Islamic marriage advice and family advice

Any prayer/dua to stop my mother-in-law from performing black magic?

black magic sorcerer

Black magic

Assalam O Alaikum,

My mother in law has been practicing black magic to destroy my marriage and life for more than 30 years now. I am very sensitive to what she does and keep praying so Allah protects me but there are times when it is unbearable. My only goal is to leave my husband and my children and stay by myself far from them. I love my children more than anyone can imagine but my desire is to stay away from them.

The people who know me well can't understand me and point all the time to this source as the culprit of my problems in my life. Is there any prayer I can say so Allah turns her towards good deeds and away from this destructive behavior? Please pray for me and my family because I am a human being who is suffering in the hands of a witch (may Allah (SWT) forgive me.

Thank you so much for your help and jazakoum Allah InshaAllah


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11 Responses »

  1. AsSalamualaikum,

    Sister, before proceeding any further, we need to know, what makes you believe that she has done magic / black magic on you? Do you have substantial proof for your claim? Have you seen her perform the acts of magic? Have you seen her interact with the Shaitaan?

    What makes you say that?

    There is a cure for magic, but you should be sure that it is magic. For that, you'll need to reply to this with:

    1. The reason or proof for your claim
    2. The effect of the magic on you: the symptoms

    Sorry sister, but until you provide these, we'll find it difficult to provide help. And remember that practice of magic is a major sin and infact is Kufr. So, before you accuse anyone of it, be sure that you're right. Because if you're not right, the accusation will bounce back on you.

    Muhammad Waseem Editor

    P.S: Surah al Baqarah keeps the Shaitaan away from the home. Please recite from it everyday. Make supplications of day and night and before you sleep (you can use the book Hisn al Muslim or Fortress of the Muslim for these duas, downloadable here: )

  2. I second Muhammad Waseem's questions. What is the proof? How do you know that she is doing that?

    I believe that suspicions of witchcraft are far, far more widespread than the actual practice of these dark arts, especially in the subcontinent. People who cannot find logical reasons for the problems in their lives immediately leap to the conclusion of witchcraft. It's an easy out, a way of avoiding sincere introspection and difficult personal change.

    However, in general, you can recite Surat An-Nas and Surat Al-Falaq as protection against such things. And Allah knows best.

    Wael Editor

  3. Lilah,

    It's hard to know if your mother-in-law is practicing black magic against you, but her actions are indeed having a negative impact upon you. I would like to share with you some practical, non-magic things that you can do to combat her negativity/magic. As Brother Waseem stated, the use of magic is Kufur. It is also dangerous when used incorrectly, so it's best left alone.

    First, I would like to point out that your mother-in-law has been attempting for 30 years to destroy your marriage, yet you are still married. Obviously Allah does protect you as you stated in your message. That is a positive thing is it not?

    To deal with your mother-in-law's negativity, you must infuse yourself and your life with positivity. Here are the four things you must "practice" to combat your mother-in-law: gratitude, compassion/forgiveness, meditation, and kindness.

    1. The Practice of Gratitude: Each morning after your prayers list 10 things/blessings in your life that you are thankful for be they big or small: good weather, the love of your children, a roof over your head etc. Then reflect on why you are grateful for these things and the way they positively impact you. As you go through out your day and you feel negative thoughts or emotions come over you, pause and reflect back on the blessings you are thankful for. Push away the negative thoughts and replace them with the positives in your life. Before going to sleep at night, reflect upon your day and focus on the positive things that occurred, whether it was a great meal for dinner, a butterfly you saw etc. These positive occurrences during the day are our simple, daily blessings. When we focus on the blessings of the day and are thankful for them we sleep better.

    2. Practice of Compassion/Forgiveness: When someone is repeatedly negative toward us, it is an instinctive reaction to be negative in return. We must constantly remind ourselves that "like attracts like". Think upon you mother-in-law...for years she has been negative toward you. The negativity must be eating her up. What a terrible way to live, so full of unhappiness and bitterness. It is a cycle. She is negative in her thoughts and or deeds and that comes back on her threefold filling her with more darkness, corrupting her heart and destroying her soul. You can't fix her, but you can open your heart to her pain and feel compassion for what it must be like to live the way she does. Feel sorry for her and forgive her for all she has done to you in her words and her deeds. Really forgive her which is hard to do, but I'm sure if you pray to Allah for the strength to forgive her, He will guide you. I know you wanted a prayer for Allah to change her heart, but that is His will. Instead pray that He give you the ability to forgive her as she is now.

