Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Consequences of Child Abuse

NSPCC poster campaign


I'm 21 m from India.  I have been brought up in 2 different countries from age 5 to 16 other than India.  The below mentioned incident did not happened in India.

When I was in my fourth grade I was raped  (or I don't know what to say because I did not protest I was kindda dumbstruck or maybe blank)  and then by another person in 5 grade a couple of times.  They were all in acquaintance, both were about 25+ in age.

This is the first time I'm sharing with someone because I don't give it even a thought.

My main concern is I have heard  regarding homosexuality that the one who has done and to one whom it has been done should be killed,  is it true?

Does it mean that I shouldn't marry?

Because my my mom is concerned about my marriage and see has talked to her parents also. even though the one she has searched, I don't want her.  but mom's being a dictator now.

What should I do...?


4 Responses »

  1. Salam brother the punishment for sodomy is not applied to the one who was forced to do it or if it was done by a minor. It is better to conceal this and not tell anyone else.

  2. Thank you

  3. What happened to you in 4th and 5th grade was not your fault.

    You say "even though the one (girl) she has searched, I don't want her. but mom's being a dictator now......What should I do...?"

    Why you don't want tp marry the girl your mom selected for you? Is the girl educated?

    You tell your mom you respect her and you will marry a girl she and you both like. What would you like your future wife to be like?

  4. What happened wasn't your fault. Please don't think that. Whoever did that to you will have to answer to Allah for his actions and will be punished. If you want to marry, you can marry, and considering the times we're in I'd say that you should. Follow your heart. Tell your mom that the girl will feel unhappy if she's in a relationship with no chemistry. Maybe telling it to her from the girl's perspective will cool things down.

    At the end of the day, it's absolutely your choice. Ibn Taymiyah once said that don't obey the creation if it means disobedience to the Creator (Allah). Which means since you want to marry for Allah's reward, you can go along as you like, while trying to be diplomatic to your mom. Insha Allah she will come to accept your choices.

    It is really hard sometimes when you're trying to make life-changing decisions. Take care, brother.

    (If I said anything wrong, it's from myself and Shaytan, and if I said anything good, it's from Allah and his guidance).

    Salam alaykum

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