Islamic marriage advice and family advice

My name is Amanda, do I have to change my name to convert?

muslim names


My name is Amanda and I really really love my name and the meaning of my name,is Latin name which means lovable or worthy of love.My question is   ,do I must to change my name if I'm converting to Islam, because my future husband is  a Muslim?Is not possible just to accept the religion and not changing my beautiful name?He doesn't know if I need to change my name or not,but his sister told him today that I need to change it and he told me this morning and that  make me very very sad because I really don't want to change my name and I don't think that I'm able to accept it . Is possible that I need to change my name.

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13 Responses »

  1. Hi Amanda.

    Congratulations on entering the beautiful religion of Islam! I pray that Allah helps you on your journey. To the best of my knowledge you only have to change your name if the meaning goes against the essence of Islam. E.g. if the meaning of your name was divine or blasphemous. Worthy of love or loveable are neither of these so to the best of my knowledge you can keep your name as it doesnt go against islam. It has a nice meaning.

    My father also converted when he married, and officially his name is still a christian name. However, he chose a Muslim nickname which he is now known by, which was his compromise to his in laws. My sister in-law also chose a muslim nickname when she converted. This may be an option for you to help keep your in laws content with this issue. Either way it is not essential. And Allah knows best.

    Sara Editor

  2. Amanda, there is no need to change your name. I know that many Muslims will tell you that you have to change it, but from an Islamic perspective one only has to change the name if it has an un-Islamic meaning. Since the meaning of the name Amanda is good, there is no need to change it if you convert.

    Wael Editor

  3. Amanda,

    I too was pressured into taking on a Muslim name when I accepted Islam. I was given the name Najah by my mother in law, God rest her soul. However, I like you...really love my given name. My birth name means rolling hills or meadows. I spent a lot of time reading and I came across a newspaper article whereby someone had the same question you are posting here. Basically, there is no compulsion in Islam to change ones name unless it has an un-Islamic meaning. Needless to say, I use my birth name and have for years. It suits me perfectly's who I am.

  4. hello my name is amanda 2 and i was wondering the exact same thing! My inlaws wanted me 2 change my name 2 amira but im greatful i dont have 2 change it. Thank u.

  5. no need to change because i'm a muslim since birth and my parents named me amanda so yeah, dont change 😉

  6. I am often asked why I do not have a Muslim name. My answer is always the same. I am a Muslim by choice and conviction, therefore Bruce Tyler is a Muslim name of which I and my family are proud. If you perform your prayers, and live the life of a believer, rest assured God will certainly be pleased to have Amanda as one of his.

  7. Does the translation she who must be loved go against islam principles? I have the same query because my name is amanda and i am love but the alternate meaning is she who must be loved and i find that i must have attention which is vanity in my eyes. Also does anyone know where to find Islamic guidance for a new convert. I felt a overwhelming sense of pain for my sins but heard allah call in the quiet of the night. Is this type of thing normal and where do i find guidance and answers to my questions right now?

  8. See what everyone does wrong is we really don't know if she has to change it... Allah only knows plus if it is not offensive to Islam then I wouldn't change it. But a bit of advice to you Amanda when really thinking about it you e already changed the most important part subhamallah and that is turning back to Allah SWT so if you did have to change the name shouldn't be but a minor compared to what you've already achieved. And God is worth it all. Alhamdillah.he is truly the God of all heavens.

  9. اسلام و علیکم رحمتہ اللہ علیہ برکتہ
    You are welcome
    Thank you very much for liking and accepting Islam
    May ALLAH remove all your worries and keep you safe and make everything easy for you (Ameen).

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