    3. Practice of Meditation: Take time during the day to practice meditation. Find a comfortable, quiet place that makes you feel peaceful and relax. Close your eyes and envision all bad things upon you floating away. Let go of the bad feelings, let go of the upsetting emotions. When we hold on to those things, they become a yoke around our neck dragging us down. It's exhausting to carry this around all the time! Let go. Feel yourself getting lighter as you unburden yourself. Meditation takes practice, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. When you meditate, also visualize Allah's love and protection surrounding you. Then when your day seems rough, you can pull up the vision of His protection and it will bring calmness to you.

    4. Practice of Kindness: I don't know if you have any interaction with you mother-in-law, but if and when you do, practice treating her with kindness. If she tries to argue with you, do not be baited. If she hurls negative words at you, deflect them. Smile at her, compliment her from time to time. This might disarm her enough that she is less negative, but who knows. Say no negative words about her, push away negative thoughts you have of her. Either way you have to be the better person, envision Allah's protection, remind yourself of your blessings, forgive her deeds and words, and remember that Allah gives us the strength to deal with our trials, but we must find and tap into that strength within us.

    I pray that you and your mother-in-law find peace.


    • This is beautiful Lydia. I have practised this myself and feel a tremendous difference when I changed my attitude. Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah. JazakAllah. I just came across this by chance a few minutes ago. May all of us live in a peaceful world with Allah's Mercy and Love. The change only comes from our outlook on life thru eyes of mercy and kindness and to know that one day we will cross that path ourselves and when that happens we want it to be from kindness and compassion which will be reflected back at us in many unknown ways. That is Allah (SWT)'s beauty. He always make it a way when we accept our testing and know that it will end soon, it does. The hardship you endure my sister will make your children stronger when they think of your patience as a mother who loves her children more than anything. Bring to mind the vast character of the Prophet (s) who was tested in soo many ways and that was to show us how to endure through the difficulty. Every trial was met with kindness and mercy. InshaAllah we try to envision the Rahma that will allow all of the ummah to be pardoned when we will need it the most. Alhamdulillah wa shukr alhamdulillah wa shukr alhamdulillah wa shukr. And Allah will grant more inshaAllah as we keep repeating that.
      Masalaam and wishing you peace,

  4. salam lilah. this website was a life savior, it has LOADS of information, that i can tell you will help if u remain steadfast.

    please visit it asap.

    Also like brother muhammad suggested surah baqarah is a really good surah. Also istiqfar abdundantly.

    i found the below article fascinating, its about istiqfar. please join the website ASAP and inshallah you will get some help if its blackmagic. salams.

    Benefits of Reciting Istighfaar in Abundance

    Insha'Allah, all the members on this forum are getting better, receiving blessings, mercy and forgivness from Allah ta'ala.

    I wanted to share the following selection about the power of seeking (sincere) forgiveness and tawbah from Allah, and how it removes our dificulties in our lives. I really believe that 100x daily istighfar is NOT enough, [Moderator's Note: With reference to authentic hadeeth, the Prophet recite Istighfar 70 or 100 times each day] when you consider that even if we don't think we have committed any sins, perhaps we ate something haram, lied to someone, broke a promise, or backbited someone who was more pious than we are, or taken riba unwittingly through some transaction etc. There are many possibilities! Even if we as individual Muslims assume we did not commit a sin, Allah knows what actions we have done to offend Him. This is why I have increased my istighfar much more than what I have been doing. Hope someone who doesn't know this can benefit from this info, most of you already know this anyway. I shortened some of these so if you see it somewhere else in its entirety, this is why.

    Remember: Whenever a sin is committed, big or small, say: أَسْتَغْفِرُالله (Astaghfirullah), i.e. O Allah! I seek Your forgiveness. The man who opts for Istighfar i.e. always begs forgiveness, Allah rids him of every worry, trouble and grief and gives him livelihood beyond imagination.


