How do I file divorce?
My husband and I went on separate paths 10 yrs ago. Since in my country, divorce is not a practice, and annulment and legal separation is a long and expensive process, we just decided to leave it as it is. He converted to Islam in 2006, and we separated same year too. I decided to work in Dubai, and just recently decided to embrace Islam and start a new life. How shall I go about filing divorce now with my husband since we both are converts?
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Dear sister Ashbah:
If you are a Filipino and both of you are Muslim converts, then you can secure a divorce before the Sharia Court even if you were married under Civil Law.
Under PD. 1083, otherwise known as the Code of Muslim Personal Laws in the Philippines, on conversion to Islam of a non-Muslim and its effect: “Article 178 of the Code provides – Effect on Conversion to Islam on Marriage. – The conversion of non-Muslim spouses to Islam shall have the legal effect of ratifying their marriage as if the same had been performed in accordance with the provisions of this Code or Muslim law, provided there is no legal impediment to the marriage under Muslim law.”
Thank you
Sister ,
Which country you belong to where this divorce is not practiced ?I have not heard about such things before .