Munkar as gross, abominable, detestable, atrocious, outrageous, flagrant.

    As a major Quranic term it means something which is universally acknowledged as bad and immoral. This category includes all evils which have been unanimously condemned by the human conscience and which have been forbidden by Divine Law in all ages.

    People of all faiths abhor pornography. Even the norms of American society do not allow its propagation in mainstream newspapers and prime time TV, forcing it to hide in dark alleys. Those who are addicted to pornography try to watch it mostly discreetly. This indicates that it is a universally accepted immoral act which Quran calls al-Munkar.

    According to Al-Mawrid English - Arabic dictionary, this term means wrong, injustice, outrage, and transgression.

    Al-Baghi in the Quranic terminology means transgression and trespassing into the space and the rights of others, whether those rights be of God or of a fellow human being. Pornography is a transgression towards God as well as towards human beings and animals. The pornographic industry trespasses on the rights of women especially by turning them into sex objects. Pornographic emails trespass the private email boxes of Americans at least four times a day.

    God is Against Pornography (Fuhsha) whether Open or Hidden
    "Tell them (O Muhammad): 'My Lord has only forbidden indecent acts, whether overt or hidden?"

    innama haram rabbial fawahisha ma zahar aminha wma batan.. (Quran 7:33).

    Therefore, watching pornography or other indecent acts in the privacy of the home or on the internet is also forbidden.

    Allah Asks Us Not to Even Go Close to It
    "Say to them (O Muhammad!) ?do not even draw near to things shameful–be they open or secret;? " (Quran 6:151 partial)

    ?wa la taqrabul fawahisha ma zahara minha wa ma batan?

    Allah has mentioned this instruction along with shirk and murder which means that Allah considered shameful things like pornography among the major sins.

    Allah knows best. He knows His creation. He knows that we are weak. Therefore, He likes us to stay away from shameful things.

    Those who Propagate Shameful things among the Believers
    "Verily those who love that indecency should spread among the believers deserve a painful chastisement in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah knows, but you do not know." Quran 24:19

    Innal lazeena yuhibbuna an tasheeal fahishatu fillazeena amanou lahum azabun aleemun fid dunya wal akhirate, wallahu yalamu wa antum la talamoon.

    The words used in the verse (fahishatu) embrace all the various forms that might be used to spread shameful and lewd behavior though any means be it pictures, films, or internet.

    Don't follow Satan
    At several places in the Quran, God warns us not to follow the steps of Satan: "He will incite you for shameful things (fuhsha) and encourage you to do universally accepted wrong things (al-munkar) Quran 24:21

    Restrain Your Gaze & Guard Your Private Parts
    "Enjoin believing men to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is well aware of all what they do.

    And enjoin believing women to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts and additionally not to reveal their adornment except that which is revealed of itself." Quran 24:30-31

    Sayings of the Prophet: Hadith
    No man or woman should look at the naked body of each other (unless married). Sahih Muslim

    By God, I would prefer to be thrown from the skies and spatterred in parts than to look at someone's private parts or let someone look at my private parts. Narrated by Salman. Almabsooth kitabul istehsan.

    Don't expose your thigh to anyone and don't look at the thigh of any person even if s/he is dead. Narrated Ali ibn abi Talib. Ibn e Maja, Abi Dawud, Darqutani. Tafseer Kabeer

    Once someone's thigh was open in public. The Prophet said don't you know thigh is supposed to be kept covered? Jerhad Aslami. Muatta Imam Malik, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud

    Allah has written for Adam's son his share of adultery which he commits inevitably. The adultery of the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a forbidden thing), the adultery of the tongue is the talk, and the inner self wishes and desires and the private parts testify all this or deny it. Abu Hurairah. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud.