    May Allah forgive us all! اَسْتَغْفِرُاﷲَ الَّذِیْ لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا ھُوَالْحَیُّ الْقَیُّوْمُ وَاَتُوْبُ اِلَیْہ

    Salvation is a very great blessing. Just imagine, when the pronouncement of salvation for the Messenger of Allah was made in the Holy Quran, he was overjoyed. Only that Mu'min is successful who is absolved. If this salvation and forgiveness is demanded of Allah, it is called "Istighfar." Allah blesses that nation with the capacity and chance to repent whom He wants to save from punishment. The incident of Hazrat Younas' people is present in the Holy Quran. There occur some curtains and hurdles between man's supplication and the High Throne due to sins. Istighfar removes those curtains and hurdles.

    Once Hazrat Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal was travelling across a far-off village of Iraq that the night fell. There was neither any intimacy nor a place to settle. He intended to spend the night in the Masjid. When he went there, the watchman refused to let him in. He tried to tell him but he was adamant to his stand. Hazrat Imaam said, "I may sleep here on the floor outside the Masjid." So he lay there but the watchman was adamant to his stand. He caught his feet and began to drag him away the Masjid when a baker caught sight of it. He requested Hazrat Imaam to spend the night at his house. He served and respected him well. Then he went out to knead flour. Imaam Sahib noted and heard him begging forgiveness going about and kneading flour. When in the morning, he was asked, he said that it was his daily routine. He said, "Did you ever find its apparent benefit? He said, "Yes, every of my supplication is granted. Only one supplication is till now not granted." He said, "Which one?" He said, "The supplication of visiting Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal." He said, "I am Ahmad bin Hambal. This supplication of yours has also been granted. I have been dragged to you."

    The benefits of excellences and effects of Istighfar are very wonderful but the common people do not attend to it. This is also the curse of sins that despite reading so many uses of Istighfar, people do not opt for it. If I write down today the excellences and uses of Istighfar mentioned in the Holy Quran without explanation, the column will extend to eight pages. A few days ago, I happened to study the writing of an Arab female scholar. Allah had blessed her with so many blessings and benefits of Istighfar. She writes, "O sister, burning in sorrows, miseries and worries, O sister wasting away yourself in weeping, O sister caught by trials, tribulations and troubles, why do you not use the medicine of Istighfar? It is balm of every injury and cure of every worry, every grief and every trouble." All these things are certainly true and the benefits of Istighfar are just a glimpse otherwise the man who beseeches to Allah again and again and repents of his sins, he will gain everything in the world.

    A lady writes her own incident. She was a widow of thirty years with five children. She had neither a proper place to live nor any source of livelihood. She was a single widow with five children. It is not difficult to estimate her grief and worries. During those days of anxiety, she heard this tradition on the radio.
    مَنْ لَزِمَ الْاِسْتِغْفَارَ جَعَلَ اﷲُ لَہُ مِنْ کُلَّ ھَمٍّ فَرْجًا وَّمِنْ کُلِّ ضِیْقٍ مَخْرَجًا وَّرَزَقَہ، مِنْ حَیْثُ لَا یَحْتَسِبْ.

    The man who opts for Istighfar i.e. always begs forgiveness, Allah rids him of every worry, trouble and grief and gives him livelihood beyond imagination.

    She was a Mu'min slave of Allah. She began to say, "Now all my problems are solved." She busied herself and her children with Istighfar daily. They begged forgiveness for thousands of times daily. Only six months had passed that they found papers of inheritance estate. So they constructed their own house with millions of rupees and every luxury. Subhaan Allah! Those who ask forgiveness of Allah are very dear to Him. He does not render them needy of others. That lady thanked Allah and continued Istighfar. She set her children to get religious education and memorizing the Holy Quran. I happened to visit a great saint who had very strict terms and conditions a few days ago. Some saints are very mild whereas some others are strict with regard to the limits of Shariah. The creature benefits from both types of saints. The things that have been called "Cure" in traditions, honey and Hijaamah are also included in them. Allah has placed cure in both. Same are the kinds of the saints of Allah. Someone treats with honey i.e. mildness whereas the other with Hijaamah i.e. strictness. He was a strict saint. He would not often accept pledging from those who would go to pledge an oath of allegiance with him. If he was light to someone, he would say, "Observe fasts for three days and recite Istighfar for one and quarter past one lac times." Allah be thanked, wonderful benefits of Istighfar were observed. Someone was blessed with visiting of the Messenger of Allah and others were given some other blessing instantly. Qazi Abu Ali At-Tanukhi has written a book "Kitab-ul-Farj Ba'd-ul-Shiddata" ’’کتاب الفرج بعد الشدّۃ‘‘ i.e. Amplitude And Comfort After Hard Times. It is a very brief but effective book. He writes his own incident, "The enemies captivated me and intended to kill me. I recited Hazrat Younas' supplication abundantly during. That supplication had Tauheed, praise and Istighfar that is لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اَنْتَ سُبْحَانَکَ اِنِّیْ کُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِیْن After regular recitation for nine days, I was released from that captivity."

