Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Unpleasant sleep after drinking zamzam and duas

dreams dreamt

I have been doing a lot of Istighfars lately followed by duas. My duas usually occur after obligation prayers and before I sleep. My duas starts of by praising Allah and sending blessing to Rasoul (pbuh) and family and thanking Allah for what I currently have etc.

My duas consists of requesting that Allah forgive me for my sins, keep granting me good health, protection and for my family, keep shaytan away from me, to be successful in the dunya and akhira, to be granted Jannah, to remove burden from me, not to be those who are of the jealous or prideful, to guide those I love to Islam, guide me in marriage, children, wealth to help me be more independent and also spend in the cause of Allah, to make apparent if there are lies. There is much more and I spend a good 10min or so doing duas and as sincerely as possible. I always have conviction my duas will be answered as Allah is the only one I can turn to and knows my intentions.

One night I had a cup of Zam Zam water and said the same duas over and drank. I went to sleep and my sleep was very strange. It is as if I had a heavy burden while sleeping. I knew I was in deep sleep but something kept weighing me down. I was battling all these emotions and sad and not rested although I am sleeping. I was in fear while sleeping. I wanted to wake up but could not. I can’t really explain it as I rarely have such an experience and thought how strange after drinking zamzam and such sincere duas. I thought I would wake up with a sound and positive sleep. Other days where I have not attempted such, my sleep was normal even if I had a lot on my mind.

Is there any possible explanation for this? I woke up upset that such occurred thinking Allah indicating a sign, or that I may have said something wrong or possibly doing something not right.


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7 Responses »

  1. Can you afford to give zakat? Have judge someone, have you done something evil wrong, that you didn't make tawbah for? Allah knows best, may Allah make it easy for you Ameen

  2. Assalaamu alaykum,

    It's been my experience that when Allah guides, He guides with clarity and not with confusion. When Allah is perfecting us, He shows us exactly where we need to improve or what areas we fall short.

    You don't seem to be clear on what happened in this situation, or why. You don't seem to have a strong sense of what Allah might be trying to show you. That is not usually how Allah brings things to us. I personally believe that if Allah wanted to bring a matter to you about yourself that needed attention, you would know exactly what it is.

    So that leaves the other option, that this is a trick of shaytan (audhu billah) to distract you. He will often through confusing and unreadable "signs" at us, trying to get us to think it's from something else but him.

    In cases like these, the best thing to do is stick to what you know are the true facts. We know that zamzam water is blessed. We know that Allah loves all our dua, no matter how small or silly of often. We know that we can have an off night of sleep any time, for any number of reasons. There is nothing here to indicate that you are doing or have done something wrong.

    It's clear you want to please Allah and find His guidance in this life. Ask Allah to show you clearly where you need to improve yourself, if you are feeling convicted that something needs attention; and trust that He will show you that in a manner you won't be able to question, in shaa Allah.

    -Amy Editor

  3. Dear,
    What you experienced was sleeping paralysis..... Kind of state when the spirit gets awakened but the body does not respond to it.
    It is due to shaiytaan and jinns and sometimes our spiritual energy experience such things due to the zikr and duas.
    No need to worry.
    Just say ALAAH HU AKBAR whenever u experience such things. Shaiytaan will flee miles from you....
    People suffering from jinns and black magic also experience same things on a daily basis.
    But in your case it seems shaiytaan was jealous of your zikr and duas. So he did in order to irritate you.
    Nothing to worry. It's the enemy of all humanity - shaiytaan.
    Continue what you are doing but don't experiment with new things like reciting duas and zikr over zamzam . just follow what our prophet s.a.w. said and did in his life. If he did blew duas on zamzam do it otherwise no.

    Brother Shaan

  4. Assalaamu Alaykum Ally,

    In addition to the good responses you have received from others above, I'd like to say that, Allah knows best, but in-shaa-Allah, it seems a sign of fortune and recovery. And the best of fortunes is the love of Allah, and the best of recoveries is the returning of the heart towards Him. Perhaps, that is a sign of your spiritual victory over the Shaytaan, and in-shaa-Allah the burden has been/is being lifted up--and in-shaa-Allah, that is a sign of Allah being nearer to you and hearing you, and accepting your du'as. Therefore, you may keep on drinking the ZamZam and repeating the same procedure for a couple of times...Continue to make du'as, and to increase your closeness to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) through various Islamic religious activities.

    The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said:

    “It (ZamZam) is a blessing, and it is food that satisfies.” (Reported by Muslim, 4/1922). Al-Tayaalisi (61) added, in a version that he narrated: “and a cure for the sick.”

    Al-‘Allaamah al-Abbi (rahmatullahi 'alayhi) said:

    “(The water ZamZam) is for whatever purpose it is drunk for, and Allaah made it food and drink for Ismaa’eel and his mother Haajar.”

    Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim said (rahmatullahi 'alayhi):

    Others and I myself, had experience strange things while seeking recovery through the Zam-Zam water. Moreover, I sleeked recovery by it from several diseases, and I got cured by the permission of Almighty Allah. (Zad al-Ma'ad)

    Hope this helps in some way, and Allah Ta'ala knows best.

  5. Thank you all very much! I really appreciate it! Tabarak Allah. May Allah continue to bless and protect you all

    • Please let me know how you view this now after time has passed as I experience something a bit similar and wanna know what this means. I actually feel sick after drinking a lot of zamzam. Is this hasad or what?

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