Islamic marriage advice and family advice

wazifa for the approval of a marriage proposal

prayer, dua

Allah is 'Al-Mujeeb' - The one who responds

My sister is 26 years old. She is getting  marriage proposals, but  due to some reason they are getting rejected. Recently we got one proposal which everyone liked, even the boy and the girl and their parents. Then the  boy was not getting holidays, so the proposal got cancelled.
It would be helpful  if you can give us something to recite so that we can get that proposal back and her marriage can get fixed.
Jazak Allah qaer, Allah Hafiz.

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5 Responses »

  1. It will be better if you contact any religious scholor. because this is a serious matter.

  2. I do not understand why people ask for wazifas, when Allah subh'ana wa ta'ala has given us the most powerful weapon on earth, that has the potential to change destiny. This weapon is indeed, the "dua" of a believer. Wazifas are not a part of Islam, and to resort to wazifas for whatever purpose, good or bad, is forbidden.

    How about you make this dua, "Ya Allah! Please grant my sister a pious husband who will become a means for her to get closer to You. A husband who is devout, caring, kind, loving, compassionate, generous, honest, noble, knowledgeable and has all those qualities that are pleasing to You, Ameen!" ...isn't that simple?

    Be persistent in your dua, ask Allah as many times as you can till your sister gets married! Have faith in Allah subh'ana wa ta'ala. Tell your sister to turn to Allah subh'ana wa ta'ala and ask similar duas.The dua of a mother or father is also very powerful, so tell your parents to make similar duas. Insha'Allah, Allah will grant your sister "the" husband at the time when Allah has appointed for your sister to get married.

    Nothing can happen without the decree of Allah subh'ana wa ta'ala. What missed you, was never meant to get to you ...and what got to you, was never meant to miss you. So, do your part of seeking the righteous husband for your sister, and leave the outcome on Allah subh'ana wa ta'ala. No Wazifas!!!

  3. asalamu alaikum,

    stay away from wazifa, no such thing as recite anything for your proposal to come back etc. it will do more harm than good. just pray to Allah(swt) to make things work. if it meant to be then it will happen, by the will of Allah(swt).

    jus curious, a proposal got cancelled just because he isn't getting any holidays? sounds like an excuse maybe, but surely you can work round it. are you in the same country? if so does he work during the weekend? if not weekend is plenty of time.


  4. Assalaamualaikam

    It is best to avoid practices such as wazifas, as these are superstitions and have no place in Islam. Reciting something however many times will not make something happen if Allah has not willed it to be.

    You and your family would be better to include your sister in your duas - ask for her to find a pious husband who will treat her with kindness and respect, and with whom she can find happiness in this life and inshaAllah the next.

    I'm not sure why a proposal would not be able to happen because of a lack of holidays - it might help if you tell us a bit more about what happened with this?

    Midnightmoon editor

  5. Is it wrong to recite a verse or surah repeatedly and then reqest Allah what u wnt?

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