    Sins are actually like the fat that when clots the veins of the heart there is heart-attack. Sins are like the web that prevails upon the eye and the eyes are sour. Sins are like the garbage that when it clots the water pipe, it is like a poison that when enters blood or vein it causes cancer. Istighfar is treatment of them all. Our sins have blocked those invisible pipes and lines from where mercy, peace, might and lawful living descend. Passing through them, our supplications reach the High Throne. We can avoid every grief, pain, misery deprivation, disease, shock and every trouble by asking forgiveness. The actual reward is that of the Hereafter about which Hazrat Ayesha says: طوبیٰ لمن وُجد فی صحیفتہ استغفارا کثیرا
    Glad tidings i.e. Allah's good pleasure and Paradise is for the one in whose Recording Book is Istighfar in abundance. Allah be thanked, our organization has been blessed with Istighfar in abundance owing to the blessings of Kalimah Tayyibah, prayer and Jihaad. Never be negligent in reciting Kalimah Tayyibah in abundance. It should be at least for 100 times daily.
    Hazrat Ali. العجب ممن یھلک و معہ النجاۃ قیل وماھی قال: ’’الاستغفار‘‘ Woe is to one who is ruined when he has the prescription with him. Asked, "What is that prescription?" The answer came, "Istighfar."


    The challenge of Satan

    Satan laid a challenge just prior to Sayyiduna Adam (may Allah’s peace be upon him) was sent down to earth. He said: “O Allah! I will lead your servants astray and direct them to Jahannam (hellfire)” [because man is my rival and it is because of man that I have been dismissed from my high position]. Sayyiduna Adam (may Allah’s peace be upon him) pleaded unto Allah: “O Allah! You have given my enemy Satan so much power, which my progeny and I do not possess. He can adopt different forms and he can come in such forms in which we cannot see him but he can see us. He is a jinn and we are human beings. There are many differences in our dispositions. He will drive us into Jahannam!”

    The weapon given by Allah

    Allah Most High replied: “O Adam! Undoubtedly We have given him tremendous powers, but there is a weapon to overcome his powers. We will give you that weapon and as long as you use that weapon, no attack of his will be effective, and the name of that weapon is istighfar.” So, whenever a sin is committed, say Astaghfirullah from the depths of your heart.

    Sins are forgiven through istighfar

    Allah Most High does not send His punishment on those who make istighfar. The Noble Qur’an says: “He will not punish them while they seek forgiveness (from Allah).” (Surah Anfal)

    Allah Most High has placed the desire for sin in our hearts and has also placed (a certain amount) of pleasure in them, thus it is not easy to save oneself from sin. Man inadvertently goes towards them. Therefore, through His vast Mercy, Allah Most High has opened such an extensive door, when we commit sin, then with genuine regret, make istighfar and tawbah (repentance), forgiveness will be granted.

    The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) has said: “A person who makes tawbah from a sin is like that person who has not committed a sin at all.” (Narrated by Ibn Majah from Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him))

    Make tawbah every time a sin is committed

    When a sin is committed once, make tawbah. When the same sin is committed again, make tawbah again, Allah Most High will forgive. So much so that if the same sin is committed seventy times and tawbah is made every time, it will be forgiven every time because the doors of tawbah are always open. So even if the tawbah is broken a thousand times, keep on repairing it, that Rahim (Merciful), Karim (Benevolent) will forgive a thousand times.


    Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has said in another Hadith: “The one who seeks forgiveness for [Mu'min] males and females from Allah Ta’aala twenty six or twenty five times every day, Allah Ta’ala will count that person among those whose Du’a is accepted, and through the barakah of whom those on earth gain rizq (sustenance).”

