Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Husband commits adultery when he travels

LIpstick mark on shirt.

Just found out my husband commits adultery (a real shock) when he travels and maybe at other times too. Facebook hmm.

Well i am thinking of how to deal with it. I love him. Do I?

I know I have to discuss with him. I want the best way to go about this. The point is I dont mind another wife (He knows). But for Allah's sake why adultery.

Please help.


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5 Responses »

  1. Salaam sister,

    Because with second the man has to take equal amount of responsibility as he takes for his first wife. He has to provide food, shelter, clothing and quality time spend with each of his wives as well as any children and probably extended families too. Whereas, with adultery, no responsibility whatsoever but simply to fulfill his unlawful/lustful desires with other girls.

    Or may be by you being okay with second wife business he thinks you will more okay with him committing zina. Tobah but he is taking advantage of yourl ove or he doesnt know the diffetence between polygamy and zina.

    If anything, he needs to fear ALLAH (swt) and yes you need confront him with this issue and he will say sorry but be sure it is a sincere sorry.


  2. Also when he travels (if it is business trip), you are not with him. So maybe because of that too he commits adultery.
    I don't know sister but you do need to sit and talk to him about this and be strict!

  3. Get right to the point, ask him WHY adultery?

  4. How do you know he does it at the first place?

  5. Salaam,

    Your post is written...somewhat strangely to be honest. I'm having difficulting trying to figure out if your actually 'hurt' by this or not?

    There is nowhere near sufficient information provided for us to give a proper answer to you sister. Therefore, please provide a little more detail so that atleast we know that your belief about your husband committing adultery is atleast a sound one and not just suspicion!

    If your reasons for believing he is committing adultery is justified, then you have said it yourself - u know the answer: to sit and discuss with him. Yes , that's exactly what you would have to do - confront him and deal with the matter amicably like two adults inshallah.

    Was salaam

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