Islamic marriage advice and family advice

seeking second opinion about istikhara

Dream interpretation, dream symbols

How can I interpret my dream?


I did istikhara for marriage. I strongly believe that istikhara isn't about dreams or colors, its just that Allah directs you towards what is better for you. In my heart I am satisfied and willing to marry this guy. He has sent a proposal through his family, Alhamdulillah, and my parents are ok with his family and all, but the thing is that he is going to marry for the second time while it will be my first marriage. My parents aren't ok in the sense that they say it's uncommon for first timers to marry second timers, and they suspect I might not be happy with him and all. My mom is concerned and kinda tries to scare me with possible negative outcomes.

Usually I don't see stuff or remember my dreams, but last night I saw some fragments of dream that I remember.. I saw an old woman pass away. There wasent any mourning or anything. Then I saw stairs, and  I had the feeling that because of my relationship to the guy, I could easily access the stairs. When I woke up, white color got hold of my mind. It's all in fragments and I don't feel that's what istikhara is about. Plus I prayed for Allah to just make my heart satisfied on the right decision, as I can't really figure out if my dreams are good or from shaitan or merely fragments from my unconscious mind.

Also I slept very late, and woke early because of work the night I saw all this. Could you suggest what it could be? My heart is intent on marrying this guy, but sometimes because of my mom, I get concerned, too. I only need the admin to comment, as I've read tht guidance for dreams should be taken from people who have the respective knowledge, and also the Prophet PBUH said tht dreams should be interpreted by well wishers and in a positive way.

Jazak ALLAH,


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8 Responses »

  1. Istekhara has got nothing to do with dream.. See my extensive replies on this on istekhara section .

    • You asked the question and you answered. ( I strongly believe that istikhara isn't about dreams or colors, its just that Allah directs you towards what is better for you. ) that's it.
      regarding the second part, are you ok with being a wife of a man with multiple wife's? If yes...then go a head, if not then you need to sit with the future husband...ask him why he is planing to get married again..( from a man point of view. is little bit weird someone is thinking like this at this early stage, he did not even got married yet at all, anyway.....) if his reason is convincing and you can not change it....maybe you need to rethink it. If you see the reason can be changed by you as a wife then say yes and work on it.....remember if you be a good wife and a helper (four things rasoolallah mentioned to be so) then he will be just like a slave in his love and loyalty. .....

      • He not married now, hez a divorcee. Anyway thank you for taking out the time to reply 🙂 , also cud u plz mention the 4 things rasoolAllah S.A.W for a good wife?

        • The four things are....."if he looks at her, he will enjoy her look.....if he ask her to do something, she will not refuse to do it (as long as it is permitted ion Islam).....if he leaves her at home alone, she will protect his wealth and dignity (herself from another man) ....and if he swear or promise to do something, she will help him to accomplish it".....
          Imagine a wife does all of this to her husband.... do you think that man will look at any other woman? I tell you NO WAY ON EARTH this will is a guarantee from RasooAllah SAW.....

  2. Salaams,

    None of us are able to interpret dreams, but like you said- that has nothing to do with what kind of istikhara result you got anyway.

    It sounds like your family is concerned that this mean is a divorcee, and you've never been married before. I'm sure they wonder why he divorced to begin with, and worry that the same might happen to you. That's understandable.

    However, just because he's divorced doesn't mean he's not a suitable husband. There are all kinds of reasons marriages end, and many of them are valid. Parents shouldn't block a marriage on that aspect alone. I think there needs to be more open dialogue between you, your potential husband, and your parents all together. In shaa Allah he can allay their fears as they get to know him better, and truly become supportive of the marriage.

    If that doesn't work and you still feel that they are overlooking his better qualities, involve an imam who can neutrally assess the situation and help a resolution be reached. Worst case scenario, he can act as your wali if your parents continue to deny your progress toward marriage for unislamic reasons, and you can get married that way.

    -Amy Editor

  3. Salam.

    White colour is a positive sign however regarding the dream, no one can interpret dreams in anyway. Do istikhara again & Allah knows Best.

    wa Salam

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