Is my dad qualified to be my wali?
As a father my dad is a nice man .He raised me well and send me to religious school .
But the thing is , he works in a bar and earns money out of serving alcohol . My dad also rarely prays during his youth , only now he starts to pray but there are some gabs . He does fasts . But I can say that his religious knowledge is very shallow .
And I can also say that he does not perform savings zakat , because he only thought zakat is the one that is performed during eid ul fitr . So my question here is , does this disqualify my dad as a wali ? I have a half brother but he is not muslim . I also have half uncles and yes they are muslims , but they do not live in the same country as I do .
If my dad does not qualify as my wali , what should I do ? because he's like my best friend ,and I don't know how to break this news to him , but I also want my marriage to be valid .
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As salamu alaykum sarahana,
Thank you very much for sharing.
You should ask an Iman or someone qualified to answer you if your father can be your wali.
There is an order stablished to whom can be your wali,
"The woman’s wali is her father, then his father (i.e., her grandfather), then her son, then his son (i.e., her grandson) [this applies if she has sons], then her full brother, then her half-brother through her father only, then the sons of her full brother, then the sons of her half-brother through her father, then her paternal uncles, then their sons, then the father’s paternal uncles, then the ruler. Al-Mughni (9/355). "
I am really sorry for not being able to help you.
All my Unconditional Respect,
María Editor
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatulalh wa barakatuh
I am going to answer according the best of my ability but I am not a scholar or the like. My reply is just basd on my understanding from what I have read. A person is taken from the realms of Iman when they are no longer praying...however you said your father never prayed in his youth but is praying at present, Alhamduilah. Therefore one cannot say it is anything other than a Muslim. Having said that, a disbeliever is not allowed to be a wali for a Muslim woman, even if it's her father therefore the Imam in the community can be her appointed wali (unless she has a muslim grandfather/brother/uncle).
This is not the case for you, as your father in Muslim, by this I would conclude that he is still very much your wali but in need of more motivation/knoweldge to enjoin good and forgive evil.. wa Allahu Alim. Please visist for different rulings regarding different situations, you can even ask this question there.
Here are a couple links that might help to get a better scope of the issue:
"If there is no father, then the grandfather is the wali. If there is no grandfather then her brothers are her walis, and it is does not matter if they are younger than her, but it is essential that the wali be an adult. If one of her brothers is an adult then he is her wali, even if he is younger than her."
The Prophet also cursed ten types of people relating to the issue of wine, among them the one who sells it. In addition, selling it would be assisting and abetting people in sin and transgression, and Allaah the Almighty has said (interpretation of the meaning):
Umm Abdullah Editor
Asalam wa alykume
Glory be to allah and may the peace and blessings be on his messenger
My muslim sister YES YOUR FATHER IS A VALID Maharam
He meets 3 conductions
1 he is muslim , the fact that he prays means that he in with in the fold of islam and there is
There is ijamh about this , the shabaah used to never consider anyone as being a kaffar
Unless the abandons the pray
NB the fact that he may comit sins only means that he is wrong in that but this does not put him
Out of the fold of islam . A muslim sister may wear tighit clother lets say jeans that shows the figure
She is wrong in doing that but she is still muslim
2 He is among the people that you cannot marry
Basically thats it , he can be you r maharam
You may remove him from the position only if
you face a problem if he wishes that you do not marry a pious brother for an unislamic reason like he is from a different race in which case yo u can get someone else the imam of your musjid or uncles to take over but he rightfully you r maharam
Check out this lecture its actually about who u cant get married to but the shykh explains in great detail who your maharam is
The lecture is called
Forbiden to marry a maharam
And allah knows best