  85. Asalam o alikum .
    Ibn Maajah (4245) narrated from Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “I certainly know people of my ummah who will come on the Day of Resurrection with good deeds like the mountains of Tihaamah, but Allaah will make them like scattered dust.” Thawbaan said: O Messenger of Allaah, describe them to us and tell us more, so that we will not become of them unknowingly. He said: “They are your brothers and from your race, worshipping at night as you do, but they will be people who, when they are alone, transgress the sacred limits of Allaah.”
    Sister in islam it is prohabited to look at someone who you can marry twice you cant even watch the face of a person twice why so because it will make things in yours or her / his mind then how could you watch porn its like doing zina ( sex ) zina of eyes to watch porn and while watching person masterbates which is also prohabited its in islam
    First from the Qur’aan:
    Imam Shafi’i stated that masturbation is forbidden based on the following verses from the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning):
    "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." 23.5-7 Here the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for the wives or that their right hand possess. And whoever seeks beyond that is the transgressor.
    "And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His bounty." 24.33. This verse also clearly orders whoever does not have the financial means to marry to keep himself chaste and be patient in facing temptations (including masturbation) until Allah enriches them of His bounty.
    Secondly, from the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him):
    Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." Bukhari:5066. The hadeeth orders men who are not able to marry to fast despite the hardship encountered in doing so, and not to masturbate despite the ease with which it can be done. (And masterbation and such acts take your soul away from you when you do such thing you dont wont to do good things you will start to hate good deeds you willnot like to pray or do anything good)
    ( please donot follow the people they can take you to hell fire search islam with authentic source and follow it it will lead you to paradise inshAllah , may Allah take us all to the right path )

    • Asalam walekum. Thank you Shazal for your response. You brought evidences from Quran and Suna. I like that. May Allah grant you more knowledge.

  86. Watching porn in any form and masturbating is a form of lust and it is therefore matter who plays in those movies....spending your time watching porn daily is very sinful as these sins accumulate day after day...and the more you watch the more sins you are being involved in.

    The reason why masturbating is a sin is b/c the male semen contain living sperm. Everytime you watch porn and masturbate your body is losing a lot of semen...your literally killing live sperm and this is the reason why its a sin....many buddhists try to stay away from masturbating as they see it as killing live sperm.

    When people commit haram sins they will face the consequences....some of the consequences of comitting haram sins are things like falling ill and losing your health, being involved in accidents and increased other words, anyone who commits haram sins will never live a peaceful life as you are going against the boundaries placed by God.

    • Sam you are correct that viewing pornography is haram and is destructive to the psyche and the spiritual heart. However there is no clear evidence that masturbation is haram. The "killing semen" thing has no basis in Islam, no matter what the Buddhists might think.

      Wael Editor

  87. This is a big sin and due to this sin loot nation was indulge into fire punishment in this world by our Great God (Allah) in accordance with the Quran. Allah save us from this curse.

  88. Hey!

    I am Muslim too. I hope you will read my message because this is very important. As a Muslim, watching porn (naked body) is not permitted, nor are masturbation, oral or anal sex. They only naked body a Muslim is allowed to see is that of his/her married partner. I have been watching porn and regret it sincerely, because I now know that it was Haram, however, I am not a responsible person yet and my sins will hopefully be forgiven by Allah.

    Always remember, when I’m doubt don’t do it and if you have done something Haram while being a responsible person, pray for Allah’s forgiveness.


  89. hey.
    my name is iqra.
    i am very much addicted to porn from the age of 9.... now i am 12 and i have understood what a big sin is this in islam i want to overcome it. Plz help out !!

    Allah hafiz

  90. Hey brother whenever you think of watching something bad,remember that Allah is watching and keep the fire of hell in your mind.You should read this dua'a HASBUN ALLAHU NEMAL WAKEEL NEMAL MOULA WA NEMAN NASEER.
    May Allah help you.I also watched this 1 year ago but Thank God now I don't.Cry in your prayers and seek Allah for help.Read this dua'a all the time.

  91. Aoa,
    Can anyone tell me that can a married person sex with his wife?

    • Yes, of course a married person can have sex with his wife. Sex inside of marriage is considered a good and healthy deed.

      Wael Editor

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