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) not only made himself 70 till 100 times a day Istighfar and Taubah, but as well enjoined the Muslims to ask Allah Ta’ala frequently for forgiveness. One of the many virtues of Istighfar, that can be found in Ahadith, is that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala deals with the person engaging much in Istighfar in a similar way like with the servant attaining Taqwa.

    Sayyidina Abdullah bin Abbas (radhiallahu anho) narrates that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “The one who (regularly) says Istighfaar, that is, frequently repent to Allah Ta’aala for sins committed, Allah ‘Azza Wa-Jalla will open a path from poverty and difficulties. All sorrow and hardship will be removed, and in its place prosperity and contentment granted. One will receive sustenance from unimagined and unexpected sources.”

    Ibn `Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.'' [Abu Dawud].

    1. Transliteration: Allahumma ighfir lil muslimeena wal-muslimaat, wal-mu'mineena wal-mu'minaat, al-ahyaa'i minhom wal-amwat.

    O Allah, forgive the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and the believing women, the alive from them and the dead. Ameen, ameen.

    2. Leader in Gaining Forgiveness:
    The best supplication for forgiveness is to say: Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Khalaqtani wa ana 'abduka, wa ana 'ala 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu. A'udhu bika min sharri ma sana'tu, abu'u laka bini'matika 'alayya wa abu'u laka bidhanbi * innahu la yaghfiru Zunuba illa anta.

    O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant, and I try my best to keep my covenant (faith) with You and to live in the hope of Your promise. I seek refuge in You from evil done by me. I acknowledge Your favors upon me and I acknowledge my sins. So forgive me for none forgives sins but You.

    3.The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever says, on Friday morning before the salatul fajr: ‘Astaghfirullaahalladhi laa ilaaha illa huwal hayyul qayyumu wa attuubu ilaih’ – ‘I seek the forgiveness of Allah, there is no other god except Him, the Living, the Sustaining, and I repent unto Him,’ three times, Allah will forgive his sins even if they were as abundant as the foam on the sea."

    [Moderator's Note: Minor edit to Mu'min (believers) as per hadith]
    "Verily, Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O Believers! Send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation." (33:56) Salawaat Ibrahim: "Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali sayyidina Muhammadin kama salaita 'ala Sayyidina Ibrahima wa 'ala ali Sayyidina Ibrahima innaka hamidun majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Sayyidina Muhamad wa 'ala ali Sayidinna Muhammadin kama barakta 'ala Sayyidina Ibrahima wa 'ala ali Sayyidina Ibrahim innaka hamidun majid."

  5. Salam alakum,

    I would like to know which dua must I learn to prevent black magic or to remove magic from one person.
    I need a specific dua only for this, if there are procedure which I must follow, please state them clearly.

    Thank you



  6. Assalamu alaykom

    Try reciting 3 times each
    Surah Fatiha
    Surah ikhlas
    Surah falaq
    Surah Nass
    Ayat Kursi

    And "wa jaalna min bayna Aydihim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan fa aghshaynahoum fa Houm la yabsiroun" verse 36:9 (Surah yasin) (conceals you from enemies)

    First thing in morning and night.

    If you had to choose one amongst all is ayat Kursi, it is the most most important one because it protects.
    Remember no evil can touch you except if Allah had written it for you so be grateful for all trials and reap the rewards for your patience.

    May Allah keep you and your family in protection and all Muslims and believers, Ameen

  7. Assalam aleykum, what do I do if I keep seeing ma daddy in ma dreams witching me
    Am I have been sick for long with witchcraft ,rukya have bee
    Read over n over thank God I am well though sometimes
    I get strange sickness
    An always dream daddy is behind all dis and I see him
    Wanting to kill me for wealth, pliz I need duas which I can
    Read to help him out of witchcraft

    • zamzam, As-salamu alaykum. Do you have any reason to believe your father would want to bewitch you? Do you truly have wealth that he wants? Has he been abusive toward you? If so, the dreams may simply be a psychological response to the abuse. I suggest you register and submit your question as a separate post, and give us more information and family background so that we can advise you Insha'Allah.

      Wael Editor

  8. Assalamu alikum.
    I m 27 yr old n my bro is 29 not yet marrid.. We r reciting dua n had tawiz also but coldnt get good match plz. Tell me marrig i m tere in my destiny or not...

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